
Chapter 1321: Jijia shocking change

Hearing this, Ji Dongyang and Ji Ying and his daughter were really shocked. Froze

After a while, the two men came back to their senses, full of excitement and emotion.

"I said, how could Master Luo be friends with Mr. Chen? It turns out that Mr. Chen is so good!"

No wonder, no wonder it can cure my disease. No wonder Mr. Chen's medical skills are so good! "One

After feeling excited, Ji Dongyang looked at Ji Ying and said: "Now, know how outrageous I was just now!"

Yingying's face turned red and said: "I, I didn't expect that he was so powerful."

"Now that I know, when I go out, I will apologize to Mr. Chen and admit his mistake. I must get his forgiveness." Ji Dongyang asked. season

With a little support, the mood is still a bit difficult to calm, and it seems that Chen Fei can't accept such a powerful message for a while. season

Dongyang called Secretary Qin to his side, began to discuss how to rearrange the gift, and expressed his gratitude to Chen Fei. complete

After all, now he knows that Chen Fei's identity is extraordinary. Some of the gifts he prepared before are not qualified and must be prepared again. on

When they were discussing, suddenly, Ji Dongyang's wife rushed into the bedroom with a panic on her face.

"What's wrong?" Ji Dongyang couldn't help asking when seeing this.

His wife's face was pale, she seemed to be shocked by something. She didn't say much, she just handed over a piece of paper and said to Ji Dongyang: "Dongyang, you, look at this."

When handing it over, his wife's hand was still trembling, and she looked terrified. "

Mom, what's wrong with you? Why are you so excited? "Ji Ying asked in a puzzled way.

At this time, Ji Dongyang took the paper and looked at the pattern on it. His complexion changed drastically. He staggered and almost didn't fall down. His complexion turned pale in an instant, and his mouth murmured: "He, he's back. He is. ,Finally home--""

Dad, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling well? "Ji Ying was really anxious when he saw this.

Ji Dongyang sat in the chair for a while, then shook his head and said, "I, I'm fine."

It's just that when he said this, his face still looked very pale. Follow

That is, he sighed and said: "The one who should come will always come. Secretary Qin, let me know and cancel the dinner."

"Xiaoying, you go out with me, apologize to Mr. Chen, and send him away. Mr. Chen cannot be affected by this incident." Ji Dongyang said.

"Dad, what are you talking about! What is on the paper, why did you cancel the dinner and send Mr. Chen away!" Ji Ying was very puzzled.

Ji Dongyang waved his hand and said: "I will tell you everything later, let's go to the living room and apologize to Mr. Chen!"...


At this moment, Chen Fei, who was drinking tea in the living room, suddenly saw Ji Dongyang's family come out and was about to greet him. but

Immediately seeing Ji Dongyang's pale complexion and serious expression, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and asked: "Ji, what's the matter with you? His face is ugly, is he uncomfortable?"

Ji Dongyang shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry. There is something at home. Today's dinner is going to be cancelled. I will thank you Mr. Chen again the next day. Now, I will send you Mr. Chen away." "

This—" Chen Fei was a little surprised. After all, Ji Dongyang just wanted to entertain himself enthusiastically, but now he is driving people directly. This attitude has changed a little too much. But.

It's really hard to ask about this kind of thing. Chen Fei nodded and said, "Since Ji always has something to be busy, then I will leave first." Chen

Flying up to leave, Ji Dongyang followed to see him off. on

When they walked to the door, Chen Fei turned around and suddenly saw the white paper in Ji Dongyang's hand and the pattern exposed on the white paper. He couldn't help but shake his body. He settled in place, and the voice said to Ji Dongyang: "Mr. Ji, can you let me see this?"

Ah--" Ji Dongyang was taken aback, then looked down and saw the paper in his hand, couldn't help but say, "Mr. Chen, this--"

Chen Fei said coldly: "If I'm not mistaken, the sign on the white paper is a skull sign with a sprout on the eyebrow!"

You, how do you know? "Ji Dongyang was shocked, and immediately unfolded the paper.

The pattern on the paper is exactly a black skeleton, and there is a green sprout at the center of the skeleton's eyebrows. Chen

Fei saw the sign clearly, his face sank, and said coldly: "Sure enough, it is a sign of the Skull and Bones. I haven't seen it for a while. Unexpectedly, they will appear again."

Mr. Chen, you, do you know this sign? What organization is this Skull and Bones? "It's Ji Dongyang, with a look of confusion at the moment.

Chen Fei did not answer, but instead asked: "Mr. Ji, can you tell me where this blank paper came from? What happened to your home?"

This, I--" Ji Dongyang hesitated for a while, then sighed, "Mr. Chen, this matter is a long story. You follow me back to the house, I will tell you slowly. "With

That is, the group returned to the living room and all the people left, leaving only the Ji Dongyang family of three and Chen Fei, a total of four people. season

Dongyang glanced at the white paper pattern on the coffee table, and then slowly began to talk about it, "Things should start from 20 years ago. At that time, I just founded Dongyang Entertainment Company not long ago. The company was still very small and didn't have much resources. , Was targeted by big companies at the time, and the company would no longer survive.

"Just when the company was alive and dead, a person named Wei Gang approached me and said that he could help me bring the company back to life. I didn't believe it at the time, but later, Wei Gang facilitated several cooperations for my company, which slowed the company down. With a sigh of relief, I believed him and invited him to join the company."

"In order to show my sincerity, I said that I am willing to give Wei Gang 30% of the company's shares so that he will become the company's second largest shareholder, and serve as the company's general manager, responsible for the company's operations. After all, Wei Gang was in charge of the company's operations. The ability to show is better than me."

"However, Wei Gang said that he only needs shares. I don't want to be a general manager. I just want to be an idler. When I heard this, I didn't force him. Later, under our joint operation, the company quickly developed and expanded. It’s getting more valuable."

"Wei Gang is still the company's second largest shareholder. Although he rarely appears in the company and has almost never managed the company's business anymore. I still thank him for his contributions to the company at critical moments."

"Originally, I planned to keep Wei Gang as a dividend shareholder. But I didn't expect that at that time a company actress filed a complaint with me, saying that he often harassed the company's actresses and had bad intentions towards them."

"I was very angry when I heard it. I specifically talked to Wei Gang and asked him to pay attention to his image. Don't act on the company's female stars. If you can't help it, spend money to go out and find a woman."

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