As for the distribution of leaflets, Wang Yue has already thought about it.

Don't schools have so much cheap labor?

Find some students who are willing to work part-time, and you can post it all over the campus in half a day.

But off-campus can't let go.

Although the main target group of the milk tea shop is students, the people outside the school cannot be ignored. After all, the goal of own milk tea shop is to open all over the country.

Thursday, September 30, 2010.

Tomorrow is National Day, today's students are very impetuous.

After all, it was a seven-day holiday.

This is also the last long vacation that high school seniors can enjoy.

At that time, senior high school students will be required to return to school early during the winter vacation.

And today there is one more important thing.

That is the monthly exam in September.

Foreign Language and Mathematics in the morning, and Comprehensive Literature in the afternoon. It is required to finish the test within one day.

As for the location of the exam is in their respective classrooms, the monthly exam is not as formal as the middle stage final exam.

But in the classroom, the desks have been separated.

In the face of the monthly exam, there are students who are nervous, students who don't care, and students who are confident.

Wang Yue belongs to the third category.

During this period of time, his books were not for nothing. It is no exaggeration to say that if he is allowed to take the college entrance examination now, if he wants to, he can even come back with a champion.

"Brother Yue, I've been studying hard these days, if you don't know anything, write me a note."

Hu Qianhao said triumphantly beside him.

"If I copied yours, I might as well write it myself."

Wang Yue said with a smile: "You forgot the final exam of the second year of high school. What school did Li Qingzhao belong to? How did you manage to write?"

Hu Qianhao said hastily: "Scholars will treat each other with admiration for three days, I am no longer the one who wrote Li Qingzhao as egg yolk pie.


Mentioning this stalk, Wang Yue just wanted to laugh.

In the final exam of the second year of high school, there was a question of filling in the blanks in Chinese.

Does Li Qingzhao belong to the _____ faction?

Wang Yue never thought that someone would get this question wrong.

As a result, when Yu Siyu was lecturing on the topic, the whole class laughed.

Zhang Tao wrote a Wudang Sect.

Zhang Xiang wrote an Emei school,

The most outrageous is Hu Qianhao, who wrote egg yolk pie.

Li Qingzhao, who copied Yu Siyu's "punishment" a hundred times, belongs to the school of restraint.

The first homework to be tested is Chinese.

The invigilators are all teachers from each subject.

But it's not the teacher of the class, it's usually crossed.

It was Yang Dong who invigilated Wang Yue's Chinese.

Seeing Yang Dong as an old woman, Wang Yue felt uncomfortable, this guy actually wanted to play Yu Siyu's idea.

Yang Dong has always held it up in front of the students, and today is no exception.

"Class 1 students, I will invigilate you today."

"Everyone here must have heard my name. My name is Yang Dong, the Yang of the poplar tree, and the east of the southeast and northwest."

"Remember, don't make small moves under my nose. Once caught by me, the grade of this subject will be invalidated."

"Did you hear that?"

There were sparse voices in the classroom: "I heard it."

Yang Dong nodded in satisfaction, and then began to sort out the test papers. As soon as the bell rang, he would start distributing them.

Wang Yue was a little bored waiting, so he started to watch everyone's movements.

Qiao Zixuan sat upright, looking at the podium, a typical good student.

And Hu Qianhao looked around like Wang Yue.

Zhang Tao is biting Own's fingernails.

Zhang Xiang kept turning around with a pen.

Lin Yuanquan also sat upright.

The most perverted one is Yang Dong, who is actually buckling his ass.

"Jingle Bell…"

Finally the bell rang, and Yang Dong distributed the test papers to everyone.

"The exam time is 150 minutes. It is not allowed to hand in the papers in advance, and it is not allowed to hand in the papers later. If you exceed the time limit by one second, your undergraduate grades will be invalidated."

After distributing the test papers, Yang Dong said with a cold face.

No one paid any attention to him, and they all buried their heads in the questions.

When Wang Yue got the test paper, she looked at the composition topic first.

Please write an essay with no less than 600 words on the topic "The distance between me and _____".

Seeing this topic, Wang Yue can think of a batch of weird compositions that should come out soon.

Then he went back to the first page and looked at the multiple choice questions.

The first question is a very conventional choice of pronunciation.

Wang Yue chose the answer in a few seconds.

Then I went on like a broken bamboo all the way,

In about an hour, Wang Yue had finished all the previous questions, leaving only the last composition question.

Think for a moment.

Wang Yue wrote down the topic of own composition.

"The distance between me and you"

After twenty minutes, Wang Yue finished writing the composition.

To be honest, the content is not too deep and quite satisfactory, but there is no problem with getting a passing grade.

80 minutes left.

Wang Yue checked the test paper again, and after finding out that it was correct, they started chatting with each other.

It is not a rule set by Yang Dong to not allow early submission of papers, but a rule set by the school.

Although there is no such regulation in the college entrance examination, there are still many schools that require students not to hand in papers in advance.

If you finish in advance, check your own test paper carefully.

Wang Yue really had nothing to check, these questions were too simple for him.

Bored, Wang Yue opened the system panel and opened it.

In the past two weeks, he has had no harvest, and he has not achieved a single achievement.

The system seemed to be dead, and it didn't come out to bother Wang Yue.

After about 20 minutes like this, Wang Yue suddenly heard a roar.

"Little bastard, get out if you don't abide by the discipline of the examination room! Don't influence everyone here again."

Wang Yue turned off the system panel, it was Yang Dong's voice, he wanted to see who messed with this guy.

All the people who were working on the question looked up at Yang Dong, not understanding what happened.

Then I saw Yang Dong angrily walking towards Wang Yue.

"What about you! Daddy has been paying attention to you for a long time, and he was in a daze for 20 minutes. What do you want to do? This is an exam, do you know? If you don't do the questions, get out, don't affect everyone's mood for the exam!"

Yang Dong pointed at Wang Yue's nose and cursed.

Wang Yue was a little confused, he didn't do anything, he just looked at how the system panel provoked this old pervert?

When he looked at the system panel, the outside world might look at him a little blankly, as if he was in a daze.

The problem is that he didn't make a sound, so it wouldn't affect others.

Everyone is working hard on the questions, how can they have the time to observe him?

"Excuse me, did I disturb anyone?"

Wang Yue wondered.

"If you don't take the exam seriously, your negative attitude will have an extremely bad influence on your classmates!"

Yang Dong said with a serious face.

In fact, he was deliberately finding fault.

The last time he was in the office, he had a grudge against Wang Yue.

He didn't even have a meal with Yu Siyu, this kid actually succeeded in cheating.

In this language test, Yang Dong can be said to be watching Wang Yue the whole time, waiting for him to make mistakes.

It's just that Wang Yue has always been honest, so there's nothing he can do.

It wasn't until Wang Yue was in a daze for 20 minutes that he had an excuse.

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