
Chapter 1345: Abolish the two

Upon hearing this, Zhang Qiuyue's expression couldn't help but sink. She bit her red lips and her expression became tense.

At this moment, Chen Fei walked over, gently hugged Zhang Qiuyue's shoulders, and softly comforted: "Qiuyue, don't be afraid, I am here."

That is, Chen Fei's gaze swept towards Xia Yu and Xia Han, his tone even more frosty, "It seems that the lessons at the reception just now were not enough!"

When people saw Chen Fei, their eyes were filled with hatred, and they gritted their teeth and stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

"Boy, we are about to avenge the revenge just now."

Kneel me down, otherwise, we will kill you. "...


Chen Fei shook his head lightly, and walked towards the two of them, his expression cold, with a fierce oppressive aura. two

Being shocked by this momentum, people felt a little frightened for a while, and their body trembled involuntarily. Rear

After a few steps back, the two brothers hurriedly started to drink. "

Go, go to me, kill him! ""

Show that kid a bit of color. Annoy our Xia family, looking for something dead. "...


In an instant, there was a crash, and more than 20 burly thugs surrounded Chen Fei fiercely.

As soon as these people started, Chen Fei realized that they were a group of warriors. The strength is basically between the late yellow level and the peak of the yellow level, which is considered to be a very good existence.

More than two dozen people worked together, aggressively, one burly man, like an angry wave, about to drown Chen Fei completely. outer

Surrounded, Xia Yu smiled, watching this scene triumphantly. Xia Han's gaze has shifted to Zhang Qiuyue, licking his lips, and constantly looking at Zhang Qiuyue. In his mind, he has already begun to imagine the scene of waiting for himself to enjoy this little beauty. but

At this moment, the burly men who had surrounded Chen Fei suddenly made a thunderous sound.

Then, in the surprised eyes of Xia Yu and Xia Han, more than 20 brawny men were thrown away by Chen Fei, one by one, like sandbags. Draw an arc in the air, then fell to the ground fiercely, and instantly passed out. on

In this way, after a burst of "puff puff puff" sound, the more than twenty thugs brought by the two brothers of the Xia family were knocked to the ground by Chen Fei in less than three minutes. One

Frozen, Xia Yu and Xia Han recovered from the shock when they noticed that Chen Fei was walking in front of them.

When they saw Chen Fei's icy expression in front of them, they couldn't help but shook their spirits, and their bodies trembled fiercely, and they stepped back involuntarily, trying to escape.

However, before their movements started, they were frozen in place by Chen Fei's icy voice, "If you want to escape, do you think you can escape?"

The two brothers looked stiff, their eyes swept across the crooked bodyguards on the ground, and the bitterness on their faces almost overflowed.

Those professional martial artist bodyguards are not Chen Fei's opponents. How can they be Chen Fei's opponents for the two dudes who have no power to restrain the chicken.

"You, what do you want to do?" The two voices shivered with tension.

Chen Fei sneered and said, "You all sent someone over to kill me? What do you say I want to do?"

While speaking, Chen Fei raised his fist. summer

Upon seeing this, Yu and Xia Han trembled with fright. They had seen clearly just now that Chen Fei could smash a Huang-level peak fighter with one punch.

If the two of them were hit by Chen Fei, they would be seriously injured if they didn't die.

Suddenly, the two apologized, begging for mercy. "

Sorry, we got it wrong. Next time, we dare not. "

"We are willing to compensate, how much money you want, what you want, as long as you speak, we will definitely compensate!"

"Compensation?" Chen Fei sneered, looked at the two of them, and said coldly, "Then I want the lives of you two?"

Hearing the words, he felt cold all over his body, his complexion changed, and he couldn't speak clearly, "I, we--" Chen

Fei had no time to dawdle with them, and walked towards the two of them, their oppressive aura getting stronger and stronger.

Xia Yu and Xia Han wanted to escape, but when they moved, they found that their bodies seemed to have become much heavier, and their legs seemed to have stepped into the cement, making it difficult to move.

At this time, Chen Fei had reached a distance of less than one meter in front of them, and raised his right hand, a burst of vigor lingered in his palm, making a whiff of whiff.

To Xia Yu and Xia Han, it sounded like death singing.

"No, don't—" the two cried out in horror.

Chen Fei turned a deaf ear, and patted them vigorously with his palm.

"Ah!" A scream sounded, and Chen Fei slapped Xia Han's legs with vigor, and instantly smashed his legs to pieces. He collapsed to the ground and let out a miserable howl. "

My leg, you scrapped my leg. Ah—me, my legs—" Xia Han howled in pain and anger.

At this time, Chen Fei shot again, pouting twice, and Xia Han's arms were also abolished. There were two miserable howls again. One

Xia Yu looked pale, trembling and terrified.

As the youngest of the Xia family, he is the future successor of the Xia family, a well-known rich and young in Beijing. I don't want to be a waste of limbs and become a waste.

The intense fear and anger made him gritted his teeth and stood up, scrambling to escape.

But behind him, Chen Fei stepped forward with cold eyes, "Want to escape? Do you think you can escape?"

Accompanied by Chen Fei's cold words, the whistling whistling came and hit Xia Yu's legs accurately. In an instant, Xia Yu fell to the ground with a snap, her legs were scrapped, and she screamed. Of course

Later, Chen Fei stepped over and aimed at Xia Yu's arms.

Xia Yu stared at Chen Fei in pain and horror. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "You have abolished us, and you will not die. Our Xia family will not let you go. Our Xia family must crush you to pieces. .I—"Xia

Yu was still yelling, Chen Fei had no time to listen, and he threw out two qi glows and abolished Xia Yu's arms.

In a scream of "Ah", Xia Yu passed out directly. and

Chen Fei turned around and came back, then comforted Zhang Qiuyue and sent her back to the dormitory downstairs. Wait

When he returned to the school gate again, Xia Yu and Xia Han, as well as the previous thugs, had disappeared. It seemed that the Xia family already knew the situation here. Correct

Therefore, Chen Fei didn't care much. He was just a Xia family, and he didn't take it seriously yet.

Support, abolishing the limbs of Xia Yu and Xia Han is just a warning and a lesson. If the Xia family really didn't know what was good or bad, Chen Fei wouldn't mind giving them some color to show them how good they were.

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