"Damn, is it true or not? It feels like Wang Yue is not such a person."

Che Rong covered her mouth with surprise.

"Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing hearts, I don't need to lie to you."

Pershing said with a sigh.

"Xuanxuan? What do you think?"

Che Rong turned her head and said to Qiao Zixuan.

"Are you finished?"

Qiao Zixuan looked at Pershing coldly and asked.

Perxing froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "I'm done."

"Then can you go?"

Qiao Zixuan asked again.

"Hey, you must be in a bad mood because of what I said."

"Sure enough, I am naturally suitable to be a leader with my mouth."

Perxing was secretly happy in his heart, but he showed a look of regret on his face: "Xuanxuan, I know you must be a little unbelievable when you hear this, and you don't want to believe it, or maybe you are also sad in your heart, but you just haven't shown it. .”

"But you remember, whenever you need me, I'm always there."

"I won't bother you for now, let you digest it yourself."

After speaking, Pershing turned and left.

After Perxing left, Che Rong asked again: "Xuanxuan, can you believe what Perxing said?"

Qiao Zixuan helplessly pointed Che Rong's forehead: "You, even if you have no brains, do you believe what a scumbag like Perxing says?"

"But, Pershing doesn't look like he's lying. I think he's very sincere."

Che Rong said blankly.

"Do you think handsome guys are sincere?"

Qiao Zixuan rolled her eyes: "Seeing is believing, hearing is believing. There is no way to prove what he said, but many girls in the school have confirmed that he is indeed a scumbag."

Che Rong nodded: "It seems to be true, but what if it is really Wang Yue who caused Perxing's reputation to be so bad? It's not impossible, I always watch TV dramas like this."

Qiao Zixuan shook her head and said, "Wang Yue is not that kind of person. Although I haven't noticed him before, my intuition has always been accurate."

"Pershing, he's lying."

Che Rong's expression also became firm: "Okay! Xuanxuan, since you said Pershing was lying, then I also think he is lying, and I believe you."


Wang Yue didn't know that such a good show was staged because of herself.

At this moment he was in a happy mood.

He received a call from the police station, and the bounty had already been credited to his card. In addition, there was a pennant inscribed on it: "Be brave for righteousness".

It is a great thing to catch the A-level wanted criminal with a reward of 100,000. Zhang Yunlong asked Wang Yue if he would accept an interview from the local TV station.

It's just that Wang Yue was not interested in being on TV, nor did she want to be in the limelight, so she refused.

Holding a huge sum of 100,000 yuan, Wang Yue thought that the plan of own milk tea shop could finally be put on the agenda.


Lying in bed at night, Wang Yue roughly calculated how much it would cost to open a milk tea shop.

The first is the rent. In this day and age, the rent in small places is relatively cheap. The rent in a prime location like the school entrance is only 2,000 a month, and other places with slightly worse locations can be won for a few hundred yuan.

However, there is another problem in this is whether there is any shop subletting. After all, the lot in front of the school has long been fully rented.

Then the various equipment needed by the milk tea shop is about 20,000.

For decoration, Wang Yue's budget is around 10,000.

In this way, I still have more than 40,000 left.

In this era, it is a huge sum of money for an ordinary family to spend 50,000 to 60,000 yuan at once.

"All is ready except for the opportunity."

Wang Yue plans to take advantage of the three days of the holiday to finalize the business of the milk tea shop. After all, the sooner he implements it, the sooner he can make money.

Now that I can't help myself with homework, it's time to concentrate on my career.


At this moment, the phone qq rang again.

Wang Yue clicked to open it.

I thought it was Qiao Zixuan who sent the message, but I didn't expect it to be Zhou Fangfang.

"It's not Fangfang: Wang Yue Wang Yue, call Wang Yue, are you free tomorrow?"

"wy: There should be arrangements."

"It's not Fangfang: Ah, what a pity, I just want to explain that I will ask you to hang out with me tomorrow."

"Wy: I'm sorry."

"It's not Fangfang: No, no, don't be sorry, happy Mid-Autumn Festival~"

"wy: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

Just as Wang Yue finished replying to Zhou Fangfang's message, QQ rang again.

"iet: hi, Wang Yue~ It's been a long time. Last time, didn't you say to contact me on QQ? Turns out, I'm too busy studying, and now it's time for a holiday. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

This qq Wang Yue didn't have a note. Out of curiosity, he opened the other party's qq space, and after looking at it, he realized that it was Tian Wenjing.

I have to say that although Tian Wenjing has a cute and cute face, her figure is really hot. When she goes to university, many boys will be fascinated by her.

"wy: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

"iet: What, you're not enthusiastic at all, are you almost forgetting about me?"

"wy: How is that possible, how can I forget Miss Tian."

"iet: Hahaha, you can say it."

"iet: Are you free tomorrow? There is a movie called "Pounding Heartbeat" that I really want to see, but no one is with me."

Wang Yue was a little confused.

Why are so many girls asking me out tomorrow?

Is this a murderer?

It seems that being handsome does have unique advantages.


Before Wang Yue could return, the news came again.

"Green pomelo (little confused): Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, old man~"

"wy: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, don't you want to ask me out too?"

"Green Grapefruit: Hmph! What do you mean, there are other girls asking you out, right? Old man, you are dishonest. /Chopper/Chopper"

"wy: /Heroes spare my life jpg"

"Green Grapefruit: Hmph! I don't want to talk to you anymore, goodbye!"

Wang Yue wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on his brow, today's scene was too lively.


"Xiaoxuan (Qiao Zixuan): Wang Yue, Perxing and I are not even friends. He is so annoying, he always comes to pester me and speak ill of you!"

"wy: say something bad about me? /question"

"Xiaoxuan: He said that your character is not good. You were at the same table in the first year of high school, and then... (2000 words omitted)"

Qiao Zixuan repeated what Pershing said, embellishing it.

Wang Yue was speechless for a long time after reading it, Perxing really has a not wanting face.

"Wy: Do you believe it?"

"Xiaoxuan: How is it possible! I scolded him! I don't believe you are like that."

"wy: /thumbs/thumbs/thumbs, you are indeed the squad leader."

"Xiaoxuan: Hee hee."

"Xiaoxuan: By the way, are you sure you'll be fine tomorrow?"

"wy: That depends on what's up with you. If you're trying to trick me into moving bread in the countryside, then there's something up."

"Xiaoxuan: Bah!"

"Xiaoxuan: Who is going to trick you into moving Baogu?"

"Xiaoxuan: Then I'll just say it straight, I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend tomorrow!"

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