
Chapter 1399: Crazy bidding

The lights in the venue dimmed, the host stepped onto the stage, everyone gradually became quiet, and the auction officially began.

Without wasting much time, after a brief introduction of some rules, the host immediately started the auction.

The first item to be auctioned was a mysterious martial art, and the grade was not bad. Some families and individuals in the back held up placards to bid, and finally sold for 20 million.

Immediately afterwards, the items were auctioned off, and the prices continued to rise. It didn't take long for more than a dozen items to be photographed. Do not

However, Chen Fei never made a bid. However, the Luo family behind him took several shots in the middle and took two martial arts techniques, and there was a burst of laughter.

There were even Luo Shuang and Han Yu whispering secretly behind their backs.

"Sitting in VIP Seat No. 1, but there was no auction at all, what is he doing, is he watching a show?"

Haha, a poor man, it is normal to have no money to bid. "

"That's not the case. The lowest starting price for things here is tens of millions, and you can easily exceed 100 million. It's normal that he can't afford it."...


Ignoring their whispers, Chen Fei waited for the next auction item that was about to appear, because the next item was the health pill that Baixiaolou Company would auction on his behalf, that is, the longevity pill on the list. with

Like Chen Fei, there are many people who are looking forward to it. After all, whether it is a rich man or a warrior present, it can be said that there is no resistance to the word longevity.

Just as everyone was looking forward to the look and whispering, Doctor Huang in a robe walked out and said loudly: "The item to be auctioned next is somewhat special. Let me introduce it to you personally." "

This item is called longevity pill, as the name suggests, it has the effect of prolonging life, and it can also treat many minor diseases. According to our calculations, if you insist on taking three bottles of this longevity pill, it will prolong your life span by two to three years. It is very possible—"Listen

At this point, everyone couldn't help but become lively, and there was a buzzing sound of discussion. "

Extend the life span by two to three years. This is too great. I want to buy it. "

"However, what kind of medicine has this effect, it is too much to blow up! It shouldn't be fake!"

fake! What are you kidding about? This is Baixiaolou Company, and the appraiser is Doctor Huang. Do you understand what they mean? ""

I know that Baixiaolou can't go wrong, but this effect is still too much. "

"No matter what, this medicine is rare in a few years. I want to take it."...


In the discussion, the Luo family behind Chen Fei also began to discuss. "

Longevity pills, prolong life. The father needs it most, we must bid! "

"Yes, such an opportunity is really rare."

"That is, the effect of Baixiaolou's things is guaranteed, and there will be no mistakes. Be sure to bid later!"

Almost all Luo's family showed interest. 'only

At this moment, Luo Feng frowned slightly, thinking of something, and said, "Isn't the function of this longevity pill similar to that of Teacher Chen's health pill before?"

Speaking of Chen Fei, everyone in the Luo family suddenly glanced over, and their expressions turned ill. "

Luo Feng, those who walked far away from our Luo family, don't mention it. "

"That's right, brother! Can Chen Fei's so-called health pill be compared with Baixiaolou's longevity pill? They are not at the same level." Luo Shuang immediately said. on

Even the old man Luo Dongfang said solemnly at this moment: "Don't mention the past, let's focus on the present."

The father had already spoken, Luo Feng naturally didn't dare to say anything, he nodded and said: "Yes, grandpa, I know."


At this time, the discussion below became more and more lively, and many people couldn't wait and shouted one after another. "

Doctor Huang, don't sell it, let's start the auction! "

"Yes, we can't wait any longer."

What is the reserve price of the auction, I will try to shoot one or two bottles. "


In the urging sound, Dafu Huang said loudly: "This longevity pill was commissioned by an expert to auction at Baixiaolou. The stock is limited, there are only ten bottles in total, so it is very precious."

"Changshou pills are auctioned in units of bottles, and the starting price for each bottle is 50 million yuan. Each increase in price must not be less than one million yuan. Now, starting from the first bottle, everyone can bid."

Almost when Dr. Huang had just announced the rules, the auction became lively. "

Fifty million! "

"Five-two million!"

"Fifty-five million!"

"Sixty million!"...


Ge hurried all the way, and within a few minutes of effort, it soared directly to the 80 million level, and then slowly slowed down.

The Luo family also participated in the auction, and gradually continued to bid the price to 90 million with the other party, but the other party still did not intend to stop and continued to raise the price.

The Luo family hesitated for a while, the old man finally did not raise a placard, and said: "One hundred million yuan a bottle, the price is still too much. Besides, the effect of this longevity pill may not be as good as we said. Look again, there are nine bottles in the back, maybe the price will drop."

In the end, the first bottle of Longevity Pills was auctioned off by a wealthy businessman at a price of 100 million yuan.

Immediately, the second bottle was auctioned immediately. With the base price of the first bottle, the price of the second bottle soared more rapidly, breaking through 100 million yuan in less than a minute, and finally climbing to 120 million yuan. Luo

The family participated in this auction again, and the price soared by over 100 million, which surprised them. Luo Beihe looked at the old man and asked: "Dad, do you still need to continue bidding?"

The father was silent for a while, and finally sighed and waved his hand: "Don't continue. Wait for the following, I don't believe that these people are irrational and will keep raising the price of this medicine." Luo

Dongfang again gave up the bid for the Longevity Pill, and the second bottle was finally sold for 125 million. horse

On, the third bottle began to auction. The prices of the next few bottles of medicines have rapidly exceeded 100 million yuan, and they are all rising continuously. But by the time the seventh bottle was auctioned, the price had been raised to 150 million yuan.

At such a price, the Luo family, who hadn't photographed a bottle at this time, looked a little ugly.

"What's the matter, is everyone crazy? Such a high price is still increasing!"

"So many rich people have bid, the next bottle, they should be out of money!"

"Yes, our Luo family will start bidding for the next bottle!"...


The family had this idea, and when the eighth bottle and the ninth bottle were sold for 160 million and 180 million, the Luo family's faces all turned pale. Luo

There was also a panic on the old man's calm face.

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