
Chapter 1506: Master must not be humiliated

In front of Mawan was a young and stern face. He had only seen one face of this cheek, but it was deeply imprinted in his mind, making him unforgettable.

Because the person in front of him was the shocking Mr. Chen he saw when Ma Wanli was exploring the Dragon Tomb. when

At that time, the warriors exploring the Dragon Tomb were surrounded by people from the hidden family, forcing them to surrender their treasures. In the end, Chen Fei made a bold move and directly killed Jiang Rulong and Jiang Han, both of the Heavenly Martial Artists of the Yinmen Jiang Family, and rescued the Martial Artists at the scene and shocked these people.

Ma Wanli was one of those people who were shocked. As a warrior known as a half-step master, Ma Wanli was very clear about the gap between the peak and the early days. and

As a secular warrior, he also knows how far the ordinary warrior is from the warrior of the hidden family. This

In this case, Chen Fei still killed Jiang Rulong and Jiang Han. This terrifying strength shocked Ma Wanli, and at the same time he was extremely envious. Especially knowing that Chen Fei is only a young man less than 30 years old, which shocked Ma Wanli even more.

So now, when Ma Wanli saw that the opponent standing opposite him turned out to be Chen Fei, the fighting spirit on his body immediately disappeared, and the vitality aura quickly dissipated, and he did not dare to have any more hostility. most

In the end, Ma Wanli fell on the deck of the Mujia Lantern Boat and knelt down in front of Chen Fei on one knee. He bowed his head and said, "Ma Wanli, I have seen Chen Fei and Master Chen!"

With his hands behind his back, Chen Fei rolled his eyelids, glanced at Ma Wanli faintly, and said, "Do you know me?" Ma

Wan Li raised his head and glanced at Chen Fei quickly, then lowered his head and quickly explained: "When I explored the Dragon Tomb, I was also among the crowd."

That's it! Chen Fei nodded as he understood the situation, then looked at Ma Wanli and said, "Then what do you mean now?" Do you want to do it with me? ""

Don't dare, I don't mean it at all. "Ma Wanli shook his head quickly and denied it, daring not to hesitate, his entire face showed an extremely nervous look."

is it? Chen Fei said lightly, staring at Ma Wanli and examining him.

People's conversations are not loud, so people on the banks of the river can't hear them. in

Yes, from their point of view, they had just been violent and prepared to kill Chen Fei's Master Ma in one blow. Suddenly, I didn't know what was wrong with Chen Fei. Instead, he knelt in front of Chen Fei, his attitude seemed very respectful. Such as

This scene really surprised everyone, and they couldn't help but talk about it. "

What happened, why did Master Ma suddenly stop attacking! ""

Not only was he not offensive, but he seemed to show respect to Chen Fei instead. What exactly is going on? "...


Even Cai Xingping, Cai Lao, seeing this situation at this moment, is full of doubts, showing incomprehension, and can't help shouting: "Master Ma, are you okay?" Cai

Xingping's voice was very clear, but Ma Wanli at this moment, facing Chen Fei's scrutiny gaze, did not dare to make any unnecessary movements. He knelt in front of Chen Fei, motionless like a stone sculpture.

Ma Wanli did not respond, and Cai Xingping couldn't help but feel an ominous premonition.

At this time, Ma Wuyi, who was eager for revenge, couldn't help but yelled out loudly when he saw his father did not move: "Dad, what's the matter with you? Go ahead and kill that kid!"

Zheng Kun also agreed at this time, and shouted to Chen Fei: "Chen Fei, in front of Master Ma, you don't know how to know each other, so you will be obedient to catch it, don't let Master Ma do it."

Cai Hai on the side immediately yelled coldly: "The surname Chen, now you kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe Master Ma is in a good mood and can make your death easier."

The three people's voices reached the Mujia Lantern Boat and fell into Ma Wanli's ears, causing a layer of fine sweat to seep out of his forehead. The whole person was extremely nervous and almost suffocated.

At this moment, he almost wished to rush over, pinched the necks of the three of them fiercely, and told them to shut up quickly and stop talking. Otherwise, Chen Fei was really angered, and all of them might die here.

But the three of them didn't know this at all, they were still talking endlessly, and the words were getting more and more uglier, and they directly insulted Chen Fei. Chen

Fei looked indifferent, glanced at Ma Wanli, and said coldly: "They are so arrogant because of your presence?"

Ma Wanli trembled severely when he heard the words, and shook his head quickly, "Master Chen, I dare not, I didn't instruct them to do so!"

After speaking, Ma Wanli immediately turned his head and shouted angrily at Mulou's discovery, "Shut up all to me."

At that time, Ma Wuyi, Zheng Kun, and Cai Hai were taken aback, and all their words were held back. They looked at Ma Wanli in astonishment, with incomprehension in their eyes. "

What happened to Master Ma? ""

We scold that Chen Fei, how could Master Ma be so angry? ""

Did we do something wrong? "...


On the light boat at home, Chen Fei saw this, glanced at Ma Wanli, and said indifferently: "Just now, you said, Grandmaster must not be insulted. What do you think?"

Said, Ma Wanli trembled, bit his lip, and said to Chen Fei: "Please don't worry, Master Chen, I will teach them right away."

After speaking, Ma Wanli jumped and flew back from the light boat, and flew directly towards Ma Wuyi, Zheng Kun and Cai Hai on the wooden building.

"Master Ma (Dad)!" The three shouted almost in unison.

However, without waiting for them to say more, Ma Wan stared at the three people in a green color, and let out an angry shout, "Kneel down to me!"

dad! ""

Master Ma, we—"Three

Hearing the words, full of doubts, he looked at Ma Wanli in confusion. but

At this moment, Ma Wanli felt Chen Fei's icy eyes shot from behind, and his body trembled fiercely. He glared at the three of them and hurriedly attacked them.

In the first palm, Ma Wanli's palm slapped Ma Wuyi's leg, and with a click, Ma Wuyi's left leg was directly slapped off, making a scream. Do not

When the others reacted, Ma Wanli immediately took another shot, slapped Zheng Kun and Cai Hai's legs twice, slapped them all, and let out two miserable screams.

When such a scene happened, all the people on the wooden building were stunned. They stayed in place for a while, and their heads were blank.

Lao Cai first came back to his senses, looking at his grandson who fell on the ground and screamed, his complexion changed, and he looked at Ma Wanli and said, "Master Ma, what is wrong with Haier?"

The overwhelming Zheng Qinshi, seeing Zheng Kun's painful howling at this moment, was also full of anger, but he did not dare to get angry at Ma Wanli, and could only gritted his teeth: "Master Ma, there is something wrong with Kun'er in my family, I am willing to apologize. "

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