
Chapter 1498: Hard to think

Passers-by can see this situation clearly, and both the Cai family and the Mu family above the wooden building are naturally very clear in their hearts.

Such a situation made Mu Tianhan's face a little unsightly. However, he turned his head and looked at Zheng Qinshi, who was immediately full of confidence, and a smile appeared on his face.

On the other side of the Cai family's side, Cai Xiyuan had a smug expression on his face. From time to time, he glanced at Mu Tianhan, with a smug showy color in his eyes. this

At that time, the Mu family presented a lantern presented by the director of a certain department of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Ze Province, which caused an exclamation from everyone on the scene. After all, China Merchants is not an ordinary department, and this director is the celebrity in front of the director. He sent lanterns to the Mu family, does it represent the director's optimism and support for the Mu family?

If this is the case, the Mu Family's literary fight this year might really create some unexpected surprises. Cai

At home, Cai Xiyuan seemed to be a little surprised by the director's flower delivery, and his eyes changed slightly. However, Cai Xiyuan immediately raised the corners of his mouth, showing a smile, clapping his hands and saying, "Please come up with Mr. Huang's lantern!"

Immediately, in the eyes of everyone's attention, a beautiful lantern with flying white cranes was sent up. The lanterns are exquisite, but the focus of everyone's attention is the person who gives them the lanterns.

The name of the person who gave the lantern was read out. The introduction was very simple. There was no job title. There were only a few simple words, "Mr. Huang Xuhao Huang from Nanze University!"

The people at the scene were all taken aback, with a look of astonishment on their faces, and then they made a splash and started talking. "

It turned out to be Mr. Huang Xuhao, which is amazing. "

"Unexpectedly, when Mr. Huang was invited, the Cai family is still worthy of being the Cai family. It's amazing."

"Is this Huang Xuhao amazing? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Huang Xuhao is the dean of the School of Economics of Nanze University, you haven't heard of it?"

"I know this. However, although Nanze University is a very well-known good university, Huang Xuhao is a good dean of the college, but after all, he is only an academic person. Compared with the director of the Mu family just now, it seems to be inferior. Come on!""

I don't think you know anything! Although Mr. Huang is still just a teacher, let me tell you that he will soon be transferred to our Department of Commerce of Ze Province to take up an important post. "

"What? Going to work in the Department of Commerce, that's really amazing!"

Oh, what is this. I can also tell you that Huang Xuhao, Mr. Huang, is also a student of Xu Linping and Xu Lao. "

"Xu Linping and Mr. Xu, he is—could it be that he is the deputy director who just retired from the Department of Commerce of Ze Province. Mr. Huang turned out to be a student of Mr. Xu, this is too—"

"Now, do you know how good Mr. Huang is? Know how incredible it is for the Cai family to invite Mr. Huang to send lanterns!"

This is indeed incredible, the Cai family is too powerful. They were determined to win this literary fight. "


As Huang Xuhao's identity spread, the surrounding discussion became more and more enthusiastic, and the smiles on people's faces became more and more smug on the Cai family's side. This situation almost means that the Cai family will undoubtedly win in the literary fight. Cai

Xiyuan also looked over towards Mu Tianhan with a smug look, with the show-off color of a winner in his eyes.

Mu Tianhan's eyes sank, staring at Huang Xuhao's lantern for a long time, feeling a little afraid, but when he saw Zheng Qinshi next to him, he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and said to Zheng Qinshi, "Brother Zheng, now I rely on you." he

This time, not only arranged Zheng Qinshi's lanterns, but also specially prepared some so that Zheng Qinshi personally took the lanterns to appear on the stage. This kind of shock will surely surprise everyone. miss you

At this point, Mu Tianhan couldn't help being excited, and couldn't help but glance at Cai Xiyuan with a touch of excitement.

Cai Xiyuan still smiled and looked very proud.

Zheng Qinshi took down the wooden building. After a while, a figure appeared with a small lantern in his hand. He set up a passage from the shore and went up to the light boat. Of

The front lanterns were arranged long ago by the staff of each house, placed under the light boat, and then displayed. Present

Suddenly, someone sent lanterns directly on the spot. Such a situation naturally attracted everyone's attention. just

At the beginning, everyone couldn't see the face of the person who gave the lantern, but as the figure got closer and closer to the light boat, his face was also illuminated by the light. when

When Zheng Qinshi's face appeared in the eyes of the audience on both sides of the strait, there was a cry of exclamation at the scene, and the scene suddenly became lively. "

Well, isn’t that Zheng Qinshi Mr. Zheng? "

"The Mu Family actually invited Mr. Zheng, is this true?"

"I thought the Cai family was set to win, but looking at the current situation, the situation has to be reversed!"

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it at all! Mu Tianhan actually invited Zheng Qinshi to Mr. Zheng? "


Many people were amazed, but there were still some people who didn't know Zheng Qinshi, and couldn't help being full of doubts.

"Zezheng Qinshi, is he very powerful? Which department is it from? Is the official position very large?"

"Mr. Zheng, you don't know, you really don't know what you do. I tell you, Zheng Qinshi is the chairman of the three southern provinces joint chamber of commerce, and also a standing committee member of the Ze Province Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Now, know it! "

"Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, standing committee member. This, this is indeed amazing!"

However, this is great. But compared to Mr. Huang Xuhao, who was invited by Cai's family, it is still not as good. After all, Mr. Huang is about to enter the Department of Commerce to take up a post, and Mr. Huang is still a student of Mr. Xu. Although Mr. Zheng is good at this kind of position, he is incomparable! "

"Haha, can't compare? You don't know anything!"

Let me tell you, Huang Xuhao Mr. Huang is indeed amazing, and he is indeed a student of Mr. Xu. But I want to tell you that Mr. Zheng is more powerful, because Mr. Zheng is Mr. Xu's son-in-law and the only son-in-law. "

"What, Zheng Qinshi is Old Xu's son-in-law, is this true?"

The only son-in-law, this kind of relationship is still closer than the student relationship! ""

That said, Mr. Zheng can really beat Mr. Huang. "


Unexpectedly, Unexpectedly, the Mu Family turned around. "

"This year's Lantern Festival is really exciting! First, the Cai family turned against the sky in the fighting, and then now, the Mu family gave us a big surprise, defeating the Cai family in the fight."

"This year's two families have just changed each other, and they are still one win and one loss. However, according to the saying that Wen Dou is better than Wu Dou, the Mu family has won to a certain extent. In the future, we will be the first in the province of Zee. The family, I am afraid it will belong to the Mu family."

"This is really unexpected. We couldn't think of it as a result!"


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