
Chapter 1375: Hidden Family

Tan Shan made several phone calls, and finally clarified the matter through the family relationship.

Finally, after hanging up the phone, he put down the phone, his expression was a little surprised and sluggish. Luo

When Shuang and Han Yu saw this, they couldn't help frowning, stretched out their hands and shook Tan Shan, and urged: "Tan Shan, what did you inquire about? Then Chen Fei, who is it?"

"Ashan, why are you stunned, just say it!" the second woman urged. Tan

Shan came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and then said: "Then, then Chen Fei is really amazing."

what? "The second girl frowned.

Tan Shan immediately looked serious, and said: "I asked my family to inquire, then Chen Fei went to the Linglong headquarters two days ago and was appointed by Deputy Director Mu of the Linglong organization as the chief instructor of the Five Elements Team."

What, the chief instructor of the Five Elements Team? Well, doesn't it mean that it is the immediate boss of Brother Jian. No wonder Brother Jian was so-" Han Yu said in surprise. Tan

The mountain continues, "Furthermore, Zhang Xinyu, the former captain of the Fire Squad of the Five Elements Squad, was defeated and expelled by him because he opposed Chen Fei as an instructor. He has now left the Linglong organization. It is precisely because of this, his body Brother Han Jianjian, who is the deputy captain of the Fire Squadron, was promoted to the captain of the Fire Squadron."

Hearing that, Han Yu and Luo Shuang were shocked. They didn't expect that the promotion of Brother Jian turned out to be Chen Fei's blessing. this

At that time, the second woman was silent for a while, her expression worried and fearful, and her mood became nervous. For a while, she was a little confused about what to do. Tan

Upon seeing this, Shan wanted to comfort the second girl, saying: "You don't need to be too nervous. My family said that Chen Fei's temper is pretty good and he won't retaliate against us at will. Moreover, Chen Fei himself should be There are also things to deal with, and there should be no time to control us.""

What's the matter? "The second woman asked casually. Tan

Shan Dao: "I just said that Chen Fei was appointed as the captain of the Five Elements Team, and Zhang Xinyu, the leader of the Fire Team, opposed and was fired. And that Zhang Xinyu had a good relationship with the leader of the Jin Team, Xing Rui, and Xing Rui was still the leader of the Five Elements Team. The strongest presence in the group had always been the captain of the team before, and Xing Rui was originally arranged to be the chief instructor, but Chen Fei robbed him of the position."

It is said that Xing Rui is very dissatisfied with this. He was on a mission recently, and when he comes back, he should go to Chen Fei's. ""

Xing Rui is not easy to provoke. Chen Fei is busy dealing with him, so he should have no time to look after us. "Tan Shan said.

What he said was to comfort the two girls, so that they don't have to worry so much and relax their hearts. Knot

Guo, after the two girls listened, they narrowed their eyes and glanced at each other. They seemed to think of something, and then a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths. "

Xing Rui, Chen Fei actually offended Xing Rui! "

"Originally, as the instructor of his Linglong Five Elements team, we were really a little scared, but we didn't expect that he would offend Xing Rui, this is his own death!"

Now, we don’t have to worry at all. Then Chen Fei had to worry about himself, how long can he still jump! ""

Haha, there is a good show. "...

... Tan

When Shan saw this, he couldn't help but was taken aback, showing a look of doubt, and asked the second woman: "What do you mean? Why—"

Han Yu glanced at Tan Shan and said, "Don't you know the identity of Xing Rui?"

"What status? Xing Rui's Xing family, isn't it very powerful? In the capital, it can only be regarded as a second-rate family!" Tan Shan puzzled. Luo

Shuang glared at her boyfriend and said: "What do you know! This Xing family in the capital is just a cover. The real Xing family is much better. Even our Luo family is in front of the real Xing family. , It’s not an opponent at all."

"How come, the Xing family is so powerful?" Tan Shan asked in surprise.

Luo Shuang said: "It is rumored that the Xing family is a member of the hidden family. The Xing family in the capital is just a stronghold outside of the real Xing family. The real Xing family is not something we can guess."

"Hidden family! This—" Tan Shan was startled, with a look of astonishment on his face. he

As the nobles in the capital, they naturally know the strength and branches of the major clan forces in the capital. press

According to the current situation, the Luo family and Zhong family are considered first-class existences; below, the original Xia family and Han family, plus their Tan family, can be regarded as second-rate existences. As for other family forces, there are slight differences, but their strength is basically within this range, not much difference.

And it is said that above the first-class families such as the Luo family and the Zhong family, there are even more powerful existences. That is the legendary Hidden Family. Every one of the Hidden Family is a behemoth, and is much stronger than the Luo Family and the Zhong Family.

However, the hidden family has always been low-key and hidden, and they will not know their existence until a certain degree. Present

Now, Tan Shan heard that Xing Rui's Xing family came from a hidden family, which naturally surprised him. "

Is this true? Hidden family, then, that is a truly powerful existence! "Tan Shan said in surprise. Luo

Shuang and Han Yu nodded and said, "It should be true. The rumors about the Xing family have been around more than ten years ago. Many patriarchs of large families have personally visited the Xing family."

"And, think about it, for so many years. The big family forces in the capital have been fighting endlessly, and there are not a few that are destroyed, expanded, and annexed, but the Xing family has always been outside these battles and has not participated at all. If there is no certainty In the background, how can those big families leave such a piece of fat in the Xing family not to move."

With this reminder, Tan Shan became more and more real when he thought about it, his expression could not help but changed, "If it is true, then Chen Fei will suffer."

Humph, isn’t that a sure thing? Then, no matter how great Chen Fei is, can there be a family of hidden sects that are great? If he gets into Xing Rui, he will definitely suffer. "Luo Shuang said. Han

Yu also said: "In this way, we don't have to worry at all."

In other words, the feelings of panic and fear among the three people suddenly became more relaxed.


On the one hand, at this moment, on the way back from the courtyard party.

Chen Fei saw Chen Ziling next to him, lowered his head and pursed his mouth, with a gloomy expression on Chen Ziling. He couldn't help but frowned slightly, showing a hint of worry. He looked at Chen Ziling and asked softly, "Ziling, why are you upset? It was just now. Did the matter between Luo Shuang and Han Yu affect you?" Chen

Zi Ling shook his head and said, "No. Brother, I'm fine." Chen

Fei looked at Chen Ziling and said solemnly: "Ziling, do you have something on your mind, can you tell me about it?"

"Brother, I--" Chen Ziling looked hesitantly, looked at Chen Fei, and didn't know how to speak for a while.

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