
Chapter 104: This night

.., Rejuvenation

Chapter 104

After a long fight with Su Momo, Chen Fei finally agreed with Su Momo another thing, and Momo didn't make a small report to Lin Qiuhan.

Chen Fei finally relaxed, and then called his wife to talk about things that he would not go back at night. As a result, the call was over, but my wife's cell phone was turned off.

When I looked at the time, I realized that it was already past ten o'clock in the night. According to my wife's schedule, I had turned off my phone and went to bed.

Reluctantly, Chen Fei could only hang up the phone and plan to go back and explain it early tomorrow.

After washing, Momo went to sleep with Qiuyue, and Chen Fei came to Zhang Qiuyue's room.

Compared with Momo's room, Qiuyue's room is much more concise. There are not too many cosmetics, toys and the like. Apart from a bed, the furniture only has a desk and a simple wardrobe.

The items on the bed are also handmade in the old style. Although simple, they are neat and clean. They also have creases. Obviously, Qiuyue changed them deliberately.

Chen Fei immediately lay down, and suddenly felt his body sink into a soft scent, and a faint fragrance came from his face. Suddenly, Chen Fei felt calm and comfortable in his heart, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

At night, in a daze, Chen Fei heard a faint sound coming from his ears, faintly, with a suppressed muffled sound.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's heart moved and woke up.

He opened his eyes, and then the light coming in from outside the window saw a figure trembling tiptoe in the room.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's heart became vigilant, his originally relaxed body tensed up, holding his breath, and his eyes moved with the figure in the room.

The figure walked gently in the room, moving very lightly, worried about awakening Chen Fei. Walking gently to the closet, the figure opened the closet door and fumbled inside, seeming to be looking for something.

But after a few minutes, he didn't seem to find what he wanted, and instead stood holding his abdomen for a while. Afterwards, the figure closed the closet gently and tiptoed to the bed. The figure seemed hesitant, hesitated, and then stretched out his hands to the bedside.

"Thief, killer?"

Chen Feixin was very alert, following the movement of the figure, his tight body instantly bounced off the bed.

Afterwards, before the figure reacted, Chen Fei covered the figure's mouth with one hand, and slammed the figure's chest with the other hand, and slammed the figure down onto the bed.

Originally, Chen Fei's force was very strong. After holding down the figure, he immediately raised his fist and was ready to start the fight.

But when Chen Fei's hand pressed the figure's chest, he suddenly felt something wrong.

"Female!" Chen Fei was startled, and turned on the lamp beside the bed, looking at the figure who was pressed down by him.

When the soft and dim light of the desk lamp came on, Chen Fei was shocked when he saw the figure clearly, and his face was full of surprise.

Because this figure is not someone else, it turned out to be Zhang Qiuyue.

At this moment, she was wearing a set of flimsy pajamas, and Chen Fei covered her mouth with one hand, and pressed her on the bed with one hand over her chest. The cheeks are blushing, and the eyes are full of tears, like a beautiful morning glory.

"Qiuyue, why are you?" Chen Fei let go of the hand covering his mouth and asked in surprise.

Zhang Qiuyue suddenly took a few breaths, and then the blush on her face became thicker. After looking at Chen Fei, her eyes flashed over, and she whispered: "Brother Chen, you, your hand!"

"Ah, my hand? This--wow--heh--" Chen Fei looked down and found that his hand covering his mouth had moved away.

"I'm sorry! Qiuyue, I didn't mean it, I thought it was a bad person, so I—" Chen Fei quickly removed his hand, got up from Qiuyue, and explained aloud.

Qiuyue flushed her face and buried her head, tidying up the pajamas messed up by Chen Fei, and whispered in a low voice; "It's okay, yes, it was me who broke in in the middle of the night. That's why Brother Chen misunderstood you."

Speaking of this, Chen Fei remembered Zhang Qiuyue's actions just now, and couldn't help asking: "Qiuyue, why are you here in the middle of the night! Are you looking for something?"

When I asked about this, Zhang Qiuyue's blush became more intense, her eyes flickered, she lowered her head and said, "No, nothing. I'm fine, Brother Chen, go to sleep, I'm leaving."

While talking, Chen Fei quickly got up from the bed and wanted to leave.

But when she was halfway up, suddenly, her cheeks twitched, her mouth let out a painful muffled sound, her hands covered her belly, and she fell back on the bed.

When Chen Fei saw this, his eyes condensed, and he hurried forward and said with concern: "Qiuyue, you are sick."

"I--" Zhang Qiuyue's cheeks were red and hot, and she was a little embarrassed to speak.

Chen Fei looked at her in pain while clutching her abdomen, how could he not understand what had happened at this moment, "Qiuyue, are your relatives here?"

"Yeah!" Zhang Qiuyue nodded shyly and responded when her condition was broken. Then he explained in a smaller voice, "I, I came to the room to find something to change."

Chen Fei naturally understood what she was talking about to change, and turned over on the head of the bed. "Have you found it? Where is the thing?"

When Qiuyue saw this, her cheeks became even redder, and she shook her head quickly and said: "It seems that I have run out of things. No need, I, I will just bear it."

Just after saying this, a burst of severe colic came, causing Qiuyue's pretty face to wrinkle, bending over and arching, like a shrimp.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei held down Qiuyue and said solemnly: "How can this be tolerated? Lie down and I will show it to you."

While speaking, Chen Fei held Zhang Qiuyue's shoulders with both hands, pressed her on the bed, lay down, and then moved his eyes to land on Zhang Qiuyue's pajamas, and found a bright red color.

Zhang Qiuyue saw Chen Fei look at her, and she was shy again, her cheeks began to heat up, and she whispered: "Brother Chen, no need. I, I'll go to Momo and borrow her."

Chen Fei held down Zhang Qiuyue, and said solemnly: "This is not a question of changing things, you are dysmenorrhea, you are sick. It needs to be cured!"

Zhang Qiuyue whispered: "Is this sickness? No, I usually endure it and I'll be fine."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei looked at Zhang Qiuyue, who was dressed in plain clothes. For some reason, he felt a tremor in his heart, and his nose turned a little sour.

His voice became softer, and he explained, "Qiuyue, this is an illness and cannot be tolerated. Otherwise, if a minor illness becomes a serious illness in the future, it will be troublesome."

Looking at Chen Fei's caring eyes and gentle words, Zhang Qiuyue felt a warm feeling in her heart. 【】

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