
Chapter 1325: White nail adult

But at this time, Wei Gang, who was hit one after another, saw this scene with gloomy eyes and hatred on his face. He gritted his teeth and said: "Ji Dongyang, you want to sleep well! Things are not that simple."

That is, Wei Gang exploded, a black wave of aura surged out, and a frantic eruption directly blocked Situ Kong's offensive. Of course

Later, Wei Gang raised his eyes to the sky and let out a long scream, shouting: "Master White Claw, you can do it!" Listen

At this call, the Ji family couldn't help being stunned, and then they shook their body, frowned, and an indeterminate premonition was born in their heart. a few

Almost as Wei Gang yelled out, a figure floated and appeared in the Ji family compound almost teleportingly. Come

He was dressed in black, with white hair fluttering. From a distance, he looked a bit of a fairy-like posture, but when he looked closely, he saw the angled corners of his eyes and the cold eyes, which immediately gave people a sense of evil charm. on

When Lian Situ Kong saw the old man coming, he was shocked and felt a breath of danger. He couldn't help but step back a few steps.

Ji Dongyang didn't understand martial arts, but he could also feel the terrifying aura of the old man, his face became serious. season

Ying looked at the old man in surprise, pointed at him, and exclaimed: "You, aren't you that old god? How are you, how could you—" Wen

That said, everyone could not help but was taken aback.

Ji Dongyang looked at his daughter and said, "Xiaoying, what's going on?" Ji

Ying explained: "Dad, he is the old **** I met in the temple. The fairy medicine I gave you before was given to me by him."

What, this—" Ji Dongyang's face turned pale, his expression even more ugly.

At this time, Wei Gang sneered: "Old god! Haha, this is my master, Lord White Claw. At the beginning, I wanted you Ji Dongyang to suffer all the torture and die slowly. So I asked Lord White Claw to act like that. I gave you the so-called fairy medicine for a play."

"However, I didn't expect that Ji Dongyang, your luck, would invite someone to cure your illness. Therefore, I had to do it myself." Wei Gang sneered. listen

At this point, Ji Ying couldn't help turning pale, and her lips trembled.

She didn't expect that the life-saving medicine she had worked so hard for for her father turned out to be a deadly poison deliberately arranged by the other party. If it weren't for Chen Fei, she would have almost hit the trick and killed her father with her own hands. miss you

At this point, Ji Ying couldn't help trembling all over, and a chill of fear came in her heart.

Ji Dongyang was so close to her daughter's emotional changes that she gently hugged her daughter's shoulders and comforted her softly: "Xiaoying, it's okay. With Dean Situ, we will be fine."

Hearing that, Wei Gang smiled again, "It's okay? Haha, do you think that with a mid-level martial artist, you can stop Lord White Claw? Lord White Claw is the top martial artist of the late Earth level realm."

As soon as the words came out, the Ji family trio and Situ Kong were shocked, and their faces were full of shock.

You know, the prefecture-level masters are already in the ranks of the martial arts world. And the warriors of the late prefecture level are even more masters of the masters, a very rare existence.

But now, Wei Gang actually invited a late-stage master, and I am afraid that Situ Kong can't stop it.

The Ji family trio, who originally thought they had gained vitality, all of their complexions sank at this moment, and their expressions looked a little ugly. Wei

Gang was full of pride, clasped his fists and bowed to the white-haired old man, saying: "Master, please do it." Bai

With his hands behind his back, Claw took a step and looked at Situ Kong, with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "The foundation is very solid in the mid-level realm. Your strength is very good."

However, it is a pity that you met me. This is doomed, you only have a dead end. "

While speaking, the white claws and long sleeves waved, and a black energy struck Situ Kong. Look

He got up to an offensive similar to that of Wei Gang just now, but at the moment Situ Kong confronted him, but felt a lot of pressure. His whole body burst out like a big enemy, gritted his teeth and eyebrows, and fiercely resisted the opponent's offensive. mad

The violent vigor burst out, banging and bursting, and constantly bursting open, smashing many exquisite and expensive decorations in the Ji family compound into powder.

Under such difficult resistance, Zhong Situ Kong's body was repulsed for more than ten meters, and he was able to stop his pace when he almost retreated to Ji Dongyang. but

At this moment, a touch of blood oozes from the corner of his mouth, and his face is pale, obviously he was injured in this matchup. and

The white claw on the opposite side still looked indifferent, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and continued to move forward, "In the middle of the prefecture level, at such a realm, it is not easy to practice. In order to be a bodyguard for a layman, do you think it is a good deal?"

Situ Kong gritted his teeth and condensed his eyebrows. He didn't speak, but his expression was very firm and he didn't mean to back down. because

Because, Chen Fei told him to do this. If he didn't do it well, he knew how terrifying the consequences would be. and

The white claw on the opposite side, who did not expect Situ Kong's valuation, shook his head and said, "Ming is stubborn, in that case. Then you, just die for me!"

After speaking, his eyes condensed, with a terrifying killing intent in his eyes, his body suddenly burst, like a black long sword, bursting towards Situ Kong's heart. Division

Du Kong felt his scalp numb in an instant, and a fatal sense of threat struck him, making his whole person somewhat untenable. Such as

This critical situation caused Ji Dongyang's family of three to be frightened. His face was full of hopelessness, his teeth were gritted, and his body muscles trembled involuntarily.

At the critical moment, a faint voice rang, "Enough, you can withdraw. Next, let me do it myself!"

While speaking, an invisible breath came and flew in front of Situ Kong, blocking the terrifying black long sword for him.

Situ Kong suddenly felt relieved, gasped for a moment, then arched his hand in Chen Fei's direction, and stepped back and said, "Mr. Chen!"

In this way, the eyes of Bai Claw and Wei Gang who were opposite fell on Chen Fei at the same time.

When they saw Chen Fei who was still sitting in his seat and drinking quietly with a teacup, they couldn't help but their eyes condensed, and their eyes became cold.

The three of the Ji family also looked over at this moment, and their faces were suddenly nervous and anxious, and they became worried for Chen Fei.

"Mr. Chen, you—"

At this moment, Wei Gang's eyes sank, he stepped directly over, and shouted to Chen Fei coldly: "Boy, you are talking nonsense! Do you want to die?"

While speaking, Wei Gang stretched out his hand and slapped Chen Fei with a majestic vigor. He was about to slap Chen Fei to death with a palm.

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