
Chapter 1361: New instructor

"You Lan, what are you talking about? Director Mu said, our instructors have arranged it?" A capable woman with short hair and tights looked at You Lan in surprise and asked aloud.

"Yeah!" You Lan nodded, looked at the woman, and said, "Sister Tan, Director Mu said this to me himself."

This hot-bodied sister Tan is the captain of the Water Squad of the Five Elements Team, Tan Bingjie, and the captain of Youlan. However, Tan Bingjie usually has a good relationship with his team members. He doesn't have so many rules, so he is considered to be a sister. this

When, on the other side, a man with glasses, a long and thin body, with a touch of books, pushed his glasses, and asked You Lan, "You Lan, did Director Mu say, who is the instructor he arranged for us? ?"

You Lan shook his head and said, "Captain Lin, Director Mu only said that the instructor had arranged it, but he didn't say who it was."

This bookish man is Lin Anshu, the leader of the Five Elements Team Mu Team.

Lin Anshu nodded when he heard the words, said thank you to You Lan, and then stopped talking. this

At that time, Zhang Xinyu, who had been frowning without speaking, glanced at Youlan, and said in a displeased voice: "Director Mu didn't say who this new instructor is. He must not be a well-known and powerful person. Choose this kind of person. Our instructors are simply a waste of time, so we should practice by ourselves."

Upon hearing this, You Lan didn't say anything, just frowned slightly.

Immediately, Zhang Xinyu continued: "Besides, it was not all discussed before. If we can't find a suitable instructor, let Lao Xing take us to practice. We all know Lao Xing's strength, he is also our boss, and he will be with him. Training is better for us, but it is not more suitable than a new instructor." said

After that, Zhang Xinyu looked at several team captains and said, "What do you think? When Director Mu brings the new instructor over, we will discuss together and disagree with the instructor he arranged.

When Tan Bingjie and Lin Anshu heard the words, they were silent for a while, and then they spoke. forest

An Shu said: "Xing Rui is good. He is the captain of the Jin team. He is very familiar with us and we have been together for many years. His strength is better than ours. If he comes to train, the effect should be good. If he comes to train. Not a particularly good new instructor, I agree that Xing Rui should be our instructor."

Hearing this, Zhang Xinyu showed a touch of excitement on his face and nodded to Lin Anshu.

Then, he looked at Tan Bingjie, with a look of questioning. Tan

Bingjie frowned slightly and said: "Xing Rui is good, but I don't think it is a good thing for him to be our instructor."

Uh-Tan Bingjie, you don't trust Xing Rui? His strength has reached the late stage of the prefecture level, a small realm higher than ours. Why is it not a good thing to be our instructor? "Zhang Xinyu questioned. Tan

Bingjie heard this, with an unhappy expression on her face, looked at Zhang Xinyu, and said coldly: "Zhang Xinyu, don't tag me. You have a good relationship with Xing Rui, and he and I are teammates. There is nothing to trust or distrust. ""

The reason why I say he is inappropriate is based on my own judgment. ""

Then tell me your judgment? "Zhang Xinyu's complexion is not so good," Tan said in a deep voice.

Bingjie said: "First of all, you have to figure out what Chief Mu is arranging new instructors for us this time. There is only one purpose, and that is the martial arts conference in the martial arts alliance three months later. Get good grades.""

Everyone knows this. "Zhang Xinyu said."

I haven't finished speaking yet, don't interrupt me! "Tan Bingjie gave Zhang Xinyu a dissatisfied look, and continued, "The martial arts conference of the Martial Arts League, we all know that it is a gathering of strong men, the top martial arts competition in China. ""

Our Linglong Five Elements team is good and belongs to the top group. But if you want to win the championship, there is still a certain distance. Not to mention whether the well-known martial arts sects will send people to participate, but we may not be able to beat the masters cultivated by the martial arts league itself. In addition, China has a vast land and resources, and there may be some martial artist who has emerged. At that time, are you confident that you can guarantee the results of our Five Elements Team? "listen

When Tan Bingjie asked rhetorically, the few people were stunned, their expressions a bit low.

After all, Tan Bingjie is telling the truth. Although Linglong's Five Elements Team is good, its strength can't be regarded as the top existence. Apart from other things, it is said that the masters trained by the Martial Arts League themselves have played against each other before, and they are indeed weaker than the opponent.

Moreover, it is common for unknown powerhouses to appear at the martial arts conference. Present

Now, they still have fresh memories. At that martial arts conference more than 20 years ago, the strong Chen Mochi who suddenly emerged, defeated many popular players with a dark horse, and finally won the championship. He was famous for a time and was highly sought after.

Later, everyone found out that Chen Mochi was most likely to have obtained the treasure of the Dragon Tomb, so he suddenly emerged from an unknown person. For a while, Chen Mochi triggered the Dragon Tomb Treasure Incident, which had been silent for many years, and set off a wave of treasure hunting. although

However, after that, Chen Mochi was only active in public for a year, and then disappeared. However, Chen Mochi's dark horse winning event was an event that could not be avoided in the history of the martial arts conference for so many years. Many years have passed, and people have been talking about it every time.

Looking at the silent people, Tan Bingjie continued: "We are all familiar with Xing Rui. I don't doubt his strength. But we are too familiar. We want to rely on him to improve the strength of our team within three months. It’s difficult to become the favorite to win the championship."

"So, I think, in order to compete for the championship. I think it is necessary to choose a new instructor. As the saying goes, the new instructor will bring us a breakthrough." Listen

After Tan Bingjie's words, Lin Anshu couldn't help but nodded, thinking it made sense. and

Zhang Xinyu frowned, with dissatisfaction on his face, and said: "What is such a simple thing to bring a breakthrough? If the new instructor fails, will our grades be worse?" Tan

Bingjie said coldly: "That's better than standing still and sticking to the rules!"

"You--" Zhang Xinyu dissatisfied, almost quarreling with Tan Bingjie. However, after all, it was in the base, he still controlled himself, and asked a short and burly man who had not made a sound on the side, "Lu Gang, you are the captain of the soil team. Tell me, what is your opinion ?"

Lu Gang kept a flat head and a simple face. He smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Who is an instructor, I call it. Who can make my strength stronger, I will support whoever!"

"A bunch of nonsense, there is nothing different from not saying!" Zhang Xinyu said dissatisfied.

Lu Gang was not angry either, he smiled, and said: "I'm telling the truth, that's what I think in my heart."

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