
Chapter 1517: Doctor Qin, Nanze City

Chen Fei waved his hand and said: "It's not that there is no way, I said, but it's not that easy. The treatment can still be cured, but the conditions here are not good, it is better to go to the hospital."

OK, I will contact the hospital immediately. "Qu Hui will call soon.

At that time, Chen Mochi stood up and said, "I should call the hospital."

This—" Qu Hui looked at Chen Mochi a little strangely. After all, the hospitals and doctors in Nanze City are obviously familiar to her Qu family. Chen

Mo Chi made a call and explained: "I know your Doctor Qin in Nanze City."

"Doctor Qin, which Doctor Qin?" Qu Hui said.

Chen Mochi said, "Of course it is Dr. Qin Yueqin, the director of the Orthopedics Department of Nanze First Hospital." Listen

At this point, Qu Hui couldn't help screaming, "Qin Yue! You know Doctor Qin Yue, is this true?"

of course it's true. There is no time to delay, let's go over and talk about it first! "Chen Mochi said.

Everyone nodded, and then led Qu Heng to the First Hospital of Nanze City. in

In the car, after Qu Hui's introduction, Chen Fei and the others understood the power of Dr. Qin Yueqin.

This doctor Qin Yueqin is a doctor in the Department of Orthopedics of the First Hospital of Nanze City. After returning from studying abroad five years ago, he entered the First Hospital and quickly took the position of the director of orthopedics within five years.

At the age of less than forty years old, he set the record for the youngest director of departments in major hospitals in Nanze City.

The reason why Qin Yue was able to improve so rapidly was not because of her background or being active, but purely relying on her incomparable orthopedic medicine.

It can even be said that Qin Yue in Nanze City is undoubtedly the number one in orthopedics, and no one dares to question her. to

Because of her character, it is possible that she has taken off the hindrance of her rise in position.

Qin Yue has excellent medical skills, but she is very stubborn and obeys the rules, and hardly makes any exceptions. This

This kind of temperament is not a problem when I am abroad. But when he returned to the country where human relations were so full, Qin Yue's temperament looked a little strange.

Since she became famous in the Orthopedics of Nanze City, she hasn't known how many rich and powerful people have come to her for the treatment of her or her relatives and friends. but

Without exception, Qin Yue rejected all these people's requests, and there was no room for negotiation. Among them, the most famous is a deputy mayor of Nanze, who brought his injured father-in-law to the hospital and forced Qin Yue to perform surgery on his father-in-law, but was rejected by Qin Yue righteously. .

The furious deputy mayor even called the police to threaten Qin Yue, but Qin Yue remained motionless. In the end, the matter was violent, and it ended with the demotion of the deputy mayor. From

Since then, there has also been a saying in Nanze City that even if you have money and no matter how big your official is, when you come to Dr. Qin Yueqin, you are a flat-headed people.

After Chen Fei and the others listened to Dr. Qin Yueqin's deeds, they did not dislike her. Instead, they had a little admiration for this Doctor Qin. complete

After all, in a human society, it takes a lot of pressure and courage to be able to do this without fear of power.

After sighing, Qu Hui couldn't help but ask Chen Mochi, "Mr. Chen, how did you know Dr. Qin Yueqin?"

When it comes to this question, everyone can't help but become interested. complete

After all, according to Qu Hui's statement just now, this Doctor Qin was rigid and stubborn, and treated people coldly. Under normal circumstances, such people will not have many friends. but

Now, Chen Mochi, a person from other provinces, has met Qin Yue. This can't help but make everyone curious. Say

At this point, Chen Mochi hesitated a bit, glanced at Chen Ziling, and then briefly introduced: "Actually, it is a coincidence. One time when I was traveling abroad, I helped Doctor Qin a little favor, so I met . She left a phone number and said that she could find her if something happened!"

With a small favor, let someone like Doctor Qin leave a call and offer to help! This shouldn't be a little busy, right? "

When everyone was more confused and curious, the car drove to the door of the First Hospital.

The crowd did not continue to talk, but took Qu Heng out of the car and quickly came to the hospital.

When he came to the orthopedics department, Chen Fei gave Qu Heng on the bed to control his injuries with his true vitality. Chen Mochi immediately stepped out, ready to go to Dr. Qin Yueqin for help.

But before he walked out of the ward, there was a sound of footsteps. Follow

That is, Chen Fei and the others saw a female doctor in a white coat with short hair coming in. Female

The doctor looked like he was only about 35 years old. He had good skin and looked very young, but there were some bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and he seemed to be overworked. she was

He is not tall, but he walks in the wind, giving a strong oppressive aura, which makes people weaker involuntarily.

"Mochi, you are here! You finally called me, is there anything wrong?" the female doctor said. listen

At this intimate address, Dr. Qin, who has always been unkind, unexpectedly greeted him. Chen Fei and the others couldn't help being taken aback, their gazes at Chen Mochi were a little strange. and

At this moment, Chen Mochi's muscles trembled, he glanced at Chen Ziling, and then showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and explained: "I have known Doctor Qin for a long time."

That is, he talked about the business right away, pointed at Qu Heng on the hospital bed, and said: "Qin Yue, my friend, my leg was interrupted and it was very serious. I don't know if you can—"

Before Chen Mochi finished speaking, Qin Yue stepped forward and saw Qu Heng's skin-piercing white bones at a glance. He looked serious and frowned, "The femur fractures irregularly, and the situation is serious."

Can it be cured? Doctor Qin, save my brother. "Qu Hui asked a little excitedly.

Speaking of the problem of treatment, Qin Yue's expression became serious, and said: "I can give it a try, but I can't guarantee that he can recover his legs."

"Moreover, I still have a patient on hand, who is about to undergo a minor operation. If you want to be treated, you may have to wait about an hour and a half." Qin Yue said.

After speaking, Qin Yue glanced at Chen Mochi and continued: "Of course, I will have the operation sooner, and it should be over in an hour. Can you wait?" Ruo

It is the general doctor who said this, I am afraid that the patient's family would have been angry long ago. but

Now the speaker is Qin Yue, who is famous for his unkindness, and this kind of words is quite understandable. Moreover, Qin Yue took the initiative to compress time to treat Qu Heng's injuries.

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