
Chapter 1495: Hood slips off

Amidst all the discussions, Cai Xiyuan showed a smile on his face, and Chao Mu Tianhan looked over here with a triumphant expression. wood

Tianhan's expression was serious, his brows furrowed, and his whole body looked very heavy.

This result was something he hadn't expected in any way. Mu Long was defeated, then he thought that his Mu family almost never had the power to fight back. Although there is one person left in the end, you can also choose to substitute to play against the Hooded Man. but

Mu Tianhan himself was the only warrior who was stronger than Mulong in the Mu family. Do not

However, if Mu Tianhan himself participated in the fighting. First of all, not to mention the victory of the competition, in terms of prestige and momentum, the Mu Family himself fell behind. If it was not a last resort, Mu Tianhan would never want to come out to fight himself. but

In the current situation, if he didn't play, the Mu Family would lose the fight.

For a while, Mu Tianhan's expression became serious, thinking about what to do. Millet

Undoubtedly, the best choice now is to find a powerful master, replace the Mu Family's third martial artist, play for the Mu Family, and defeat the hooded man on the opposite side. in

The choice to wait is for Mu Tianhan himself to come to power to fight. Regardless of the result, the Mu family will lose first with this choice. most

The poor choice is to surrender directly. In this way, the Mu Family would lose to the Cai Family in their strongest combat link, which is a result that Mu Tianhan would never want to see.

When Mu Tianhan hesitated, Cai Xiyuan on the other side took the initiative to say: "Mu Family Lord, this match is over. The third player in the Mu Family, have you decided who to send?"

"I--" Mu Tianhan was speechless for a while, unable to answer. Cai

Xi Yuan said with a mocking voice: "If there is no one in the Mu Family, then just give up and avoid one more injured person." Wen

That said, Mu Tianhan couldn't help his face sinking, and a burst of anger broke out on his body. but

The anger was immediately replaced by a helpless expression. Now, he really has no good way.

The best choice is to find a good master instead. Thinking of this, Mu Tianhan scanned his eyes and swept over Chen Fei, then he couldn't move away.

There is absolutely no doubt about Chen Fei's strength, that is the existence of the realm of a heavenly master. Once defeated the Yinmen Jiang family master, if you want to defeat the hooded man, there is no problem at all.

But the biggest problem now is how to get Chen Fei to agree to help and act on behalf of the Mu family.

I quickly thought of various methods, sad crying and pleading, interest exchange and temptation, and even playing the emotional card of the close relationship between my daughter and Chen Fei.

But immediately, Mu Tianhan quickly vetoed all these methods. He knew that in front of a master like Chen Fei, these careful thoughts he had played were completely meaningless. most

In the end, he chose the most direct and candid way to look at Chen Fei and said, "Mr. Chen, my Mu family is in an emergency. I want to ask Mr. Chen to represent my Mu family."

After that, Mu Tianhan bowed to Chen Fei with a sincere request.

When Chen Fei heard the words, there was a moment of silence and did not speak directly. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Mu Tianhan for a few seconds. Such as

If it's just a simple fight once, for Chen Fei, it's just a trivial matter. It's just to help Mu Family. but

Now, this armed struggle is related to the struggle between the Mu family and the Cai family, and is a key part of the power struggle between the provincial capital and the entire Ze Province. For this kind of thing, Chen Fei didn't want to be involved in it for no reason.

Moreover, in addition to Mu Tianhan's handling of Mu Qianying and Zheng Kun's engagement, Chen Fei was also a little dissatisfied with Mu Tianhan's vagueness.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Chen Fei decided that he would not make a move. After all, his original intention to participate in the Lantern Festival was to relax and play with Chen Mochi and Chen Ziling, and did not want to participate in these power struggles.

After confirming the thoughts in his mind, Chen Fei wanted to express his attitude.

As if perceiving Chen Fei’s attitude of refusing, Mu Tianhan did not wait for Chen Fei to speak, and asked again: "Mr. Chen, please look at the face of me and Qianying and help my Mu family once. My Mu family must be grateful. Exhausted."

Zheng Kun on the side saw this with a disapproving expression on his face, and said in a low voice: "Uncle Mu, why are you! Such a request for such a hairy boy, if seen by others, will be laughed at." Mu.

Qianying argued on the side: "Zheng Kun, don't talk nonsense if you don't know. Brother Chen is very powerful in martial arts, and he is a real martial arts expert. My dad asks him. That's normal. How can people be laughed at?" "

The real martial arts master? him? I don't believe it. "Zheng Kun has an expression of disbelief. Mu

Upon hearing this, Qianying was suddenly angry and dissatisfied, and wanted to defend Chen Fei. but

At this moment, a burst of exclamation broke out on the scene, and then a very enthusiastic discussion sounded, as if cold water had suddenly dripped into the hot oil pan, and it burst into cracks instantly.

The conversation on the Mu family's side was immediately interrupted, and everyone's gaze swept across the light boat. Follow

That is, they discovered the reason why everyone was exclaiming. The hooded man who had been wearing a hood before, when he fell from the sky at the moment, was blown by the night wind, the hood on his head slipped down, revealing his face. that

It was a look of a young man with thin cheeks, sharp edges and corners, and a wicked smile on the corners of his mouth, giving people an inexplicable confidence.

"It's him, it turned out to be him!" Mu Tianhan couldn't help being surprised when he saw the man, his face instantly became ugly, and his face was even uglier than when the wooden dragon was defeated just now, "No wonder the wooden dragon will be defeated. Didn't expect it to be him?""

How much did the Cai family have spent, and even invited this expert to come and help out. ""

No wonder so, now that I understand, everything can be explained. "


The turbulent discussions surrounding Chen Fei couldn't help but look puzzled at this moment, and looked at Mu Qianying with some incomprehension.

Mu Qianying's pretty face also looked a bit ugly at this time, and explained to Chen Fei in a low voice: "Brother Chen, that man with a hood is called Ma Wuyi."

"Ma Wuyi, is it famous?" Chen Fei frowned, looking like he had never heard of it.

Without waiting for Mu Qianying to explain, Zheng Kun on the side spoke mockingly, "Still pretending, Ma Wuyi doesn't know, are you still a warrior? Haha!"

Let me tell you, Ma Wuyi is the son of Senior Ma Wanli, a half-step master of Luokong Mountain in the south, as well as his direct disciple. Now, you know it! "

"Ma Wanli?" Chen Fei still felt a little strange to this name.

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