
Chapter 1397: Auction venue

After a few seconds, Doctor Huang slowly poured a pill from the jade bottle, placed it on his palm, and squinted his eyes to observe it carefully. As he observed, the expression on his face became more and more serious. Follow

That is, he scraped some powder from the pill and tasted it gently with the tip of his tongue. Of course

Later, his face began to change, frowning and grinning, his muscles trembling, as if he felt something unusual, he directly delivered the pill in his hand to his mouth and began to taste it carefully.

After tasting for a while, Doctor Huang's eyes suddenly brightened and his expression became excited. He looked at Chen Fei and said, "Here, how did you make this pill? How did you do it?"

When Chen Fei saw this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Doctor Huang, how about my pill, let's judge it now!"

At this moment, Manager Liu and Xing Rui also looked at them curiously, with expressions of anticipation on their faces.

Doctor Huang sighed and said: "This pill is worthy of its name. The effect of the drug does have the effect of prolonging life. Even said that the effect of the pill is even more powerful than what Mr. Chen just promoted. If the pill has been taken for several months, It is possible to extend life for two or even three years."

"Doctor Huang, is this true?" Manager Liu was also excited at this moment.

After all, as the manager of Baixiaolou Company, he knows what those wealthy warriors want, power, money, and strength, these are all they want, but if they want to say that they are most yearning, it must be longevity. This

These rich and powerful warriors, the more they stand at the top, the more they fear death and the more they pursue longevity.

And the medicine Chen Fei took out really had the effect of prolonging life, and the effect was so remarkable. If this news is released, the entire circle of wealthy and powerful people in the capital will be mad. yellow

The doctor obviously also knew the value of this medicine, and excitedly said: "Really, it is absolutely true. I have tasted it. The combination of this medicine has a special effect. It can achieve the effect of prolonging life in a way that I did not expect at all." Chen

Fei held his arms and smiled while watching it all.

Upon seeing this, Doctor Huang came to Chen Fei, bowed, and said: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I just had no eyes." Chen

With a smile, Fei helped Doctor Huang up and said: "Old Huang made a serious statement, and I want to apologize. Just now I was so excited to say that I would like to ask you to forgive me."

I was wrong, it was me who apologized. "Lao Huang sighed.

"It should be me--" Chen Fei said. Xing

Rui couldn't stand aside anymore, and smiled: "Old Huang, Chen Fei, if the misunderstanding is resolved, then it's okay. If you apologize to apologize, you are not annoying, Uncle Liu will be anxious.

At this moment, Manager Liu rubbed his hands and looked anxious and excited. He leaned over and said to Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen, how much do you have in the health pill? Do you have any doubts at what price you want to auction? Place, is there any—"

Chen Fei smiled and said, "There are not many health-preserving pills in stock, there are only ten bottles in total. As for the price, you can deal with it according to market conditions!"

Only ten bottles! "Manager Liu feels a little regretful.

Doctor Huang glared at him and said, "Ten bottles of this kind of panacea for longevity are not too small for you. Do you think this is Chinese cabbage!"

Yes, yes, I am greedy. "Manager Liu smiled and said to Chen Fei, "In that case, I will arrange for you Mr. Chen for the auction of health pills." Mr. Chen can rest assured that I will definitely bid the highest price. "

"Mr. Liu, you do things, I can rest assured." Chen Fei smiled. Follow

That is, Chen Fei and Xing Rui got up and left, Manager Liu and Doctor Huang got up and sent them to the company downstairs until they got in the car and left, and they still waved goodbye reluctantly.

Three days later, the Baixiaolou auction officially started, this time without Xing Rui's notice. At the Baixiaolou company, Manager Liu sent someone over to pick up Chen Fei. Shoot

The venue of the sale was set in a theater. The area was not small, and there were more than 500 people sitting. Almost half of the people from the wealthy circle in the capital came. Chen

Fei walked all the way, and naturally met many people. Although he didn't know many people in the circle of Beijing, he still knew a few people. Seeing Chen Fei coming in, he couldn't help but come over and say hello. Have

The Zhong family includes Ji Dongyang from Dongyang Entertainment, Situ Kong from Situ Academy and others.

Of course, if you have friends, enemies are also indispensable. Many people look here with a hint of chill, and their expressions are obviously very unhappy.

Chen Fei looked at it for a while, and counted out a few families and forces that had conflicted with him.

There was a member of the Ding family who was interrupted by Chen Fei and engaged in foreign trade transportation.

There is the Yang family where Yang Tong, who has just played against Chen Fei and has a martial arts league background, belongs to Yang Ling. and

The feelings are the most complicated than those from the Luo family and the Han family who are now walking towards Chen Fei.

Luo Feng and Chen Fei have a good relationship. Han Jian is Chen Fei's subordinate in the Five Elements team. From the perspective of the relationship, the two families should have a good relationship with Chen Fei. but

Some time ago, because of that courtyard gathering, Han Yu of the Han family and Luo Feng's sister Luo Shuang were upset with Chen Fei and Chen Ziling, and the two parties had a fuss. Rear

Because of Chen Ziling's investigation of clues and going to the Luo family's ancestral hall, the two sides broke up in a quarrel. Although it was not a big enmity, but Liangzi was settled.

Therefore, the Luo family who came oncoming at this moment saw Chen Fei here, and their eyes suddenly became a little strange. Luo

Feng speeded up his pace and stepped out, wanting to say hello to Chen Fei, but before he came out, he was stopped by Luo Shuang behind him, "Brother, what are you doing! Then Chen Fei and our Luo family fell out, you What are you doing with him now."

"Luo Shuang, there is no conflict between our Luo family and Chen Fei. Why should we do this. Besides, Mr. Chen's strength is very good. It is a good thing for my Luo family to make such a strong martial arts friend!" Luo Feng defended. Tao.

Luo Shuang bulged and said, "Brother, what you said is correct. But it was a choice under normal circumstances at that time. Now, this Chen Fei offends Xing Rui, who is Xing Rui from the hidden family. Rui. Having offended such a big man, it will not be good for our Luo family to continue to associate with him."

"But—" Luo Feng still wanted to argue and refute. but

At this time, the old man next to him, Luo Dongfang, coughed, interrupted Luo Feng's words, and said solemnly: "The auction is about to begin. Luo Feng, don't waste time, go and arrange a seat."

"Yes, grandpa!" Luo Feng heard the words, with a helpless look, he could only cast an apologetic look at Chen Fei, then bowed his head and hurried past Chen Fei.

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