
Chapter 1353: Where is my man

Such a weird silence made Xia Linfeng frown, moved his steps, stepped over the obstructed steel plate, and looked inside, "Did you not hear my order? Drag people to me—"

However, Xia Linfeng didn't finish speaking at this moment, and the whole person froze suddenly, his face was full of amazement, and he panicked: "What about the people? Where are the two women? Where are the people?" Listen.

When they heard the sound, Xia Yu and Xia Han quickly turned around and were shocked to find that Zhang Qiuyue and Song Yi, who were tied behind and sent to guard, were nowhere to be seen at this moment. The guards fell in a pool of blood at this moment, and there was no movement.

"What's going on? What happened?" Xia Linfeng shouted nervously and excitedly, wanting to go to the depths of the warehouse to see what happened. but

At this moment, Chen Fei took a step and said, "You don't need to go to see. The person you want is with me."

After that, Chen Fei clapped his hands and said loudly: "You can come out."

That is, several figures walked out of the shadows. They supported the two women and looked intently at Zhang Qiuyue and Song Yi.

"How is this possible? You, who are you, how did you do it?" Xia Linfeng looked at the group of people in front of him in shock. this

At that time, behind these people, an old man walked out, bowed respectfully to Chen Fei, and said, "Mr. Chen, Ms. Zhang and Ms. Song have been rescued. They are fine."

"Well, good job!" Chen Fei nodded.

At this time, Xia Linfeng saw the old man's face clearly and was shocked, "You, you are Situ Kong. Dean of Situ Academy, how could you and that kid--"

Situ Kong stared at Xia Linfeng, and said coldly: "Mr. Chen is my master, Patriarch Xia should pay attention to what he says. Also, Patriarch Xia, you have no room for struggle at this point. You should just grab it with your hands !""

You, you--" Xia Linfeng gritted his teeth and stared at Situ Kong and Chen Fei, his eyes constantly changing, which seemed very complicated.

The four reporters who were limp behind him were also shocked. Situ Kong's name was naturally clear to them. It was a well-known warrior in the capital. Their magazine had made appointments for interviews several times, but they were all unsuccessful.

And now, the well-known Situ Kong wanted to honor Chen Fei as his master, which really made them completely unexpected. with

Xia Yu and Xia Han couldn't help but panic at the moment they didn't expect them, their eyes kept sweeping towards Xia Linfeng, their eyes were already full of intent to escape.

At this moment, Xia Linfeng looked gloomy and silent for a while, then raised his head, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "I didn't expect you to know Situ Kong. This is indeed beyond my expectation. I admit that you are indeed better than me. The imagination is stronger, I underestimated you before."

That is, he changed his conversation and his expression was fierce, "However, this does not mean that you have won. Although Situ Academy is great, my Xia family is not a vegetarian."

After that, Xia Linfeng's face sank, raised his arms, and let out a sharp roar: "Come out!"

Following Xia Linfeng's call, Zhu Lan and the four reporters couldn't help but feel nervous. They looked around the warehouse, worried about seeing the Xia family ambushing people. Do not

However, at this moment, Chen Fei and Situ Kong sneered, not paying attention to Xia Linfeng's shout. summer

When Lin Feng saw this, he couldn't help but feel a bit of a hunch in his heart, and gave birth to a bad premonition. At this moment, after he shouted, it was still quiet outside, and there was no movement at all.

At this time, Xia Linfeng's face couldn't help but sink, and the sweat on the temples also slipped down bit by bit, and the whole person looked a little nervous.

He winked at the attendant beside him and said, "Go and see, what's going on outside? Where is the person I am ambushing?"

Ban wanted to go around behind, but at this time, Chen Fei said, "You don't need to go out to see, the people you ambush have all been taken by me."

Impossible, but those warriors that I have spent a lot of money to recruit, how can you be--" Xia Linfeng gritted his teeth. No

Before he finished speaking, Chen Fei clapped his hands and said, "Come out!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a group of people poured in from around the warehouse. There were as many as four or five hundred people, directly surrounding everyone in the field.

When seeing the two leaders of this group of people, the three of the Xia family, father and son, suddenly exclaimed, "How come!"

Zhu Lan and the four reporters also looked over at this moment and were equally surprised. because

Therefore, the two leaders of this group are the well-known young mad and Confucian scholars in the capital, the youngest of Zhong Tianyu and the youngest of Luo's family, Luo Feng.

"Zhong Tianyu, Luo Feng, how could you--" Xia Linfeng looked at the two in astonishment. two

People came to Chen Fei and said respectfully: "Mr. Chen, things are done."

That is, they looked at Xia Linfeng and spoke.

Zhong Tianyu was not polite and snorted directly, and said, "Xia Linfeng, I can tell you that in front of Mr. Chen, your Xia family will undoubtedly lose. If you are acquainted, come and admit defeat by yourself!" Luo

The tone of the wind is slightly better, "Patriarch Xia, Yu Shao, Han Shao, Mr. Chen is not something you can fight against. Besides, this time, your Xia family has the fault first, so admit it!"

As soon as they spoke, the three of Xia's father and son were gloomy, and their expressions were as cold as solid stones. wish

Lan and the others were shocked and excited. They thought that Chen Fei was good enough to know a well-known person like Situ Kong. Fei is so respectful. One

Time, they themselves are a little confused, who is Chen Fei, why is he so powerful, and he knows so many big people.

At this time, Xia Yu and Xia Han, who were also thinking about these issues, their expressions became a little gloomy, and the emotions on their faces became more and more anxious and nervous.

Because, they thought about the situation in front of them, fighting with Chen Fei, Chen Fei had a terrifying Situ Kong, besides, there was an unfathomable himself. The competition for power, whether it is the Zhong family or the Luo family, is a level higher than his Xia family. can

It can be said that they are now in a desperate situation, and there is no possibility of reversal.

Seeing the silence of the Xia family and the three of them, Chen Fei yelled coldly and said coldly: "My patience is limited. If I don't want to give in, then go to death!"

After speaking, Chen Fei's expression became cold, and his body exploded violently, and the expressions of the rest of the Xia family changed drastically in an instant.

Xia Yu and Xia Han couldn't hold it anymore, and hurriedly spoke out. "

Mr. Chen, no, don't do it. I admit my mistake, and I admit it immediately. "

"Chen Fei, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, spare my life!"


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