
Chapter 1329: Not seen for many days

When Teacher Xu was feeling emotional, Chen Fei came upstairs. In the aisle, one could faintly see his doorway. Standing a woman with a graceful figure and long hair shawl.

Under the outline of the dark lights of the corridor, the curvy figure of the woman is even more seductive and beautiful. Chen Fei couldn't help showing a stunning color.

"Who is it?" Chen Fei was puzzled as he walked towards the door of his room. Follow

Following Chen Fei's pace, the voice-activated lights in the corridor lit up. And the graceful woman at the door, hearing the sound of footsteps, turned her head and looked over here. Female

The moment the child turned around, the light came on.

At this moment, it seemed that the spotlight on the stage suddenly lit up, focusing on the protagonist. Chen

Fei's eyes, along with the light, gathered on the woman. The woman has long burgundy curly hair, bright red lips like bright and dripping roses, delicate cheeks and eyebrows, a touch of charming spring, like running water, flowing from the woman.

With just a glance, Chen Fei felt a hot and scorching breath from the woman, which was a charming charm that almost suffocated all men. on

Chen Fei couldn't help being taken aback at this moment, and he was nailed to the spot.

But the charming woman under the light turned to see Chen Fei coming, her expressionless cheek now showed a smile. In an instant, it seemed as if countless roses were blooming in the corridor, and a charming spring tide hit Chen Fei. "

ALFY, you are back! "The woman smiled at the corner of her eyes, twisting her charming curvaceous figure, and walked towards Chen Fei.

At that time, Chen Fei finally recovered, looking at the woman, with a look of surprise on her face, greeted him, "Sister Qingmei!"

Sister Qingmei, why are you here? "Chen Fei asked.

However, the woman did not respond, but gave Chen Fei a big hug, and a soft and sweet fragrance instantly surrounded Chen Fei. Before Chen Fei recovered, his moist and bright red lips left a clear lip mark on Chen Fei's face.

Chen Fei really didn't expect Yu Qingmei's enthusiasm for a while, and his body froze in place, his expression was a little dazed, "Sister Qingmei, you, you--" Yu

Qingmei released Chen Fei at this moment, took a step back, smiled at the corner of her mouth, gently touched her lips, smiled at Chen Fei, and said: "I haven't seen you in a few months, I didn't expect A Fei, you have become an innocent boy. A virgin!"

Yu Qingmei's joking words, accompanied by her graceful figure, could not help causing Chen Fei's heart to heat up, and the flames ignited. Staring at Yu Qingmei, he said: "I haven't seen you in a few months, Qingmei sister, you are more beautiful and sexy."

is it? "Yu Qingmei smiled, and then deliberately pulled the collar which was not high, showing a fair complexion, "There are more **** ones, A Fei, do you want to watch?" "One

Seeing this sultry gesture, Chen Fei's nosebleed almost didn't come out.

He raised his head and touched his nosebleeds, and said to Yu Qingmei: "Sister Qingmei, don't tempt me anymore. Otherwise, I really can't help it. I will do something beastly. When that happens, I will suffer. It's Sister Qingmei you."

"What about the animals? What's the matter?" Yu Qingmei's eyes turned charmingly, and the spring was full, and he leaned forward slightly, and took a step closer to Chen Fei. Chen

Seeing this, Fei suddenly couldn't stand it. I haven't seen her secretly for a few months, and Sister Qingmei has become more charming and moving.

Feeling the heat and uncontrollable body, Chen Fei hurriedly turned around and came to the door of the room. At the same time, she turned the subject away, "Sister Qingmei, it is not convenient to stand at the door, let's go in and talk!" Yu

Qingmei heard the words, licked her red lips, and said with a smile: "It is indeed inconvenient outside. It is more convenient for us to move inside the house."

After that, Yu Qingmei leaned behind Chen Fei, and a scent of heat surged in, making Chen Fei feel completely out of control.

So, he bent down slightly to hide some unnatural reactions, and hurriedly opened the door and entered the room.

Upon seeing this, Yu Qingmei showed a smug smile at the corner of her mouth, and immediately followed Chen Fei into the room.

The room was not big, so Chen Fei poured a glass of water for Yu Qingmei and told her to sit down. He sat directly on the bed, grabbed the pillow by the way, and placed it on his thigh.

"Sister Qingmei, why did you come here to find me?" After calming down the enthusiasm in his heart, Chen Fei began to chat.

When Yu Qingmei heard the words, Chen Fei could not help but gave Chen Fei a blank look, and then said to Chen Fei with a faint expression: "You are ashamed to say. You have been in the capital for a month or two, so long. You don't even notify my sister."

"If I hadn't seen the news of Cheng Yaoguan on TV, I didn't know that you had come to the capital. You said, did you forget your sister?" Yu Qingmei, who is extremely **** and hot, made this at this moment. The little girl's sense of grievance, but with a different kind of sexiness and sultry, made Chen Fei's heat just calm down and excited again.

"Cough!" Chen Fei quickly explained with a cough, "Sister Qingmei, I came to the capital very suddenly. I didn't plan to do it before. Moreover, not long after I came here, there are a lot of things here, so, so- —"

While speaking, Chen Fei found that Yu Qingmei was staring at him with beautiful eyes, and the gaze in his eyes seemed to be getting more and more aggrieved.

In response to this, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel a tingling scalp, and immediately got up and apologized: "Sister Qingmei, I was wrong. I didn't notify Sister Qingmei of you in the first time. Please Sister Qingmei punish you."

Seeing this, Yu Qingmei, who was aggrieved, couldn't help but smile, and nodded and said: "This is almost the same, a little sincere to apologize. For your good faith, then I forgive you."

When Chen Fei heard the words, he immediately smiled and said, "Thank you Sister Qingmei."

Yu Qingmei glared at Chen Fei and said, "Although I forgive you, your apology must be indispensable."

"Ahem, Sister Qingmei, you, how do you want me to apologize?" Chen Fei said.

Yu Qingmei touched her chin, thought for a moment, and then said: "I want you to accompany me for a day."

Ah, stay with one day. This—" Chen Fei was startled, thinking of something unconsciously, and involuntarily looked at Yu Qingmei's graceful figure. Yu

Qingmei noticed Chen Fei's gaze, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and said: "A Fei, I said that I can accompany you all day, so that you can accompany me to dinner and watch a movie, and have a good day. Don't want to be crooked!" "

Cough, me, why would I want to be crooked! All I want is to eat and watch movies! "Chen Fei said quickly, "Sister Qingmei, what do you want to eat or watch? I'll go and prepare right away." "Yu

When Qingmei saw Chen Fei's flustered look, she couldn't help but laughed. Then she got up, took Chen Fei's arm, and said softly, "What you eat, it doesn't matter what you look at. The most important thing is to be with you, A Fei. enough."

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