
Chapter 1528: Scared

Half an hour later, in the Linglong Sub-bureau of Nanze City, Director Zhu put down his mobile phone, with a palpitation on his face, and muttered: "Fortunately, I checked it. Fortunately, I checked it. Otherwise, he would be in trouble. "

"Deputy Director Wang, immediately stop all actions against Chen Fei and immediately call people back." Director Zhu ordered. king

The deputy director was also frightened at the moment, nodded quickly, and then began to give orders.

After confirming that the action has stopped, Director Zhu looked at the treatments he had just found on the computer, and his heart was still beating involuntarily. After a while, he was afraid that it would surge to his heart. , I must be over."

When Director Zhu sighed, his cell phone rang.

Director Zhu looked at the familiar number on the telephone display, his face suddenly changed, "Xu Linping and Xu Lao's call."

After a little thought, Director Zhu adjusted his posture, coughed slightly, and then connected the phone, "Hello, teacher."

"Xiao Zhu, the matter of Mo'er really troubles you. How are your actions right now? Has anyone been caught?" Xu Linping asked directly what he cared about the most. and

When Director Zhu heard this question, he couldn't help but was taken aback, almost cursing in his heart. Do not

However, these words obviously cannot be said, and Chen Fei's identity is also classified and cannot be exposed at will, at least not by his Director Zhu. So

Therefore, after Director Zhu paused, he thought of a comment and said, "Teacher, this matter may be a bit complicated, and it needs a careful investigation." Xu

The old fritters, who are always in official circles, immediately realized that something was wrong when he heard Director Zhu's tone. Suddenly, his tone sank, and he asked, "Xiao Zhu, is there something wrong? Or is it something troublesome?"

Director Zhu explained: "Teacher, this, this matter is indeed a bit troublesome. Teacher, the person you mentioned, I'm afraid we can't arrest at will."

At this point, Old Xu's face on the other end of the phone was even more gloomy, "Can't be arrested at will? Why is this? The matter of martial artists who commit crimes and crimes is under the control of the Linglong organization."

"Theoretically so, but this matter is a bit special." Director Zhu is still explaining. and

The old Xu on the other end of the phone is already a little unhappy, "Special? What special method? Or, it is better to say that someone has a better face, and you don't like my old man's thin face, Director Zhu."

Upon hearing this, Director Zhu knew that Mr. Xu was angry, and quickly explained: "Teacher, what you said is really serious. No matter how I dare not give you face to the teacher!"

"You give me face, then immediately send someone to arrest Chen Fei and bring him to justice." Xu Linping said coldly.

Director Zhu looked embarrassed, "Teacher, this, I really can't do this!"

Why can't it be done? Are you the head of the Linglong branch or a warrior in the late stage of the Xuan level, what can't you do? "Old Xu was obviously angry.

Director Zhu couldn't explain, but could only repeat: "Teacher, I'll tell you the truth. Chen Fei, we can't move, you'd better not move. Otherwise, it will not be good for our branch or the Xu family. ""

Can't move? "Lao Xu couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and then he said, "Why can't you move, because he is the master of martial arts?" Even so, as the official department of the country, Linglong did not dare to resist. "

"Teacher, I can't explain this. I can only say, don't conflict with that Chen Fei." Director Zhu said.

Hearing this, Old Xu snorted coldly and said, "It seems that I have retired. My old face is indeed useless. Some people don't buy my account. If this is the case, then I won't bother Director Zhu. Now I will figure out a solution by myself."

"Teacher, I didn't mean that, I—" Director Zhu still wanted to explain, but the other party clicked and hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy beep from the mobile phone, Director Zhu looked very ugly, sighed, and said: "I have reminded it, it is the most benevolent. What happens to your Xu family depends on your own choice."


At the time, at the Xu family's side, Old Xu hung up the phone with a serious expression, with anger clearly written on his face. this

At that time, Xu Rufei, Xu Ruwen and his wife all came over, looked at the old man, and asked. "

Dad, what's the situation, is there any news from Linglong? ""

Did anyone catch it? ""

Do we need to pass now? "...


The old face was as sinking as water, and he snorted coldly, and said, "The director of Linglong Zhu did not give me face and cancelled the action."

What, the action was cancelled. ""

What is the surname Zhu doing for not giving us the Xu family's face? "

"Being the director, I really thought I was amazing. In Nanze City, even our Xu family doesn't take it seriously anymore!"

Don't let him go, you must teach him a lesson, otherwise, everyone really thinks that our Xu family is easy to bully. "...


With a cold face, he said solemnly: "The Linglong branch must be dealt with. However, that is not the most important thing. Now, the most important thing for us is to catch Chen Fei and avenge Mo'er. ."

After a pause, Mr. Xu saw Zheng Qinshi and Xu Ruwen, and immediately added: "Of course, there is also Kun'er."

But, Dad. If Linglong doesn't act, then Chen Fei is a master of martial arts, how can we catch him? Ordinary police, our Xu family guards, are not his opponents! "Xu Rufei said anxiously.

Old Xu coldly snorted, with a gloomy look in his eyes, and said coldly: "Ordinary people can't deal with him, then please ask unusual people."

No ordinary person, who? "Xu Rufei asked.

Old Xu said a name in a deep voice-Kou Wuxiong.

Hearing this name, everyone in the Xu family couldn't help being taken aback, and then they started talking.

"Kou Wuxiong, the boss of the underground world."

"By the way, he is indeed a warrior, and he seems to be quite powerful."

He has some means, and there are some fierce people under his men, which is a choice. "...


However, it seems that Kou Takeo's martial arts strength is only around the late prefecture level. There is still a certain gap between the half-step master Ma Wanli, and the distance from Chen Fei is probably even worse. Can such him deal with Chen Fei? "Zheng Qinshi reminded from the side. This

After asking, Xu Rufei and others' expressions fell silent.

In the silence, Old Xu said, "To deal with people is not necessarily to fight alone. Sometimes, the strength of martial arts is not necessarily the final winner. To win, there are many other things besides head-to-head. means."

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