
Chapter 1571: Operation Storm

"They want to suppress my development?" Chen Fei said. Zhu

Old Taoist: "Yes, in personal martial arts and power, they all want to suppress you. Personal martial arts, they can not interfere much. But in terms of power development, they definitely want to suppress."

You are now in the capital, and you have Situ Academy, Autumn Group, Cheng Yaoguan and other forces under your name. This is not considered to be the Luo family, Xing family and other family forces you have made friends with. Your power has already risen in the capital. ""

How do they want to suppress me? "Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and said. Zhu

The veteran said: "The reason why you develop so fast, to a large extent, depends on the deterrence of personal force, directly sweeping and crushing opponents, letting them defeat."

"So, this time, the Zhao family and Shao Donghua specifically raised this aspect, saying that they would restrict your use of force. Otherwise, letting you, such a martial arts master, wantonly use martial arts to suppress people in the duny world would be out of order. This is also theirs. The reason for deliberately bringing up the Xia family's case is that they want high-level officials to see the harm caused by your force and to be wary of your abuse of force."

At this point, Chen Fei understood the other party's intentions.

Nodded, he looked at Mr. Zhu and said: "Have the senior management made a decision?"

Elder Zhu was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes."

how is it? Chen Fei continued to ask.

Mr. Zhu looked at Chen Fei and said: "The senior leaders are still very eye-catching. They can see that in the Xia family's case, you are fighting back in self-defense. This has qualitatively defined the case. But regarding the abuse of force, several leaders still raised the issue. Comments.""

In the end, after the leaders discussed and decided to restrict martial artists, especially the top martial artists whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary people, the abuse of force in the duny world. Recently, regarding this matter, the Budo League and Linglong will jointly carry out this crackdown campaign, which will be named "Rainstorm". The rainstorm operation will officially start tomorrow. "listen

At this point, Chen Fei understood.

This is to restrict one's use of force, so that one cannot use force to suppress others. In order to achieve the goal of the other party restricting their own development. Zhu

Seeing Chen Fei silent all the time, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. he

He is a heavenly martial artist, knowing how terrifying the strength of a martial arts master is. Besides, he is still such a young warrior.

If Chen Fei is really angered and asked to retaliate against the society and kill on a large scale, the damage it will cause is absolutely immeasurable.

Therefore, Mr. Zhu would be so cautious when he talked about the torrential rain action. Just worrying about angering Chen Fei. After all, Chen Fei's future is immeasurable. on

It's not irritating, but it's just words that make him dissatisfied with the high-level. The future is definitely a big loss for China Xia.

Chen Fei looked at the changing emotions in Old Zhu's eyes, and could guess what the other person was thinking.

From his personal point of view, Chen Fei didn't care about the so-called high-level resolutions and the suppression of the Zhao family and Shao Donghua. I really angered myself, so I just slapped him to death, how can I talk nonsense with him. but

He is not alone after all. There are so many friends and so many companies that need to live on their own. So

Therefore, after thinking about it, Chen Fei finally nodded, and said to Mr. Zhu: "I naturally support the decision of the leader in the rainstorm action. I will pay attention to my behavior. Of course, this is because people do not provoke me. basically."

Hearing this, Zhu Lao's worried expression relaxed, he sighed in relief, and said to Chen Fei: "Xiao Chen, if you can understand the high level, that would be the best. On behalf of the leadership, I would like to thank Xiao Chen for your understanding and support."

"Lao Zhu is polite." Chen Fei said, "Lao Zhu, there is still something to do with my company. If there is nothing wrong here, can I go back?"

Yes, of course. I will ask Lin Hu to take you back right away. "Lao Zhu said quickly. Lin Hu and Lin Lu hurried over. Chen

Fei nodded and walked out of the interrogation room. Then Lin Hu and Lin Lu drove Chen Fei back to the company.

When Chen Fei came upstairs to the office, besides seeing Wei Ling and Meng Yu, Lisa was also sitting inside.

"Lisa, why are you here?" Chen Fei couldn't help asking. Korea

Shabai glanced at him and said, "Chen, you promised to accompany me to dinner at noon. As a result, I waited for you for almost an hour and you didn't come. Therefore, I can only call Miss Wei."

As a result, I heard that you were taken away, so I came to the company. ""

Chen Fei, are you okay! They didn't do anything to you, right? "Wei Ling asked with concern. Meng

Yu Ye looked at Chen Fei with a worried expression. Chen

Fei smiled and waved his hand, sat on the sofa, and said relaxedly: "Don't worry, it's okay. Didn't I come back intact?"

"But, those people are from the Martial Arts League, they—" Wei Ling was still a little worried. Korea

Sha also asked, "Chen, I just heard that you seem to be having some trouble recently. Can you tell me? Maybe I can help you." Chen

Fei looked at the concerned eyes of the women on the opposite side, sighed softly, and then told the whole story in its entirety.

In order to facilitate Lisa's understanding, he carefully explained the conflict between Ding's family and himself, as well as the company's recent shipping problems. listen

After that, Wei Ling couldn't help frowning, looking at Chen Fei with a worried look, "Is it really okay to be watched by the Ouchi guard Zhao family?" Chen

Feiba waved his hand and said: "It's okay. Although the Zhao family is called the Ouchi guard family, they are not the real Ouchi guards. Some people, they can't move."

But that torrential rain action. You—" Wei Ling is still worried.

Chen Fei didn't take it seriously, and said: "It is not only me that restricts the storm action, but also other warriors, of course, including their Zhao family. Besides, I am not good to bully in other aspects besides force."

Seeing Chen Fei's confident appearance, Wei Ling was a little relieved. and

At this moment, Lisa put away her phone, walked towards Chen Fei with a smile, and said: "Chen, I have good news to tell you."

What good news? "Chen Fei was a little curious. After hearing what Chen Fei said just now, Lisa went out and called without saying a word.

Lisa sat across from Chen Fei and said, "The biggest problem your company has encountered right now is the problem of shipping cargo."

indeed so. Chen Fei and Wei Ling nodded at the same time. Li

Sha said relaxedly: "This is a very easy solution. Just leave your company's freight to me to handle it."

You handle it? This—" Chen Fei didn't understand for a while. Li

Sha blinked at Chen Fei and said with a smile: "Chen, don't forget. In addition to being a gourmet, I am also the president of the Baqi Club."

Within the Yaki Club, we have maritime resources, which can help you solve the problem of cargo transportation. "

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