Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 99 The Burst of a Bubble (Part 1)

"Fang Zhuo, how do you think we should make a call? Just use this public phone?"

Yu Hong was determined and did not hesitate.

Fang Zhuo pondered: "On the way to the computer store just now, I thought repeatedly about how to make this call. If it is a safer way, we should immediately take a car or plane to make a public phone call in another city."

"But Song Ruhua's actions were so fast. In just one night, he sent people to the hospital. I'm afraid something might change if it's too late."

"If the other party receives the call and wants to investigate, it can be found out that the call was from Lin'an. But since you are speaking from an insider, Song Ruhua is in Lin'an and you are also in Lin'an. It is quite reasonable."

"Even if, to say the least, Team Leader Zheng eventually finds out that it was us who did it, he should be able to forgive us for being honest businessmen who have no choice but to do it."

Yu Hong resisted the urge to "poof" her boss.

Because, it seems that she is going to cooperate with Fang Zhuo's evil ways for the second time.

"Then let's fight. Shall I just go by what's on the paper?" Yu Hong stood in the phone booth and asked worriedly, "Isn't this place a bit close to the store where you just bought the IC card? What if the boss remembers your appearance? Woolen cloth?"

"It's okay. I was paying attention to his gaze just now, with my head half lowered. It's not a big problem." Fang Zhuo not only comforted Yu Hong, but also comforted himself.

"Come on, let's listen together. You think about what to say. I'm afraid he'll suddenly ask a question and I won't be able to answer it. You wrote this material. You know where to start." Yu Hong said thoughtfully.

Fang Zhuo nodded, took out his Nokia and found Zheng Danrui's number.

Yu Hong inserted the IC phone card and dialed the number while asking the last question: "Does Team Leader Zheng also need time to investigate? What if Song Ruhua comes up with a concept news here in Lin'an first?"

"I feel that Team Leader Zheng and Lao Qiu have a good relationship, and they shouldn't watch him get into trouble, but I don't know what kind of friendship the two have." Fang Zhuo thought about this issue.

You judge...what the hell...

Yu Hong was furious, and she could already hear the sound of waiting for the phone to be dialed.

She breathed slowly, tried to relax, pointed at the microphone, and motioned for Fang Zhuo to come closer and listen.

There was only such a big space in the public telephone booth. Fang Zhuo stood in and tried to listen to the phone together. Their faces were very close to each other, but they had no time to worry about anything because the call was connected.

"Hello?" A deep male voice came from the microphone. It was the voice of Zheng Danrui, the leader of the promotion and application team.

Yu Hong swallowed and said deliberately vaguely: "Is it Team Leader Zheng? I want to report to you some problems in our Top Group, related to the Internet and informatization."

There was silence on the phone, and a moment later Zheng Danrui's faint voice came: "Say."

Fang Zhuo leaned back slightly, pointed to a paragraph on the first page, and motioned Yu Hong to follow this idea.

Yu Hong looked at the materials and said: "Our Top Group has announced software park plans in 18 cities so far, and each city has promised to provide 100 million yuan in funding with the local government to introduce hundreds of companies in the next few years. Don’t you think it’s strange for a software company to build a high-tech park?”

There was no sound from the microphone, which didn't say it was strange or not strange.

Yu Hong gritted her teeth and continued: "In fact, the start-up capital for this plan within our group is only 5 million, and the purpose is to increase the stock price of Sichuan Changzheng."

Zheng Danrui reacted and asked: "Are there no additional funds?"

This problem does not exist in the material, but there is a description of the actual scene.

Yu Hong looked at it for a few seconds and replied: "It won't be added. Many software parks are empty shells. You can go and take a look on the spot. They are almost all grass and ponds, and there is no next step at all."

There was no sound on the phone again.

Yu Hong looked at Fang Zhuo, wondering whether she should continue talking.

There was almost half a minute of silence on both ends of the phone.

"Keep talking." Zheng Danrui responded.

Yu Hong looked at the materials and said: "There is an inside story about Top's backdoor listing of the Sichuan Long March. The so-called first stock in the information industry is just packaging. Song Ruhua is in Sichuan Province..."

Zheng Danrui interrupted: "How do you know? Where are you?"

Yu Hong signaled Fang Zhuo with her eyes, and the two of them were almost cheek to cheek.

Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly, indicating not to answer. He raised his hand to show the materials and asked Yu Hong to continue step by step.

However, Zheng Danrui suddenly said in a low voice: "Where is Fang Zhuo? Let him talk to me."

The two people in the public phone booth were almost stiff and their scalps were numb.

How did he know? How could he know?

Fang Zhuo's thoughts surged, he stretched out his hand to press the phone, and said softly: "He defrauded us."

Yu Hong nodded and asked with a trembling voice: "Who is Team Leader Zheng talking about? It seems that we, Top, have never heard of this person."

Zheng Danrui asked again in a sure tone: "Isn't Fang Zhuo next to you? It's Fang Zhuo from the registration website."

Yu Hong looked at Fang Zhuo at a loss, unable to figure out what went wrong.

Fang Zhuo frowned and took ten thousand steps back. Team Leader Zheng was not cheating. He really confirmed that the call was made by him. However, there was nothing we could do about it. Top's mess was the biggest problem at the moment. .

Fang Zhuo took the microphone, took a deep breath, and said steadily: "Hello, Team Leader Zheng, I am Fang Zhuo, how did you know it was me?"

Yu Hong was extremely puzzled by this matter, so she stayed close to the side and listened to the answers.

"What I leave you is my private number." Zheng Danrui said with a hint of smile in his voice.

Fang Zhuo was puzzled: "Then how did you know it was me? I didn't make a sound just now."

Zheng Danrui explained: "The private number I just got has only been used to call my family once. If not Fang Zhuo from the registration network, who else could it be?"

Fang Zhuo: "..."

A crime other than war!

"If you have something to say, just say it. Don't lie to me with those made-up words. The consequences will be serious." Zheng Danrui said calmly, "What is the inside story? You can't know about things like that a few years ago. You are just guessing out of thin air."

Fang Zhuo sighed, he often walked by the river.

He calmed down and said in a calm voice: "Well, I'm sorry, let's talk openly and honestly. To be honest, Team Leader Zheng, I really went to see Top's software park."

Yu Hong glanced at the boss and thought he might have been there before he founded the registration website.

"Oh? What did you see?" Zheng Danrui did not doubt this, thinking that he had entered the "open and honest" stage.

"The so-called software park, which is said to be built with an investment of 100 million yuan, is overgrown with weeds, a training center has been converted into a hotel, and some river sections have been turned into small fish ponds."

"I've been to two, and they're pretty much like this."

In fact, Fang Zhuo found out the news about users building buildings and chatting from the local BBS forum in Shanghai. This is the scene of Top Software Park in Shanghai.

Maybe the locals are still confused and thinking that construction may start in the future.

But Fang Zhuo knew that was impossible. This plan that was so crazy that he talked about 18 software parks in one breath was an absurd bubble. He thought Song Ruhua was crazy.

Or maybe Song Ruhua was immersed in the game of capital and felt that he was God's favorite.

"Team Leader Zheng, Top is here again now."

"I don't think I can just watch him destroy the Internet industry ecology here."

Fang Zhuo's tone was heavy, righteous and young and passionate.

Suddenly, he felt the hot air of Yu Hong's breath blowing on his face.

Fang Zhuo covered the phone and said seriously to Yu Hong: "Xiao Yu, please go out. I'll be fine here."


Even though the microphone was covered, Zheng Danrui on the other end of the phone clearly heard the exclamation of the girl just now.

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