
Chapter 141: Health wine

.., Rejuvenation

Chapter 141

When Zhang Qiuyue saw this, her face turned red, and she covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "Brother Chen, you ordered the water!"

"Ah!" Chen Fei smiled, and then continued, "That's also Qiuyue you treat, so I have the opportunity to order water. It's because of you that Qiuyue makes the water so delicious."

"Brother Chen, you really can be kidding." Zhang Qiuyue said with a smile, chatting with Chen Fei, she felt very relaxed, a feeling of freedom, not restrained at all, she liked this feeling very much.

The two chatted, and after a while, the food they ordered came up. It was the waiter who served the food. Although there was still a smile on his face, Chen Fei could still see the discomfort in her eyes.

Ignoring the snobby waiter, Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue ate while chatting.

Chen Fei asked about Zhang Qiuyue's contract with the company, worrying about her being bullied. After all, with Qiuyue's introverted and kind temperament, I am afraid that he will not be comfortable in the dire entertainment circle.

Zhang Qiuyue also admitted that he was a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, with Huang Fatzi, a young and old in the entertainment circle of Long'an, backed up, how could the company's executives dare to treat Zhang Qiuyue.

Originally, according to Fatty Huang's plan, he had to directly use his influence and spend a lot of money to push Zhang Qiuyue out. But Zhang Qiuyue herself felt that this was not good, it seemed unfair, and would let other people talk about all kinds of rumors.

Therefore, in the end Zhang Qiuyue rejected Huang Fatty's plan, and instead settled down quietly, wanting to make some good music on her own.

Therefore, during this period Zhang Qiuyue, in addition to attending classes, often went to entertainment companies in his spare time, where he received the guidance of the company's professional music teachers. Although Zhang Qiuyue has a good musical talent and a very good voice, she has not received professional music training after all, and some things have to be learned from scratch.

The two chatted like this, and soon the food was halfway through. The boiled water on the table for the two of them drank, and Chen Fei was going to ask the waiter to pour some more water.

At this moment, the restaurant rang a radio, "The latest arrival of the health-care wine popular in Long'an in this store, the price of each bottle of health-care wine is Liu Qiang 888 yuan, the quantity is limited, if you want to buy it as soon as possible..."

Generally speaking, a restaurant of this grade will not broadcast radio advertisements that disrupt the atmosphere. But this health wine is quite special. After all, in the recent period, since the retirement banquet of Mr. Wu, various rumors about health-preserving wine have been spreading among the rich class in Long'an City, attracting many rich and powerful people.

But the number of health wines is really limited. At the beginning, only some acquaintances and the top rich and powerful in Long'an were provided. Recently, the output has gradually increased, but it is not too large. It can only be supplied in some high-end restaurants.

This restaurant also finally got a dozen health wines and the goods arrived. The owner of the shop immediately sent out a radio to advertise, first to attract people to buy, and secondly to use the reputation of health wine to improve the quality of his restaurant.

After all, there are not many restaurants in Long'an City that can provide health wine.

Not long after this advertisement was aired, there was a burst of discussion in the restaurant. Many customers talked about it one after another, and some of them immediately called the waiter and ordered the health wine.

After all, this restaurant is of good grades, and most of the people who come here are rich. These thousands of dollars can still afford it.

As Chen Fei listened to the radio, he was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the health-preserving wine he brewed later turned out to be something for the wealthy class in Long'an to show off their identity and status.

Naturally, he has no interest in this advertisement. After all, what is brewed by machinery on a large scale is inferior to his own brewing in terms of craftsmanship and raw materials.

But at the moment Zhang Qiuyue listened to the advertisement and the surrounding discussion, her eyes started to light up.

Suddenly, she waved and shouted: "Waiter, here!"

The waiter walked over, and this time the formulaic smile on his face was gone, he straightened his face and said coldly: "Hello, miss, what do I need?"

Zhang Qiuyue nodded, and said: "The health wine that Zhong said in the broadcast just now, you give us a bottle."

When Zhang Qiuyue said this, not only the waiter, but even Chen Fei was shocked.

"Miss, do you really want some health-preserving wine?" The waitress stared at Zhang Qiuyue in surprise, and couldn't help but look at Chen Fei with a hint of suspicion.

Zhang Qiuyue nodded and said seriously: "Well, I order a bottle!"

The waiter suddenly smiled, and with a sincere smile from the heart, immediately nodded and said: "Okay, miss, I will get you health wine right away."

As he said, the waiter turned and left, his steps lightened a lot. However, some people still frowned in the broken thoughts in their mouths.

"Unexpectedly, this poor couple would be generous and order such an expensive health wine."

"I really don't know what that woman is going crazy? But I don't care about it. After ordering this bottle of wine, I can get hundreds of achievements!"

Ignoring the waiter's words, Chen Fei looked at Zhang Qiuyue and asked, "Qiuyue, why did you order such expensive wine suddenly?"

Zhang Qiuyue looked at Chen Fei and said, "Brother Chen, I have heard of this health wine when I was in school. I heard that our principal finally got a bottle and drank it in hiding for more than a month! And, I I heard from them just now that this health wine is very good for the body, especially for martial arts practitioners. Brother Chen, you are a martial artist, and this health wine is very good for you."

"Brother Chen's martial arts do not need to be improved by health wine! Besides, this wine is too expensive, nearly 7,000 yuan!" Chen Fei did not expect Zhang Qiuyue to order the wine because of this reason.

Moreover, the effectiveness of health-care wine is becoming more and more outrageous. Although the wine has some health-building effects, it does not have much effect on the improvement of martial arts.

However, Zhang Qiuyue tilted her head and looked at Chen Fei and said, "I don't think it is expensive to spend money for Brother Chen!"

Chen Fei's heart suddenly warmed, and at the same time, he secretly calculated whether he wanted to tell Qiu Yue that this health-preserving wine was made by himself, and he could get the most authentic one.

While Chen Fei was thinking about it, the waiter walked over with a small bottle of wine on his tray with a smile on his face.

Chen Fei looked at the wine bottle the size of a can of Coke on the tray, and couldn't help but scold the profiteers for being too much. He even repackaged the wine into small bottles and the price was so high.

But just as the waiter was about to walk over, suddenly, the door of a private room next to it opened, and a head came out of it. I caught a glimpse of the health wine held in the waiter's hand, and couldn't help but his eyes brightened and said: "Waiter, give us three bottles of health wine in our private room!" []

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