
Chapter 1319: Real cure

Dr. Zhu manipulated it and directly magnified and projected the picture under the microscope, displayed it in front of the Ji family, and said: "Look, in these two petri dishes, exactly the same cells are cultivated. One is Chen. The husband added drugs, one of them did not add drugs."

The film is very intuitive. The cells in the petri dish with the drug are dying almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the other petri dish is much more normal. This

Next, the Ji family couldn't help being shocked, with doubts on their faces. "

How could this be? "

"No, this is a fairy medicine."


Ying is still in disbelief at this moment, "No, this experiment is not rigorous at all. Besides, you can't explain why my dad's previous medication is effective?" Chen

Fei Leng snorted, and said to Ji Ying: "Don't believe it? Doctor Zhu, please try again, this time with a white mouse!"

Yes! "Doctor Zhu quickly started the operation.

Soon, a white mouse was fed the drug and was immediately returned to the cage.

The little white mouse who had just taken the medicine hadn't responded yet, and was as alive and well as before. But before long, the mouse's movements became sluggish, and the movements became slower and slower, and the skin became wrinkled. The whole mouse seemed to be much older at once. most

In the end, ten minutes later, the mouse fell down and stopped moving.

Doctor Zhu checked and said in surprise: "Dead, the mouse is dead."

"What, how could it?" The Ji family were extremely surprised.

Dr. Zhu checked it again and added: "Also, judging by symptoms. The cause of death of mice is heart failure, and it is heart failure in a natural state. To put it in a good understanding, it is old age."

"How is it possible? The little white mouse was still alive and kicking just now, how could it grow old so quickly!" Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Chen Fei said coldly: "Now, do you know what I meant by just now?"

Ji Dongyang felt lingering in his heart, and couldn't help but thank Chen Fei again and again. but

Ji Yingqu still seemed unable to accept the facts in front of him, and shook his head and muttered: "Why? No, why is it like this? Why was it okay before?"

Chen Fei said coldly: "It was okay before. It was because there were more people than white mice, and the dose required to kill was much higher. Moreover, the other party deliberately dealt with the medicine, so that the effect of the medicine was not so fast. . That's why you didn't notice it."

"This, I, I--" Ji Ying was speechless for a while. Chen

Fei continued to ask at this moment: "Ji, where did your so-called fairy medicine come from? Who gave it to you?" asked

With this, Ji Dongyang couldn't help but fell into thought, and then slowly said: "This medicine was when I was working in the field a year ago. At that time, I fell ill again and came over in a thrilling rescue. At that time, we had lingering fears. Xiaoying went to a local temple to worship together."

"As a result, in the temple, we met an old man wearing a Taoist robe. The old man said that he was a fairy who wandered all over the world. He saw that I was sick. This time I met by fate and can help me treat him."

We heard it at the time, but naturally didn't believe it. We only thought that the other party was a liar and wanted to drive him away. But then, the old man told me my name and family background, and even some trivial things that happened to me decades ago, which made me believe in him. ""

Then, he diagnosed my pulse again, which made me feel a lot more comfortable and believed him even more. Finally, he left a pill, saying that it could cure my disease, and then left. "

"Until then, I was still skeptical. But within two days, I suddenly became ill again. In an emergency, I took the pill and the result was really good. Therefore, we believed the old man very much. "

"Later, we sent someone to the temple to look for the old man, but the other person had already left. Later, we asked about the old man's news and wanted to ask for medicine again. But there was no news. Until a few days ago, Xiaoying finally found it difficult. After hearing the news, I found the old man on a small island in the East China Sea and begged for this medicine. That's why—"

After listening, Chen Fei nodded and understood the cause and effect of the incident, and said to Ji Dongyang: "According to my inference, the old man is mostly a monk who pretends to be a ghost, but why he wants to harm you, I can't guess."

Brother, hurt me! "When it came to this, Ji Dongyang couldn't help but his expression changed, his expression a little strange.

The rest of the Ji family also darkened, their expressions gloomy and nervous.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei asked, "Mr. Ji, what's the matter?"

Ji Dongyang shook his head and said, "No, nothing."

Although the other party didn't want to say more, Chen Fei didn't ask any questions, changed the subject, and said: "Ji, if it's okay, let's start treatment!"

Well, Mr. Chen is in trouble. "Ji Dongyang nodded. Ji

Although Ying and the others were still a little worried and skeptical, they were speechless when they thought of what happened just now.

Chen Fei did not let the others leave, and directly treated Ji Dongyang with acupuncture and moxibustion in front of them. During the treatment, he followed the silver needles and injected the vitality into his body, repairing the disease on the heart. most

In the end, half an hour later, Chen Fei, with a layer of sweat on his forehead, wiped his sweat, pulled out the silver needle, and said, "Mr. Ji, it's all right."

Ji Dongyang got up from the hospital bed, moved his body a bit, and his face was suddenly surprised, "I really feel more comfortable, and the whole person is relaxed. The feeling that has been flustered is gone now."

The family gathered around at once.

"Old Ji, are you really okay?"

Dad, are you okay with your body? There is nothing wrong with it, right? "...


Flying aside, he said lightly: "If you are not at ease, let Dr. Zhu check it."

Yep. Doctor Zhu, trouble you. "Ji Ying said quickly. Zhu

The doctor immediately activated all kinds of instruments to give Ji Dongyang a good check. After some examinations, a large number of various forms and data came out. Doctor Zhu stared at it carefully, and then exclaimed, "Ah!"

"Doctor Zhu, what's the matter?"

"Doctor Zhu, there won't be any problems, right?"...


The family is extremely nervous. Zhu

The doctor said with surprise on his face: "No problem, no problem at all. According to the results of the examination, Mr. Ji’s coronary heart disease is now completely healed, and all the data are within normal indicators. Not only that, but Ji The overall heart function has even become much stronger, not at all like a middle-aged person in their fifties, but rather similar to a young person in their thirties."

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