Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 983 Earth Collapse and Mountain Destruction (4k)

In early March, Microsoft, Yike and the Android camp conducted a wave of mutual expressions of demands.

It didn't last long, and a wide range of manufacturers were involved. They reached an understanding with each other and each had their own hidden thoughts.

Rather than going up to participate in the collision, everyone still wants to watch the final result of the actual battle between Finnish overlord Nokia and industry dark horse Yike.

For Microsoft, this is an opportunity to strengthen the WM system.

For Apple, this is an opportunity to eat into Nokia's market share.

For Google and Samsung, if things are not harmonious, they may need to think about it in the long term.

For other minor characters, maybe they can eat meat and drink soup this time.

However, there are turbulent undercurrents among manufacturers and no relevant news has been leaked. The external public opinion environment of Yike is still similar to before.

The attention of the financial media generally focuses on the ITC's ruling process and the timing of the results.

Previously, Fang Zhuoyi, the head of Yike, publicly responded to the worst outcome of Nokia's lawsuit during a live broadcast on YouTube, meaning "this worst is not that bad", and Yike's new phone in June can be successfully launched for sale. .

Now, this worst-case scenario has been unearthed by the dedicated media as a new "worst". The new judge replaced by the ITC said that it will rule on the infringement cases between Yike and Nokia as soon as possible and fairly.

Because of such the latest information, the media that had been gradually entrenched around Yike and the short-selling institutions behind it suddenly became more excited.

The big short John Paulson didn't say anything after that sentence that moved Yike's stock.

But his interest is like the epitome of a group of short-selling institutions, like a shark that smells blood and lingers in a body of water for a long time and refuses to disperse.

Peter is the chief investment officer of the hedge fund P\u0026amp;amp;amp;T and one of the founders of the fund. P\u0026amp;amp;amp;T led by him almost did not lose money during this financial crisis, and it can be considered a general cry. Quite famous in the circle.

Now, as the patent litigation between Nokia and Yike enters the second half, Peter actively enters the market after observing and verifying various news, believing that Yike will face the risk of a sharp drop in market value in the near future.

"Gentlemen, I think we need to educate you about Nokia's patent reserves, and we also need to educate you about the bad consequences of the ITC ban."

"Oh, the latter situation does not require popular science. LG Electronics, which has just been banned from sales by Yike using its patent, is the best example in front of us."

When Peter participated in a financial program, he enthusiastically explained his views to the audience, and he couldn't wait to talk about the fact that he had connections within ITC.

Is there anything left to say or argue about Yike's infringement of Nokia's patents?

If someone wasn't dealing with it passively, the results should be announced immediately now.

Peter could not say this and could only use his identity as a well-known Wall Street fund manager to provide various examples, including the boring explanation Nokia once gave to the media, the information tendency in the litigation process between Apple and Nokia, etc.

However, compared to the impact of the glorious halo of the "King of Short Sellers", Peter is just an "ordinary" fund partner. Like many fund managers, his words can only be reduced to "negative media views" during the rebound of Yike's stock price. .

In particular, when Bloomberg interviewed the three market leaders of Yike and sorted out the industry dark horse's predictions for the development of smartphones in 2009, the influence of negative opinions became even smaller.

Pan Ben, President of Yike Europe: "The 3G market in Europe is very mature and one of the most competitive markets. However, Yike is not afraid of competition. Instead, we hope that everyone can work together to make the smartphone market bigger."

"Looking at the performance of a single model, the latest sales volume of Mars2 in the European market, which we released in June last year, has exceeded 6.4 million units. I believe everyone in the industry knows that this is an extremely excellent number!"

"We are confident to achieve annual sales of 9 million units!"

"Thanks to the increasingly tacit cooperation with operators and the non-linear growth of the user base, I think Mars3, released in June this year, can set a doubling goal and complete sales of 18 million units next year."

Although Pan Ben was assigned by orders from Mr. Fang, he faced the media with confidence from the bottom of his heart, believing that Yike is expected to continue to activate the user group in the European market.

Facts have proven that the sharing cooperation between mobile phone manufacturers and operators is a win-win model.

Whether in Europe, the United States, or China, misaligned competition after subsidies has become the most powerful means of competition for manufacturers.

Unlike Pan Ben who emphasized the performance of a single market, Yu Hong, as the co-founder of Yike, talked more about the strategic success of Yike in her interview with Bloomberg.

"Yike and Android are willing to welcome every collaborator with an open attitude."

"In terms of hardware, we work with the world's top manufacturers such as Qualcomm and Toshiba to create mobile phones with the best performance."

"In terms of software, thousands of applications have emerged in the Android ecosystem, covering almost all aspects."

“In the field of operator cooperation, our cooperation with T-Mobile and Verizon is getting closer and closer, and the access of brands such as Comcast and Cleanwire is also under negotiation. There is no doubt that the US market will be in Yike’s global territory. Play a bigger and bigger role.”

"It is this healthy cooperation model that drives Yike to transform from an industry dark horse into a leader."

"I have already experienced the latest Mars 3 in the R\u0026D center. Its outstanding product power has led me to set the sales volume of a single product next year at a position slightly exceeding Europe, um, 20 million units."

Yu Hong pointedly talked about Yike's cooperative spirit, without mentioning the sales volume of Mars 2 in the US market that was already reflected in the financial report, and set a higher next-generation sales target.

Liu Qiangdong, the last president of Huaxia to be interviewed by Bloomberg, did not talk about sales, but focused on the status of Yike.

"Yike will become China's local Nokia."

"Nokia's market sales of close to 50% at its peak are expected to be replicated by Yike Huaxia."

"I am confident in this, and Mr. Fang is also confident in this."

Liu Qiangdong was very sonorous and mentioned Nokia's once astonishing market share of close to 50%.

Although he didn't mention sales, Liu Qiangdong's expression was very bold.

This led to a dispute during the video connection between the three regional market presidents in the evening.

Naturally, Mr. Fang was behind such intensive speaking out, and the purpose was to boost Yike’s stock price.

"Mr. Liu, why didn't you mention it as agreed?" Pan Ben asked Liu Qiangdong after getting online.

"I think this response is better." Liu Qiangdong replied.

Pan Ben said unceremoniously: "The media and the secondary market always respond to more specific figures. When you mention Nokia, it seems that the goal is lofty. What is Mr. Fang's need?"

"We are currently in a lawsuit with Nokia. Isn't it okay for me to do this?" Liu Qiangdong didn't think there was a problem.

Pan Ben said directly: "You think the sales volume of 10 million units is the lowest and you don't want to mention it?"

"Mr. Pan, this is a matter of positioning the Chinese market. China is the local market. No matter from any angle, I am more optimistic about its long-term performance, and this should be shown in front of the media." Liu Qiangdong did not back down and talked eloquently.

Finally, he said: "Mr. Yu didn't say anything. Mr. Pan, there's no need for you to hold on to this."

Pan Ben was furious and took the initiative to bring up the old score: "Are you always aggrieved because the people in your team were called to come to Europe? That was of their own free will."

"I didn't say that." Liu Qiangdong's temper also grew, "Even if I think so, is there any problem? Director Pan."

The three major markets are not unified with each other. Pan holds many senior vice president and board director positions, and in principle, he cannot command Liu Qiangdong, the regional president.

"Okay." Yu Hong finally spoke up. She silenced the two of them first, and then said, "What's going on with you two? Are you bringing your personal emotions to work?"

"Pan Ben, aren't you dissatisfied with China's positioning? Liu Qiangdong, don't you think that the European market will develop early?"

"If you can't achieve the goal for March, I will immediately change your positions and try the other person's difficulties."

Yu Hong frowned coldly.

In principle, she does not have the authority to make such a decisive decision, but Mr. Yu's prestige in the market and her qualifications to fight side by side with Mr. Fang give the "American King" a bonus.

There are also rumors within the company that Mr. Fang intends to make Mr. Yu the global CEO.

The ban ended, and Pan Ben and Liu Qiangdong continued to talk about the March marketing plan as if nothing was wrong.

Noisy quarrels, grievances grievances, it concerns the whole, and we still need to check each other's shortcomings and make up for them.

What's more, Mr. Fang may not be in a good mood recently, so it's better not to let Mr. Yu alarm him.

Just before the Bloomberg report, Yike's stock price was hovering around $90.

After Bloomberg and more media paid attention to the statements and the latest data from Yike Market executives, as the major shareholder Fang Zhuo once again absorbed shares, the stock price reached $93.

The company's overall market value has also reached around US$26 billion.

As a Forbes billionaire, Fang Zhuo's personal net worth is growing, which has aroused a new round of interest from domestic media.

However, just as everyone is discussing how stable the position of the richest man in the mainland is, a source revealed news about the butcher knife of the giant Microsoft.

The news was published in the New York Times.

It is said that Microsoft has officially lodged an infringement representation with the Android company, which may affect hundreds of patents.

And, Microsoft is likely to use this to join the ranks of suing Yike and seek a new ban on sales ruling from the ITC.

One wave comes after another!

Nokia is already causing enough headaches, but Microsoft suddenly joins the mix.

The New York Times is a very effective media, but some people still doubt the accuracy of the news and the changes in the situation.

However, more news came out later.

-- Microsoft joins the fray.

——Samsung may consider Microsoft’s position and abandon the Android system with weak patents.

—— Regarding patent infringement in the Android matter, well-known manufacturers such as Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC, and LG are all involved.

——Samsung Electronics’ Lee Jae-yong, Sony Stringer, HTC Wang Xuehong and many other senior executives who determine the company’s strategic direction are discussing related events.

There is more and more news, and companies and people are also widely spread.

Because of such a situation, Yike's stock price, which had just risen, immediately reacted and fell below the $90 mark.

This is tantamount to the domestic media pouring cold water on it.

Is the news about Microsoft's involvement true?

Originally, mobile phone industry giants like Nokia were under great pressure, but suddenly Microsoft appeared... The situation seemed to be very unfavorable to Yike.

Such news reached Xiangjiang. As one of the shareholders of Yike, Director Liang Qihua of Xiangjiang Huanyu was asked about his views on Yike through informal channels.

"There will be no problem with Yike. Mr. Fang has already stated his position. The new machine in June went smoothly. Mr. Yu also praised Mars 3 and the prospects for the three markets."

"Yike holds key patents, and so does Apple, but the combination of the two of them is 1+1 greater than 2."

"I believe both Mr. Fang and Steve Jobs can see this, which also means that both Nokia and Microsoft must embark on the path of negotiation and reconciliation."

"It's just a small matter of more conditions and less conditions. It's harmless."

"Nokia has fallen behind, and now we still have to rely on the market to speak."

Liang Qihua is full of confidence, especially after joining forces with Apple.

How could it be possible to ban sales?

This is Nokia playing a game with Yike!

Both parties will eventually resolve this issue rationally and return to the negotiating table!

Liang Qihua sat back and watched the stock price fluctuate. Even if it fell below 90 US dollars, Yike was one of the stocks that had an outstanding correction in the recent US stock market.

Xiangjiang Huanyu will not be concerned about gains or losses due to temporary fluctuations, and will continue to adhere to value investing.

Liang Qihua is very determined and plans to observe and verify the future direction of the company.

However, just as he continued to pay attention to the news related to Yike, a piece of news almost exploded in front of his eyes.

In accordance with the SEC's requirements for early disclosure of shareholding reduction plans, Shenxin Technology will gradually sell out the 5.7% of Yike shares it holds after the announcement.

Apply for new science and technology innovation?

Shenxin Science and Technology Innovation!

This is an investment institution that has been involved since Yike’s first round of financing, and everyone in the industry knows that Wang Fengyi, the head of Shenxin Technology Innovation, is Mr. Fang’s staunchest supporter!

The fierce battle between Nokia and Yike is in full swing, and Microsoft suddenly enters the scene...

At this time, Shenxin Kechuang wants to clear its stocks! Wang Fengyi wants to clear his stock!

What does it represent?

When Liang Qihua saw the news, he was stunned.

what happened? Is there something serious that I didn't catch?

Or...what kind of inside information did Wang Fengyi get?


how come……

This is Wang Feng Dog!

Liang Qihua was deeply shocked.

Almost at the same time, everyone in the country who was familiar with the situation was shocked.

Yi Ke's biggest hardcore retreat?

Does this signal an extremely bleak prospect for Yike's patent litigation in the US ITC?

Don't look at what the media says, don't look at what institutions analyze, just look at what the people who actually hold the stocks do...

Wang Fengyi is about to run away, and Yike's situation is really going to take a turn for the worse!

As soon as the preliminary reduction plan of Huaxia's number one investor was revealed, it swept the domestic investment circle and everyone who paid attention to Yike's situation like a devastating earthquake.

Soon, media public opinion also gave a fierce response.

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