
Chapter 150: Rainy night

.., Rejuvenation

Chapter 1 Rainy Night Mountain Lin

In the northern suburbs of the mountain, the night is getting thicker and the rain is getting heavier.

At the beginning, the patter of rain has now turned into a pouring rain.

Everything in the mountain was soaked wet, and Chen Fei's trace along the way, under such a heavy rain, could not find a trace.

Looking up at the dark black night, and looking down at the intersection ahead, Chen Fei was a little anxious. He lost his track, and at this moment he could not tell which way the opponent took Qi Jian with him.

For a while, Chen Fei felt a sense of irritation and anger spurted out of his eyes.

But at this moment, suddenly, there was a scream of "Ah" on the rainy night, and Chen Fei was shocked. He immediately determined the direction of the opponent and rushed towards the fork road to the left.

The heavy rain did not affect Chen Fei's speed, but the sound of rain over the sky could help Chen Fei conceal the sound of his actions.

After walking along the fork road for about twenty minutes, Chen Fei suddenly had a certain footsteps, and his eyes narrowed slightly. Because between the two big trees in front, a small wooden house appeared in front of him, and the small wooden house, you can see the light shaking.

"Here!" Chen Fei's heart moved, he moved more carefully, and slowly approached the cabin.

The sound of rain all over the sky and the thunderbolt from time to time in the sky completely obscured Chen Fei's voice. At the front of the cabin, there is a man in his early twenties, holding a flashlight in his hand, and looking at the road conditions vigilantly. It seems that he is on alert.

Worried about Qi Jian's safety, Chen Fei did not choose to rush forward, but quietly touched the back of the cabin.

There is no window on the back, but the wooden house is obviously in disrepair in the middle of the mountain. There are many finger-sized gaps in the wooden board. Chen Fei approached and could see the situation inside the house.

On the left side of the cabin entrance is a dilapidated wooden bed, and on the right side is a pile of wood and other utensils. Next to the wood, there is a stove made of a crude iron barrel. It seems that the guards should occasionally rest. local.

At this moment, a lot of wood was added to the stove, and it burned ragingly. Sitting next to him were two men in their thirties who were leaning on the fire around the stove.

On the broken bed a little farther away, a thin figure tied with twine, lying on the wooden bed, although he can't see his face, he looks like Qi Jian according to his body shape.

At this time, a man who was roasting the fire turned his head, looked over to the wooden bed, and said: "Qi Jian, I know you are the director of the health wine workshop. You tell us the recipe of the health wine, and we will let you go back soon. And the two million in cash promised earlier will be given to you a lot. How about?"

Qi Jian on the bed snorted and moved, and then his voice was a little hoarse: "Don't say I don't know the formula, even if I know, you guys don't want to get the formula of health wine from my mouth. I will not betray Chen. Flying, he is my friend."

"Friend?" The fire-fighting man sneered, "Qi Jian, that Chen Fei is Lin Qiuhan's husband, worth billions of dollars, and he doesn't care about that small workshop. And you, for these millions, I've lost my life, do you think it's a good deal?"

Qi Jian was silent for a while, then said: "No matter what you say, I don't have the formula you want anyway."

The fire-fighting man seemed to be a little impatient. He got up and walked over, punched Qi Jian, causing him to let out a cry of pain, and then he took out a cell phone and said, "Then you call Chen Fei and say you need to know the recipe."

"I won't fight!" Qi Jian shouted.

"Don't fight!" The fire-fighting man grinned, "Do you think that we brought you to the mountain to scare you? I tell you, if Chen Fei doesn't hand over the recipe, you are going to be rotten in this mountain, right? ."

"It's off the beaten track here, even if you are dead, I'm afraid no one will be able to find you." The roasted man said.

Qi Jian said: "I won't fight!"

The fire-fighting man punched Qi Jian fiercely again, and then backed away, holding his mobile phone, ready to make a call.

But looking at the cell phone signal, it was impossible to make a call. Suddenly, the man cursed badly and put the phone away, "Damn, it's raining so hard, the mobile phone made by Lao Tzu has no signal."

"Don't worry, I don't care about these few hours anyway. When the rain stops, we will fight again." Another flat-headed man smiled, "I heard that Chen Fei is quite affectionate. This time I should be able to make it. To the recipe."

The fire-fighting man spit, and said, "What is the importance of love? They are businessmen, I still don't know, in the face of real interests, what kind of **** is a bunch of shit. I think that Chen Fei can't Come."

The flat-headed man waved his hand and said relaxedly: "It doesn't matter whether we come or not. Anyway, we collect money to do things. Let the boss worry about other things."

"That's right!" The fire-fighting man nodded, "You said, is the formula really that powerful? Is the boss paying so much attention to it, and even killing people, is it worth it?"

"The boss says it's worth it, I don't care so much. Anyway, I am a desperate person and don't care about killing one or two more people." The flat-headed man said with a grin, as if he didn't care that Qi Jian would hear this.

At this moment, Qi Jian seemed to be frightened by the words of the two, trembling all over, and let out a sobbing sound.

Chen Fei looked at everything in the room through the gap, with a burst of anger in his heart, his eyes full of killing intent and looked at the two people in front of him, "It seems that Xie Jinjie has invited these desperadoes to kidnap Qi Jian and want to blackmail the formula."

Worried about Qi Jian's safety, Chen Fei did not immediately do it. Instead, he lurked outside the house silently. About an hour later, the fire-fighting man went out and changed shifts with the guarding man. The other party entered the house, roasted the fire, and ate something casually, wrapped in his clothes and leaned against the wall. Fell asleep.

It was late at night, and Chen Fei turned around and saw that the three of them were already drowsy and didn't have much energy to guard the guard.

Therefore, Chen Fei silently touched the wooden door and rushed out of the shadows. A hand knife slashed on the man's neck, knocking him out.

Then, before the people inside could react, Chen Fei kicked open the wooden door and rushed directly to the two men beside the stove, kicking them one by one on their chins, kicking them directly out, and smashing them fiercely. On the ground, he passed out directly.

Solving the three guards, but a few seconds, not much time at all.

Immediately, Chen Fei walked quickly toward the bed, turned Qi Jian over, and was about to untie the rope for him.

But when Chen Fei started, Qi Jian, who was lying on the bed, turned around, flicked his waist, and his upper body bounced. At the same time, he held a dagger in his hand, flashing with cold light, and stabbed Chen Fei's abdomen fiercely. 【】

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