
Chapter 1382: Private Room No. 1

Facing the fierce Aaron, Chen Fei shook his head faintly, then his eyes became cold, and he let out a stern shout, "Get out!"

If the thunderous cry suddenly shook Aaron, his heart beat fiercely, and immediately before he recovered, the whole person was directly thrown away by an invisible force. throat

Rolling his head, a stream of blood spewed out, Aaron flew more than ten meters in the air, then fell to the ground, knocked over a lot of things, and finally stopped at the entrance of the bar. The whole person fainted directly.

Such a scene caused the Skystar Bar, which was still excited and noisy just now, to quiet down in an instant. Everyone was shocked, their eyes looked at Chen Fei in surprise, and they were speechless. foot

After more than ten seconds, the stunned people came back to their senses. "

How is this possible? Aaron was defeated by one blow. ""

What happened just now? The man seemed to only roar, and then Aaron flew out, how did this happen. ""

I met a master, this is the real master! "

"It seems that the Starry Sky Bar is going to be in trouble this time."...


In the noisy discussion, Chen Fei stepped up the steps, looked at the man with earrings in front of him, and said coldly: "Now, are you still stopping me?"

The nail man rolled his throat, the sweat on his forehead slipped off, then he lowered his head and stood aside, "You, please!"

Chen Fei snorted, then stepped up from the earring man. Look

Looking at the back of Chen Fei going upstairs, the man with earrings groaned in his heart. This guy is definitely a martial arts expert, and his strength is at least above the mid-Xuan level. For him, a warrior of this level is completely unattainable.

There is absolutely no possibility for him to fight against Chen Fei. Right now, his only hope is that Ding Shao in the private room can deal with this devilish guy.


At the same time, in the luxurious private room No. 1 on the second floor of the bar, Ding Yi, who was fat and wretched, sat on the sofa, with two exposed girls in his arms around him, kneading with his hands wanton.

On both sides of him, there are a few young boys who are dressed up in fashion, and they hug the girls one by one, playing with them without hesitation.

In the corner of the private room, there was a girl wearing an oL uniform. At this moment, her hands and feet were all tied up, she shrank in the corner with a frightened face, her body shivering.

This girl is not someone else, it is Meng Yu that Chen Fei is looking for.

After a few elder brothers drank a glass of wine, a thin and tall man with long hair looked over to the corner and glanced over Meng Yu's body. The corners of his mouth were raised, showing a smile, to the man on the sofa. The obese man said: "Shao Ding, how did you change your taste today, do you like this uniform style?"

Hearing the words, the obese man glanced at Meng Yu, and then said: "I am not interested in this body with no chest, no buttocks, and a bare washboard. I brought her here as a bait. I have to deal with one. people.""

That's it! "The long-haired thin man nodded, then rubbed his hands, and continued, "Since Ding Shao is not interested, then let me have a taste." I quite like this kind of girl in pure uniform. ""

Do you like it? Ding Shao looked at the long-haired man, then waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go play. Just be careful, don't kill it. ""

Ding Shao don't worry, I will take pity on her. "The long-haired man with a smile on his face, quickly stood up and walked towards Meng Yu in the corner.

Seeing this, Meng Yu writhed with trepidation in her eyes, and made a whining sound in her mouth. but

The more she was like this, the more excited the long-haired thin man, rubbing his hands and licking his lips, approached Meng Yu. "

No, don't—" Meng Yu wanted to resist.

But with her hands and feet tied, she was unable to resist. I could only let the thin and tall man hit with big hands and tore off her coat, exposing the underwear and a piece of white skin inside.

"Unexpectedly, it doesn't look big on the outside, but it's quite predictable on the inside!" The long-haired thin man stared at Meng Yu, his eyes gleaming, his eyes almost overflowing with excitement. "

No, no—" Meng Yu yelled, but it had no effect. Seeing that the long-haired thin man approached licking his lips, a line of tears flowed from the corner of Meng Yu's mouth, and finally he could only close his eyes in despair.

Ding Shao and others on the sofa looked like they were watching a good show. Seeing the movements of the tall and thin man with long hair, they moved happily.

Just as the good show was about to be staged, suddenly, there was a loud bang, which directly interrupted the interest of the few people in the first room.

Everyone's movements were choked, Qi Qi raised their heads and looked towards the door of the room. fine

As a result, the luxurious solid wood door was broken into several pieces and dropped everywhere. Of course

Later, a young man in his twenties walked in.

When other people saw the man, their expressions were a little confused, and they got up and sternly, ready to rush people.

"Where's the brat, what are you doing?"

Damn, get out! ""

You kick the door, kneel down, and apologize! "...


Amidst the shouts, it was Ding Shao Ding Yi on the sofa. The moment he saw someone coming, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth and said, "Chen Fei, you are here!"

Chen Fei also saw Ding Yi at this moment, his eyes narrowed involuntarily, and he said, "It's you!"

This fat and wretched Ding Yi came across when he went to a concert with Chen Ziling and Luo Feng. At that time, this guy was very awkward. First he spoke rudely to Chen Ziling, and then he moved his feet to Zhang Qiuyue. As a result, Chen Fei broke his leg and left in disgrace. No

Thinking that now a month or two has passed, this guy unexpectedly appeared again, and he dared to come over to avenge himself.

During the two seconds that Chen Fei was thinking about, Meng Yu, whose jacket was almost stripped off, also saw Chen Fei and immediately yelled, "Chen Fei, I—" Chen

Fei heard the sound, looked over, and saw the scene on the sofa.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's eyes sank, and he walked over directly. positive

The long-haired thin man who was ready to enjoy the good things was broken by Chen Fei, naturally he was unhappy, and frowned, "Who are you? I dare to ruin the good things of Lao Tzu. Isn't it right to die?" No

When he finished speaking, Chen Fei sternly shouted, "Get out!"

At the same time, he kicked out the long-haired thin tall man directly. and

And, the most deadly thing is that Chen Fei's kick was not elsewhere, it happened to be the key part of the long-haired man. male

She covered her crotch with her hands, her face was bruised with bruises, her face was flushed, her entire cheek was distorted because of pain, and she finally fell to the ground and passed out directly.

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