
Chapter 1333: Pressure again

At this time, Zhong Tianlong looked at Yu Qingmei, with a greedy look in his eyes, his eyes were a little excited, and he said: "Ms. Yu, Miss Ailan is my friend. You Qingmei jewelry, treat customers like this. ?"

These words obviously carried a tone of questioning and blaming.

But Yu Qingmei did not back down, and said coldly: "The whole thing is that Miss Ailan is powerless first, and she also occupies our company's necklace and does not return it. This kind of thing, no matter what Shao Zhong says, she is unreasonable. One side. If you don’t believe it, call the police and let the police solve it."

When it comes to calling the police, Ailan's expression suddenly panicked.

Zhong Tianlong snorted coldly and said to Yu Qingmei: "Ms. Yu's words are really funny. Miss Ailan, as a star, fancy your company's jewelry, that is your luck. You are willing to endorse for free, moreover. It's a great thing. But Mr. Yu said it was theft and robbery. This is a huge insult to Miss Ailan!"

"Lucky? Endorsement? What a great thing?" Yu Qingmei sneered again and again, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of her mouth. "My Qingmei jewelry, I haven't been reduced to such a celebrity to endorse!"

These words are already making no secret of his disdain for Ailan.

Suddenly, Ailan was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, holding Zhong Tianlong's arm, shaking constantly.

Zhong Tianlong also had a gloomy expression, and his expression was a bit ugly. One is because I have a relatively close relationship with Ailan, and I have spent the night playing together many times.

Yu Qingmei looked down on Ailan, that is, looked down on Zhong Tianlong's taste.

On the other hand, Zhong Tianlong has been coveting Yu Qingmei and even the entire Qingmei jewelry for a long time.

Some time ago, the Zhong family had been secretly suppressing Qingmei Jewelry. Zhong Tianlong had come to visit Yu Qingmei many times to negotiate, and wanted Yu Qingmei to give in, and even exchanged his body for benefits from Zhong Tianlong.

However, all his little abacus was coldly rejected by Yu Qingmei. These things have always made Zhong Tianlong worry about it, and his heart is quite grievous.

Originally, Zhong Tianlong, who was angry, was ready to directly use Yu Qingmei and Qingmei Jewelry. But what he didn't expect was that at this moment, the family suddenly announced that they would give up the suppression of Qingmei Jewelry and live in peace ever since.

At this time, Zhong Tianlong, who was suffocating his stomach and was about to be released, was suffocated back at once, almost suffocating himself into internal injuries.

Depressed in his heart, he actually came to Qingmei Jewelry to wander around these days, trying to find a way to deal with Yu Qingmei.

He hadn't found a chance, but he happened to meet Ailan today, but he could take the matter of Ailan to take revenge on the grievances in his heart.

Therefore, after listening to Yu Qingmei's words, Zhong Tianlong sneered and said: "Mr. Yu, you are in business. It's a bit too much to say this!"

"Have you passed? I don't think so." Yu Qingmei said coldly on

Zhong Tianlong's face sank, and he said, "Isn't it just a necklace? Even if Mr. Yu doesn't want Miss Ailan to endorse, as a customer, you should treat it with respect!"

"Customer?" Yu Qingmei glanced at Ailan coldly, and then said coldly, "It is the customers who really want to buy things. Those who want to grab things for free are called robbers."

"You--" Ailan became even more angry when she heard the words. She shook Zhong Tianlong's arm for a while, then said coquettishly, "Young Master Zhong, look at her, what kind of attitude is this, I--"

Zhong Tianlong looked at Yu Qingmei, reached out his wallet and said coldly: "Isn't it just a necklace? What's the big deal, I just bought it for Ailan."

"You want to buy this necklace?" Yu Qingmei looked disbelief.

Zhong Tianlong took out the credit card with a proud expression, "Miss Ailan is my person. Buying a necklace for her is a big deal."

"Really?" Yu Qingmei showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, then waved to the waiter and said, "Hello Mr. Zhong, this fish and dragon dance necklace is worth 20 million. Mr. Zhong, please come here to pay the bill. !"

Zhong Tianlong, who was originally arrogant, shuddered when he heard the price of "20 million". He raised up half of his credit card and took it back at this moment.

"Why, Shao Zhong doesn't want to buy it?" Yu Qingmei said coldly.

Zhong Tianlong looked gloomy, gritted his teeth and said: "This necklace costs 20 million. Do you think I am a fool?"

Yu Qingmei sneered, with a disdainful sneer on her face, she said, "Should you not be able to afford it, Master Zhong!"

"I, I--" Zhong Tianlong wanted to throw out the credit card directly, saying that he could afford it.

But after hesitating for a while, he really couldn't say these words. After all, twenty million, even for Zhong Tianlong, is definitely a big number.

After all, he Zhong Tianlong among the new generation of Zhong family, can only be regarded as a second- and third-rate existence. Nothing compares to Zhong Tianyu's beloved guy. Moreover, even if Zhong Tianyu uses tens of millions of funds at a time, it is not so casual.

Therefore, Zhong Tianlong could not spend 20 million to buy such a necklace, and he was still for a woman like Ailan who was about to get tired of playing with herself.

Thinking of this, Zhong Tianlong coughed, looking ugly and making excuses for himself: "This necklace, I think it's not worth it."

After speaking, Zhong Tianlong put away his credit card and wallet. Ailan, who was looking expectant next to him, also showed disappointment on his face at this moment.

And Yu Qingmei sneered and said: "Since you don't buy it, Miss Ailan, please return our necklace!"

Ailan looked reluctantly, and looked at Zhong Tianlong constantly.

Zhong Tianlong looked ugly at this moment, his expression constantly changing. Then he seemed to think of something and waved his hand: "Wait a minute!"

"Does Zhong Shao have anything else to say? Do you want to buy a necklace again?" Yu Qingmei deliberately mentioned buying a necklace, making Zhong Tianlong's face sinking.

However, he immediately snorted, staring at Yu Qingmei, and said coldly: "Mr. Yu seems to have forgotten one thing. A year ago, your Qingmei Jewelry and our Zhong family signed an agreement to buy Qingmei Jewelry. Most of the shares will be transferred to our Zhong family."

"Now, on behalf of the Zhong family, I am asking you for this majority of shares."

When it came to this, Yu Qingmei couldn't help but her expression sank.

Because, at the beginning of this matter, it was a contract signed by the Yu family who wanted to marry themselves to the Yue family, climbed up to Gaozhi, and signed with the Yue family. As a result, he didn't expect that the Yue family would collude with the Zhong family secretly in order to occupy the Yu family's property. Among them, green plum jewelry is one of the goals.

However, the wedding matter was resolved by Chen Fei, and the Yue family also surrendered to Chen Fei. Zhong Luofei was taught by Chen Fei at that time, so there was no follow-up to this matter.

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