
Chapter 1313: Xu Family Revenge

The two bodyguards forced Chen Fei over, and Mr. Chen's pressure suddenly eased a lot. he

Looking at Chen Fei, he said: "I know you have some martial arts strength, not to mention that your strength is not enough to see in front of professional masters!"

"Really?" Chen Fei smiled faintly, and then greeted the two bodyguard thugs who were oppressing him, and said lightly, "In the early stage of the Profound Rank. If I were you, I would turn around and leave now."

When the two bodyguards heard the words, their expressions became cold.

"Boy, I'm not too old, but he's very arrogant!"

"I can see our realm of strength, it's still a bit of a doorway. But I don't know how strong it is."...


Don't talk nonsense with him, do it! "Xu Shu gritted his teeth and shouted impatiently. Two

The face of the famous bodyguard sank, and then stepped forward, one left and one right, running the vitality aura, and attacking Chen Fei. mysterious

The first-class aura erupted, causing a burst of air in the private room, which immediately shocked the ordinary people behind them, and at the same time looked forward to the excitement in their eyes, and seemed to have seen the tragic end of Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue.

But, just in the eyes of their expectation.

Facing the attack of these two bodyguards, Chen Fei took a step, his face suddenly sank, and his body shook. A majestic aura burst out and directly pressed against the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards who were originally full of confidence felt the pressure of this momentum and were directly shocked. because

Because, they can feel that this aura is definitely not an existence they can resist, at least it is an existence above the late Profound Stage realm. Master martial artists of this realm, how dare they resist.

Suddenly, the two stopped and quickly stepped back and begged for mercy.

"Senior, we were wrong!"

We don't dare to withdraw immediately! "Chen

Fei said lightly: "I regret it now! It's too late!"

Accompanied by Chen Fei's words, a majestic momentum came out, rumbling like a sea wave, swept through the impact, and slapped the two bodyguards fiercely. Two

The bodyguard turned pale in an instant, and turned around to flee, but as soon as he stepped out, he was directly hit by Chen Fei's offensive, slapped to the ground fiercely, let out two painful grunts, and then fainted.

At this time, the group of people behind Mr. Xu and the others still had a confident look on their faces, ready to watch the scene where Chen Fei was ravaged.

As a result, in an instant, the fight ended. The result was completely beyond their expectations. "

This, what is going on? Bodyguards, they, they lost. ""

How could it be possible that they were all martial artists in the early stage of the Xuan rank, how could they lose? "

"Fake, it must be fake."...


Amidst the cries of astonishment, Chen Fei stepped forward, looked at Mr. Xu, and said coldly: "Now, do you still want to teach me?" Xu

The overall complexion was deep, but he still calmed his emotions and said: "Your strength is beyond my expectations. But some things can't be solved by force."

"Oh, say that. Do you have other ways to deal with me?" Chen Fei smiled and looked at Mr. Xu. Xu

With a confident expression on his face, he said: "I am in business. Before doing things, I always investigate things clearly."

Your name is Chen Fei, a teacher at the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing University. And this Zhang Qiuyue, a student of the Beijing Conservatory of Music, is said to be quite famous now. ""

You can think about it for yourself, if I find someone to run it, I will ferment about your teacher's beating in Beijing University, and the strange relationship between you and Zhang Qiuyue. "

"You can think for yourself, what will happen to you. Being expelled from school and ruining the star journey, or even more serious consequences! You can imagine yourself!" said

After that, Mr. Xu looked at Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue with a confident expression on his face. Look

Here, he did investigate some news and wanted to use this to threaten Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue. Moreover, it sounds like it really has some effect. One

Time made Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue silent.

Upon seeing this, Xu Shu, Teacher Huang, Zhou Yueqi and others who were shocked by Chen Fei's strength just now became smiling and extremely proud. "

Haha, what's the use of force alone! Modern society relies on money and power. ""

I have persuaded them just now, because they didn't seize the opportunity and asked for the results themselves, and they couldn't blame anyone. ""

Haha, look at how proud you are! "


With the silent Chen Fei, Mr. Xu took a step forward and believed: "How are you thinking? Now, are you willing to subdue?"

By the way, I forgot to tell you. My Xu family is not only rich in business, but also has a close cooperation with the Luo family in Beijing. If you are still not convinced, I don't mind please touch the Luo family's relationship, and give you some color. "listen

When Mr. Xu said that, all of them were even more proud. A group of people held their arms, looking like they were watching a good show.

But at this moment, Chen Fei couldn't help but smile when he heard Mr. Xu's words, "Luo family, it's a coincidence. Originally, I planned to trouble Secretary Wen again. However, it seems that it's no longer necessary."

With that, Chen Fei took out his cell phone and dialed a number. see

In response, Mr. Xu sneered and said with disdain: "Call someone? Haha, I'll give you a chance to call someone and see who you can call!"

Zhou Yueqi even unceremoniously satirized, "The Xu family and the Luo family are related. Who can you call, don't struggle."

Teacher Huang also said: "Qiuyue, you have to consider your own future! For such an unreliable person, it is not worthwhile to waste your future for such an unreliable person!"

Xu Shu was full of hatred, gritted his teeth and said: "This time, no matter what your name is, don't try to escape."

Chen Fei ignored their cynicism, opened the phone, and said, "Luo Feng? I'm Chen Fei. There are some things on my side. Come here! Well, I'm..." Listen

After Chen Fei's phone call, everyone on the other side was slightly stunned, and then the cynicism became more severe.

"Luo Feng, isn't that the name of the Luo family? He is calling the Luo family?"

"How is it possible? He can know the Luo family, don't be kidding."

I think I was just pretending to be able to hear Mr. Xu talking about the Luo family, so he wanted to move out of the Luo family to scare people. It's just that this method is really bad. "...


With a cigar in his mouth, Mr. Xu looked at Chen Fei with a mocking look, and said, "Young man, playing this kind of trick in front of me is really tender. It's useless."

Chen Fei smiled faintly and said, "Really? Does it work? You will know soon."

After speaking, Chen Fei's expression was relaxed, and he chatted with Zhang Qiuyue.

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