
Chapter 1282: Unexpected invitation

"Unexpectedly, the Jiang family was actually defeated."

Chen Fei turned out to be a hidden existence, but he had missed it before. "

"Have you heard that Jiang Lingfei said just now that he wants to bring down Chen Fei, does it mean that this incident is itself a conspiracy against Chen Fei."

"I need to talk about it. I will understand after a little thought. It must be deliberate. Otherwise, Jiang Yuanze, the master of Chinese medicine, and so many committee members and members, can't tell the effect of autumn health wine?"

"They thought they were strong enough and powerful enough to hold down Chen Fei. But they didn't expect that Chen Fei backhanded them and beat them all. Haha, I like this ending."


"By the way, does anyone know how effective this Cheng Pharmacy is?"

Mr. Chen's pharmacy, do you still need to doubt? It must be good! ""

Mr. Chen is indeed amazing, but he is not sitting in person. I am afraid that the effect is still difficult to guarantee! "

"Don't worry about this, I have experience, and Cheng Yaoguan is absolutely worth it."

"Let’s put it this way, the reputation of Chengyaoguan in Longjiang City was very good. Later, it opened a branch in Xiangjiang, and now it has become the largest and most famous Chinese medicine store in Xiangjiang. Not only we Chinese, but also many foreigners and celebrities, They all went to Cheng Pharmacy to queue up for medical treatment.""

It's so great, then instead of going to Jiang Yitang, I will go to Cheng Yaoguan. ""

It goes without saying that Jiang Yitang now has this kind of virtue, so what else is going to Jiang Yitang to do? "...


Amidst the strong discussions, this autumn health-preserving wine thing ended in a huge reversal.

After solving these problems, Chen Fei immediately returned to the school and continued his normal life as a teacher.

However, in the next few days, Zhuo Qingyu still did not come to school, and there was no news. Chen Fei couldn't help but feel more and more abnormal. This

God, Chen Fei had just finished class in the morning and was about to go back to the office. Suddenly, a phone call came, and Chen Fei answered the phone and said, "Hello, hello."

Teacher Chen? I'm from the Student Status Management Office. Before, one of the students you brought our attention to is called Zhuo Qingyu. "The man on the other end of the phone said. Listen.

When he arrived at Zhuo Qingyu's name, Chen Fei hurriedly said, "Yes, it is Zhuo Qingyu. Any news?"

Fang Dao: "In the morning, someone came to our Student Status Management Office and went through the withdrawal procedures for Zhuo Qingyu."

what? Drop out. "Chen Fei was shocked. Although he didn't have much contact with Zhuo Qingyu, Chen Fei also knew that Zhuo Qingyu would never drop out of school for no reason. After all, Zhuo Qingyu asked himself for advice during the last meal. A lot of knowledge of Chinese medicine.

After being surprised, Chen Fei immediately asked, "Who is the one who handles the withdrawal procedures, did Zhuo Qingyu come here in person?"

"No, it was done by a man in his thirties. He has Zhuo Qingyu's various certificates and a signed power of attorney, so he successfully completed the withdrawal procedures."

"A man? The procedures are complete!" Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but frowned, faintly feeling something was wrong.

Immediately, Chen Fei hung up the phone and prepared to go to the Student Status Management Office to see what was going on. and

At this moment, a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy approached Chen Fei and stopped in front of Chen Fei. "

What's the matter with you, kid? "Chen Fei asked.

The little boy took out an envelope, handed it to Chen Fei, and said suddenly, "Big brother, this is for you."

"A letter? Who asked you to give it to me?" Chen Fei asked. small

The boy said: "An uncle just asked me to give it to you."

Chen Fei looked around and found no strange figures. After thinking slightly, he took the envelope and let the little boy leave. band

Suspicious and vigilant, Chen Fei opened the envelope and scanned it a few times. Chen Fei's brows couldn't help but frowned. because

Therefore, this envelope turned out to be an invitation letter, inviting Chen Fei to visit as a guest, and the inviting person turned out to be Situ Academy. "

Situ Academy, what idea did they make? "Chen Fei doesn't think Situ Academy is kind to him.

Continue reading until he saw the last line of words, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly shrunk, holding the envelope's hand, and squeezing the envelope fiercely.

Because, the last line of the envelope reads impressively, "Mr. Chen, please attend the marriage between our disciples Situ Han and Zhuo Qingyu at that time."

"Zhuo Qingyu, Situ Academy." Chen Fei's eyes were cold, and his brain quickly turned, trying to figure out how Zhuo Qingyu and Situ Academy were connected. Do not

However, dreaming obviously has no results. Chen

Fei put away the envelope, looked far away, and whispered to himself: "Situ Academy, I'm here. You'd better not do anything excessive to Zhuo Qingyu, otherwise you will regret it." Pang

In the evening, Chen Fei drove to Situ Academy.

Located in the northern suburbs of the capital, Situ Academy is a large estate. At this time, the entrance of the manor was full of traffic and it was very lively.

Many famous people in the capital that can only be seen on TV and the Internet at ordinary times drove into the manor.

Chen Fei took out the invitation letter and drove into the manor.

After parking the car, Chen Fei walked towards the manor, and the emcee at the door said loudly: "Mr. Chen Fei Chen from the Beijing Cheng Cheng Pharmacy is here!"

With this shout, everyone at the scene cast their eyes in a clatter, looking at Chen Fei with a different color on their faces, and the low voice of discussion also rang. "

This is the Chen Fei who defeated Jiang Yitang? Didn't expect to be so young? "

"Didn't he have hatred with Situ Academy? How dare to appear here? Is this a deliberate provocation?"

"I heard that Dean Situ Kong personally invited him over."

"President Situ personally invited it? What does Dean Situ mean?"

It seems to be related to Dean Situ's disciple. In short, it's a good show. "


In the discussion, many guests pointed to Chen Fei, but no one came forward to greet him. complete

After all, almost everyone at the scene knew about Chen Fei's offending Situ Academy. This group of people didn't want to take a risk before they figured out Dean Situ's attitude towards Chen Fei.

On the other hand, Chen Fei, an outsider who came to Beijing less than a month later, defeated Jiang Yitang, made enemies with the Zhong family, and offended Situ Academy. This

This kind of trouble-making role, the capital dignitaries do not want to make friends at will, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body.

Chen Fei didn't care about the guests' indifference. He directly found a free corner and quietly waited for the start of the wedding. drink

After slobbering, Chen Fei suddenly felt a figure coming in front of him, and then a cold voice rang out, "Chen Fei!"

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