
Chapter 1378: Offend

Old Luo got off the seat at this moment, reaching out to pick up the health pill. see

Luo Beihe couldn't help but frowned, and said: "What I'm talking about now is just his side words. It's better to be more cautious about medicines and the like." Luo

Feng glanced at his second uncle, his tone became cold, and said: "Second uncle, safety, I don't think I need to worry about it."

"Why don't you worry! The current businessmen can't do anything for profit." Luo Beihe said displeased.

Luo Feng said: "Mr. Chen is not an ordinary businessman. He is also the winner of our China's "Special Contribution Award", a certificate issued by Director Qi of the China Food and Drug Administration."

"And Mr. Chen won the'Special Contribution Award' because he developed the ephedra oral liquid and authorized the formula of the oral liquid to the health department for free, saving hundreds of thousands or even millions of lives in China."

Hearing this, the Luo family present were all shocked. "

Special contribution award, that is a very rare award! "

"Ephedra oral liquid, I know this, it is really a life-saving medicine!"...


The old man smiled at this moment and said: "Xiao Chen has made such a contribution to the country and the people, I believe him!"

Even Luo Beihe, who has been deliberately stabbing, faced the level of credit for the ephedra oral liquid. I could only frown on the side, watching the old man get down from his seat in displeasedness and talk with Chen Fei enthusiastically. old

The father put away the health pill, and after a warm greeting, he agreed to let Chen Fei and Chen Ziling go to the Luo Family Ancestral Hall to look up information. Chen

Fei and Chen Ziling couldn't help being overjoyed, and thanked the old man, and then they were taken by Luo Feng to prepare to go to the Luo Family Ancestral Hall.

But just as they were about to leave, a crisp voice suddenly broke into the living room, "No, Grandpa, can't let them go to our Luo Family Ancestral Hall!"

With a shout, everyone in the living room looked over.

With everyone's eyes gathered, an eighteen or nine-year-old girl trot out. Chen Fei took a closer look and found that this girl was not someone else, but Luo Shuang who had met at the courtyard party a few days ago. Look

Arriving in Luoshuang, Luo Feng, Chen Fei, and Chen Ziling couldn't help frowning at the same time, with a worried look on their faces.

But at this moment, when Mr. Luo heard his granddaughter's voice, he couldn't help showing curiosity, and asked aloud: "Shuang'er, what did you mean by what you just said?"

When Luo Shuang heard the words, he glanced at Chen Fei and Chen Ziling, and then said: "Grandpa, I mean, you can't let the two of them go to our Luo Family Ancestral Hall."

"Luo Shuang, what are you fooling around!" Luo Feng frowned at this moment and shouted in a low voice. Luo

Beiling also shouted in a deep voice: "Luo Shuang, this is our adults' business, don't interrupt indiscriminately." Luo

The old man said at this moment: "Shuang'er, what is the matter with God, you will tell me later. Now, I will send Xiao Chen to the ancestral hall first." Bi

Actually Yangshengwan was very attractive to the old man, so the old man didn't take Luo Shuang's words to heart, and planned to end Chen Fei's affairs first, and then talk to his granddaughter.

But Luo Shuang's face was firm, and he pulled Lao Luo's sleeves, and said, "Grandpa, don't let Chen Fei go to my Luo family's ancestral hall! That will bring us a lot of trouble to the Luo family."

trouble? "At this time, Old Luo couldn't help frowning, revealing a look of incomprehension. Luo.

Beiling frowned and shouted: "Luo Shuang, Mr. Chen is a distinguished guest of my Luo family. Don't play tricks and mess around here."

At this time, Luo Feng immediately spoke out and explained to Mr. Luo, “Grandpa, when we went out for a party a few days ago. Luo Shuang had a little friction with Mr. Chen, and Luo Shuang had some misunderstandings and dissatisfaction with Mr. Chen. So, what's happening now—"

Hearing the words, Old Luo nodded immediately, with a clear look. Then he patted Luo Shuang's hand and said, "Shuang'er, Grandpa has business to do now. You will talk about it later." Xian Xian

Of course, Lao Luo also treated Luo Shuang's words as a little girl's play, and didn't care much. and

At this time, Luo Shuang's face was low, holding on to Luo Lao's sleeves, and continued: "Grandpa, I am not a fool. I mean it is true. If they are allowed to go to our Luo family ancestral hall, they will really give us. The Luo family has brought trouble, and it's still a big trouble."

"Luo Shuang, you're still talking nonsense. Go on!" Luo Beiling drank sharply. Luo

Shuang's father, Luo Beihe, took a look at his daughter, and then said: "Dad, Shuang'er is not a fool. Since she said that, there must be a reason. Why, let's listen to her."

"This--" The old man hesitated slightly, and finally nodded, and said, "Well, let Shuang'er talk about it, what's the matter?"

Immediately, the old man glanced at Chen Fei and apologized: "Xiao Chen, I'm really sorry. I can only ask you to wait a little longer."

"It's okay, Mr. Luo, please!" Chen Fei nodded. Follow

That is, the Luo family left the living room and went to a small room on the side. small

In the room, Old Luo looked at Luo Shuang and said solemnly, "Shuang'er, let's talk about it, what is going on?"

Luo Shuang took a breath and said, "Grandpa, uncle, dad. If we let Chen Fei enter our Luo family ancestral hall, then we will offend the Xing family."

Xing family, what Xing family? "Luo Beiling hadn't thought of which Xing family it was for a while. Luo

Shuang said: "Uncle, it is the Xing family in our capital that is very low-key. The Xing family with a hidden family standing behind it."

When Luo Shuang mentioned this, several people were all startled, their faces showed a look of astonishment.

"The Xing family of the hidden family? How could it be!"

How could Mr. Chen get involved with the Xing family? "

"It's impossible! Luo Shuang, don't talk nonsense!"


Shuang's eyes were firm and said: "Uncle, cousin, I am not talking nonsense. This is a very true fact, what happened is like this, then Chen Fei...Finally, he offended Xing Rui. And Xing Rui's identity, everyone Everyone knows that they belong to the Xing family in the capital."

Immediately, Luo Shuang quickly explained what he had inquired about. listen

After that, everyone in the Luo family couldn't help being surprised, with an incredible look on their faces. "

How come, I actually offended the Xing family, this really got in big trouble! "

"Xing Rui, that is a well-known warrior among the younger generation. He has the strength of the late prefecture level. He is the captain of the Linglongjin team. He is also ranked seventh on the Qianlong list. He is a real master!"

If you really offend Xing Rui, that would be a big trouble. Our Luo family, it's best not to touch it. "


Several people in the family talked a lot, with excited expressions. Luo

The old man frowned and said nothing, his expression sank.

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