
Chapter 1351: Horror villain

At the same time, they thought that after solving Chen Fei, the next turn would naturally be themselves. For a while, several people turned pale, and their eyes were filled with despair.

But when they were almost desperate, suddenly, there was a loud bang. original

Ben surrounded Chen Fei's dozens of bodyguards. At this moment, they were exploded like fireworks. He flew around, and finally hit the walls of the warehouse, and then fell off with a crackle, bleeding from his mouth, and fainted. Such as

This scene made Wei Shan and the other reporters dumbfounded.

They didn't expect Chen Fei to be so powerful, singled out dozens of people, and directly repelled them. this

At this moment, they couldn't help but think of their dissatisfaction with Chen Fei during the interview just now. If Chen Fei was angered at that time, the fate of these bodyguards might be their solution.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts, regretting it. I secretly said in my heart that none of the subjects of this interview is easy to provoke! another

On the outside, Xia Yu, Xia Han, and Xia Linfeng and his son, who were full of resentment, were shocked to see such a scene, with a look of stunned expression on their faces.

However, after being surprised, the few people did not panic.

Xia Linfeng squinted his eyes slightly, stared at Chen Fei for a while, patted his slap, and said, "Mr. Chen is so young but with such skillful skills. It is really admirable!" Chen

Fei Leng said: "Zhang Qiuyue and Song Yi will be released immediately!"

When Xia Linfeng heard the words, the corners of his mouth raised, showing a sneer, and said: "Zhang Qiuyue and Song Yi are released?"

"Haha, you do have two things! But, do you think that the strength of my Xia family is the only one?" Xia Linfeng sneered, then clapped his hands and said, "Blood knife, it's time for you to do it." said

After that, Xia Linfeng stepped back a few steps, with a grinning smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then, a figure walked out from the shadow on one side. This is a middle-aged man in his forties. He has a burly figure, at least 1.8 meters close to 1.9 meters, and a very strong physique. He walked out of the shadows like a hill. and

The most striking thing is the man's cheeks. The elder man has a national face, burly and tough. But this tough cheek is only half of it. In the position of his left cheek, half of his face is completely disfigured. It is a distorted scarlet, as if half burned by the fire.

In the scarlet tumor-like red flesh, the black eyes are constantly turning, like the gaze of a demon, with a frightening breath.

Just this face makes people feel chilly. The two young reporters no longer dared to look directly at the cheek of the blood knife.

And Wei Shan on the side was even more horrified, showing a look of horror, and his voice trembled: "Blood knife, he, he is blood knife. It's over, we're all over!"

Wei Shan, what's wrong? Is this blood knife famous? "Zhu Lan asked from the side. Wei

Shan excitedly said: "Blood knife, he is the blood knife in the Northeast Destroyed Sect case more than ten years ago!"

In this case, Zhu Lan and the two young reporters changed their expressions at the same time, and their expressions became solemn and fearful. Although they are not very old, as reporters, they are very clear about the case that sensationalized Northeast China and even China ten years ago. that

It is a small mountain village in the northeast. Ten years ago, when the Spring Festival was approaching, the blood knives who wandered outside to work returned to the village for the New Year. People in the village invited him to drink and chat. At the wine table, the other party jokingly mocked the blood knife, saying that he did not mix well outside, did not marry a wife, and returned to ask for money from his parents.

As a result, a few words annoyed the blood knife, and directly fought each other on the wine table. Fortunately, others held both sides at the time, and it was considered that the fighting between the two sides was stopped. but

After going back that day, the more he thought about the blood knife, the more unhappy he was, and he held a sigh of relief in his heart. Depressed and with nowhere to release him, that night, he carried a kitchen knife and rushed to the house of someone who had a conflict during the day, killing the other family of six, causing a horrifying case. know

After the Dao incident, the blood knife dragged the face that was burned during the fight and fled his hometown directly. Since then, he began a ten-year escape career.

In the past few years, from time to time I could see all kinds of news about hunting down the blood knife and what happened to the blood knife. But in the past two years, there has been no news about the blood knife.

Everyone thought that the blood knife was dead, or fleeing without a trace. But he didn't expect that such a heavy wanted criminal was in the capital, and he was still beside a big man like Xia Linfeng. Do not

Then, after another thought, perhaps it was the help of a big man like Xia Linfeng. Only the blood knife can successfully escape the pursuit of the police, and it has been so far. One

Thinking of the appalling cases made by the blood knife, several reporters couldn't help turning pale, their expressions frightened. They knew that the person in front of them was a bloodthirsty demon and a fierce beast.

For the enemy, he will not have any kindness, and will definitely tear the opponent to pieces. Wei

Shan thought of the analysis of some experts in the case report, and his face was even more ugly. "Some experts have analyzed that the blood knife is a warrior. When the door was destroyed ten years ago, his strength should be in the middle and late stages of the yellow rank. Left and right. Later, as he escaped and committed crimes, his strength continued to improve."

According to the most recent crime three years ago, his strength should have reached the initial stage of the profound level. As for now, it is impossible to speculate. "listen

By this point, the reporters' complexions were even more pale, their faces completely devoid of life, and they seemed to have seen the **** of death walking towards them step by step.

The few people from the Xia family looked at Chen Fei triumphantly with a smile on their faces. There was a sense of revenge on his face.

The blood knife also grinned at this moment, showing a terrifying smile, and looked at several reporters in Wei Shan, "I didn't expect that ten years have passed, and someone can remember my blood knife name. It really touches me!"

"However, you are wrong about my strength. Three years ago, I reached the middle stage of the profound level. As for now, I have reached the stage of the late stage profound level."

You now, in my eyes, are no different from ants. "Blood Knife smiled cruelly, his eyes swept over Chen Fei and several reporters.

When Wei Shan heard the words, his face turned pale, his expression even more horrified, and his whole body trembled involuntarily, and between the two strands, there was even more warmth.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei, with a calm complexion, said coldly and disdainfully: "A coward who kills the weak and can't face life, what about the late Xuan-level?"

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