"The morning and evening coils pass through the center of the earth, and the day and night span breaks the morning and evening.

The earth rotates from west to east, and the reversal of morning and evening must be remembered clearly.

The poles of winter and summer are cut in circles, and coincide with the spring and autumn equinoxes.

The intersection of the equator is very important, and 6:18 indicates clearing.

The meridian divides the sphere of day and night equally, the turning latitude of morning and evening is the highest, and noon and midnight are here. "

This lesson is about the judgment of morning and evening lines.

Wang Yue tried to activate the skill of learning geniuses, but this formula directly jumped into his mind, and he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

Then he found that he was like a whale absorbing water from the contents of the geography teacher. He accommodated them all, and automatically summarized them in his mind, and he mastered them all in a short while.

This kind of genius-like abnormal ability is worthy of the name of the legendary skill!

Wang Yue stopped listening to the class, picked up the geography textbook and turned it up. The content on a page was scanned, and it was printed in his mind like a photocopy, and then he began to automatically summarize and transform it into own knowledge.

In just fifteen minutes, the entire geography textbook was finished.

Wang Yue found out that he didn't need to study geography in the first semester of the third year of senior high school. He had already mastered and understood it very thoroughly. Now he is asked to take the final exam. If he does not exceed the content of the textbook, he can get a full score!

"In this way, I can read all the textbooks from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, the college entrance examination, you will never trouble me again in this life!"

Wang Yue was excited and started a self-study program.

In a whole day, he used up four hours of studying genius time, and scanned all the subjects in the entire first term of the third year of high school.

Wang Yue has an unprecedented sense of pleasure.

It turns out that in the world of learning gods, learning is so interesting.

He now understands what is called:

"There are hills and valleys in the chest, and the eyebrows are like mountains and rivers."

"Brother Yue after school, you've been reading all day, the key is that you don't look good."

Hu Qianhao shouted in Wang Yue's ear.

"Put on what?"

Wang Yue put the homework to be written tonight into her schoolbag and asked.

"Pretend! What do you mean you take a Chinese textbook for English class, a political textbook for math class, and a history textbook for political class? Fortunately, the teacher didn't care about you."

Hu Qianhao said with a smile.

"Learning the world of gods, you don't understand."


I saw Wang Yue and Hu Qianhao walking out of the classroom.

Zhuo Yao picked up her phone and sent a text message.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I didn't see you being cleaned up last time, this time I want to see with my own eyes how you kneel down and beg for mercy."

At the gate of the school, three or two little bastards with colorfully dyed hair were puffing on a cigarette, and from time to time they looked at the passing female students with wretched expressions.

"Tsk tsk tsk, these legs are thin and white, but the face is a bit ugly."

"That girl is beautiful, she will definitely be a little fairy again in the future."

"I still have to be the boss, and even talked about a student girl, if I have a chance, I would like to try this.

"Stop chatting and keep an eye on that kid. If he runs away, we'll all be dealt with when we go back."

"Don't worry, it's just a little kid, it's not difficult."


Wang Yue and Hu Qianhao walked out of the school together. Along the way, girls from the same class greeted him with smiles from time to time, which made Hu Qianhao's eyes turn green with envy.

Walking to the school gate, Hu Qianhao saw those little bastards at a glance.

"Damn it, Brother Yue, look at those grotesque ones with strange shapes and colorful dyed hair. They shouldn't be from the Shamate family, right? They scared the baby to death."

Hu Qianhao shouted.

Wang Yue looked at the bastards, and the bastards just happened to look over, and Wang Yue noticed that their eyes had become a little different.

"It should be, well, you go first, see you tomorrow."

Wang Yue didn't want to involve Hu Qianhao, so as not to scare him.

Hu Qianhao and Wang Yue went in the opposite direction, so he didn't think much about it, so he said, "See you tomorrow, Brother Yue."

Wang Yue looked around, and unexpectedly saw the crowd staring at own Zhuo Yao.

"So it was the person you called?"

Wang Yue muttered to himself.

A wave of anger rose in his heart, and he didn't know whether it was anger that he was blind in his previous life, or that Zhuo Yao kept making trouble for him again and again.

Think here.

Wang Yue pretended not to notice, and walked towards home.

And those bastards also followed.

After walking a few streets away from the school, one of the green-haired spirited guys rushed over, put his arm on Wang Yue's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Dude, someone called you, come with me?"

"Who are you? Do I know you?"

Wang Yue sneered, turning his face on the spot.


The spirited boy froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "My brother has such a temper. My boss is Yuan Jian. He is looking for you. Is there any doubt now? If not, come with me."

Yuan Jian, it was Yuan Jian again.

Hearing the name Wang Yue was not happy.

"What is Yuan Jian? Is he your father? If you ask me to come, you will come? He is not my father. If you ask me to go, I will go there. Go away and cool off."

The spirited guy was stunned again, it was the first time someone talked to him like this, and Wang Yue was half a head taller than him, he was a little scared: "Okay, you wait for me, our boss will not let you go."

After speaking, he ran towards the group of bastards.

Soon, the other two bastards also ran over.

One of them, who was as tall as Wang Yue, said fiercely, "You're crazy, kid? Didn't our boss tell you?"

As soon as he said that, he came up to push Wang Yue.

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts, let go, let go!"

The next second, Hunzi's fingers were twisted half a circle by Wang Yue, and he bowed down in pain and began to scream.

The green-haired spirited guy gasped, but fortunately he didn't force himself just now, it hurts to watch.

"Grass! Let go of brother daddy."

Another bastard who was stronger was in a hurry and came up to save Brother Own.


Then Wang Yue made a big push, calling the bastard all kinds of meat and vegetables, with gold stars in his eyes.

"What the hell, are you playing young and Dangerous here? Now that the society is ruled by law, do you know?"

"Are you so dumb? Ask if you know?"

Wang Yue pinched the ears of that burly bastard again, and let out a rage.

"Got it, got it, Dage please let go, your ears are going to fall off!"

"It hurts, it hurts, I know, I won't dare again in the future."

Wang Yue looked at the green-haired bastard again: "Come here."

The green-haired bastard shook his head first, then ran away, before Shabi passed by.

I don't want to be like the two of them.

The spirit guy decided to move rescuers! Although the three of them are not this guy's opponent.

But the boss will do it.

After all, the boss, Rivers and Lakes, is known as the number one bully in the Second Middle School.

Punch Beihai Kindergarten and kick Nanshan Nursing Home!

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