
Chapter 1305: The person to move

There was cheers in the audience, Lu Juan and Zhang Qiuyue on the stage thanked the audience, and then left the stage. View

The crowd got up, and then they were about to leave. Luo Feng greeted Chen Fei and Chen Ziling, preparing to leave from the other side.

But at this time, Chen Fei said: "Wait a moment, I will go backstage."

When Luo Feng saw this, he couldn't help being a little surprised, "Which singer does Mr. Chen like? Or, I will arrange for Mr. Chen for you to meet and have a meal together."

Chen Ziling jokingly said to Chen Fei: "Brother, is it the beauty that I fancy, I am moved! Maybe it is the last pure and innocent beauty, who looks like your dish at first glance." Chen

Feibai took a look at Chen Ziling, and then explained: "The last Zhang Qiuyue is my friend. We haven't seen each other for more than a year. Let's meet now."

Hearing that, Chen Ziling looked surprised, "Brother, it's really that little beauty! Are you really friends, or are you unruly toward others!"

"You girl, you know to bury me. If you don't believe me, let's go see it together." Chen Fei said.

Chen Ziling glanced at Luo Feng, Luo Feng nodded and said: "The last singer is really good, I also want to get to know it. In that case, let's go together."

People agreed, and then went backstage together. Have

Luo Feng, a young man, was there, and the staff naturally couldn't stop them, and the three of them came to the backstage smoothly.

Chen Fei quickened his pace and was about to go to see Zhang Qiuyue.

But at this moment, in the dressing room in the backstage, there was a shouting sound.

"What are you doing, don't do anything!"

After the shout, a few more men's breathless words sounded. "

Beauty, you have to know, this is our invitation from Ding Shao, you should come with us! ""

Ding Shao can fancy you, that is your blessing, don't know what is good or bad! ""

Hurry up, don't let Young Master Ding wait in a hurry, otherwise, you won't be able to eat. "...


Immediately, there was the sound of pushing and yelling, and the crash of things falling.

When Chen Fei heard the words, his expression suddenly became cold, his steps quickened, and he rushed over. Behind them, Chen Ziling and Luo Feng also condensed their faces and rushed in quickly.

In the backstage dressing room at this moment, two young men are pulling Zhang Qiuyue, wanting to forcibly take her away.

The surrounding staff blocked persuasion, and the scene was a bit chaotic for a while. "

You guys, let go! "Chen Fei shouted sharply and rushed directly at the two men.

When people heard the sound, they turned their heads and saw that it was Chen Fei. "It's you. Stinky boy, don't spoil our good deeds of Ding Shao, otherwise, we're welcome." Chen

Fei looked at the two of them, and it was two of the three attendants around Ding Yi. Suddenly his expression became even colder, and he shouted directly: "Go away!"

Damn, shameless things! The two were furious and smashed towards Chen Fei with their fists.

However, Chen Fei moved faster, banging out with two punches directly, smashing them in the face, and knocking them to the ground. Of course

Later, Chen Fei grabbed the frightened Zhang Qiuyue and said softly: "Qiuyue, don't be afraid, it's all right."

Zhang Qiuyue, who was originally frightened, still resisted the stranger's embrace. But then I took a closer look and found that it was Chen Fei who came here. He couldn't help being surprised, "Brother Chen, it's you. Why are you—" Chen

Fei smiled softly, rubbed Zhang Qiuyue's head, and said: "It's Brother Chen, I'm here, no one can bully you anymore."

Ok! "Zhang Qiuyue smiled sweetly, leaning her head in Chen Fei's arms, her expression relaxed.

At this moment, Chen Ziling looked jealous and pouted, staring at Chen Fei, deliberately slanting his eyes and said: "Oh, it really came for someone's pretty little girl! Just forgot about me, and he hugged him in an instant." Zhang

When Qiuyue saw such a beautiful girl as Chen Ziling coming, she said something like this, thinking it was Chen Fei’s girlfriend, so she quickly let go of Chen Fei’s arm, waved her hand and explained: "You, you have misunderstood. Brother Chen and I are innocent. Yes, we just—"Chen

Fei squeezed Zhang Qiuyue's hand and said softly, "Qiuyue, it's okay."

Then, Chen Fei glared at Chen Ziling, and said, "Little girl, don't be joking."

That is, Chen Fei introduced: "Qiuyue, this is my junior sister, Chen Ziling, who is studying at Beijing University. This is her classmate, Luo Feng."

"Ziling, Luo Feng. This is Zhang Qiuyue, a friend I knew from Long'an City." Chen

After Fei's formal introduction, the two sides shook hands and greeted each other.

At this time, Lu Juan came over and said to Zhang Qiuyue with a worried expression: "Qiuyue, it's not good, those people--" Zhang

Before Qiuyue spoke, Chen Fei smiled confidently: "With me, they don't need to worry."

"But, they seem to be Ding Shao's people, we--" Lu Juan was still a little worried.

Chen Fei snorted coldly, and said with disdain: "Ding Shaoguo, he dare to come over, I will kill him!"

Chen Ziling and Luo Feng believed in Chen Fei's words, but Lu Juan and the other staff were full of disbelief. After all, in their opinion, Zhang Qiuyue's friend is still a few students, and how capable it is. How could it be Ding Shao's opponent. and

At this moment, a group of people pushed aside the staff aggressively and directly broke into the backstage.

Looking closely, it was Ding Yi and Ding Shao who took the lead. Behind him, in addition to the three attendants, there are also a few burly men who look like thugs, and they seem to have just been called. "

Where is Zhang Qiuyue? Come out for me! "Ding Yi yelled when he came in. Lu

Juan and the others turned pale suddenly, and they took a few steps back involuntarily in fright. and

Chen Fei walked up to Zhang Qiuyue, looked at Ding Yi, and said coldly: "Is the lesson just now enough? Do you dare to come!"

It's you! "When he saw Chen Fei, Ding Yi's expression suddenly sank, his expression became colder, and he gritted his teeth.

After all, when he watched the show, Chen Fei and Chen Ziling slapped him alone. He hasn't solved it yet. Now, he didn't ask them to settle the account, this guy actually came to trouble him again, which in his Ding Yi's view, but a great insult. "

My man, you beat me? Ding Yi stared at Chen Fei and asked in a cold voice.

Fei Bing said coldly: "Zhang Qiuyue is my friend, move my friend. You should fight!"

Should I fight? Ding Yi snorted heavily, his eyes became colder, and he took a step forward and said coldly, "My Ding Yi person, I haven't heard two words that should be typed." "

"This little girl, I'm going to make a decision today." Ding Yi pointed at Zhang Qiuyue and said sharply.

Chen Fei's eyes were cold, "If you dare to move, I will abolish you."

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