
Chapter 1578: Sweep Ding's House

After contacting Zhao Zhenhong, the butler also summoned all the martial arts masters of the Ding family in the capital to the villa, which made Ding Haiyang's heart more stable.

Finally, Ding Haiyang remembered his son Ding Yi who was still playing outside, and quickly picked up the phone, "Ding Yi, where are you now?"

Dad, my friend and I were drinking and celebrating, what's wrong? That Lisa is dead. "Ding Yi said with a grin. Ding

Hai Hai immediately said: "You will come back to me right now. No, you will leave immediately and leave the capital."

Dad, why! What happened? "Ding Yi said puzzledly.

Ding Haiyang said: "The assassination failed. Then Chen Fei probably knew that we did it. He will definitely retaliate."

"What!" Ding Yi was also taken aback, but then he said, "What if you know? Does the surname Chen dare not attack our Ding family? Our Ding family is a big family, and it is still during the heavy rain operation. he--"

Just when Ding Yi disapproved, there was a loud noise from the Ding's villa.

Ding Haiyang shivered directly, and the phone almost fell. "

why not

When Ding Haiyang asked, someone from outside rushed in in a panic, "Ms. Ding, it's not OK. Chen Fei has rushed in and is already rushing into the yard."

With a "huh", Ding Haiyang's face became pale, and while standing up and running away, he said to Ding Yi on the other side of the phone, "Yi'er, run away and leave immediately. The man named Chen has entered."

Dad, what the hell--" Ding Yi heard the loud noise on the phone just now, and was already shocked. Now he was about to ask in detail, but the phone was already beeping and hung up.

In the villa, the panicked Ding Haiyang was surrounded by bodyguards, preparing to escape from the backyard.

But before his car started, he saw a figure stepping over, not someone else, it was Chen Fei. this

Engraved Chen Fei's face was cold, there was no expression on his face, and he walked towards Ding Haiyang step by step, knocking all the bodyguards blocking him into flight. The whole person, like an icy robot, came with a suffocating cold pressure. Look

Chen Fei couldn't hold the elite bodyguards he had raised, and they were thrown away like rag bags. Ding Haiyang's eyes couldn't help but beat fiercely a few times, panicking in his heart. "

Stop, stop him! Ding Haiyang shouted to the last four elite bodyguards around him, and then opened the door by himself, preparing to get into the car and leave.

But before he could get into the car, Chen Fei grabbed a bodyguard and smashed it like a sandbag.

In an instant, there was a loud noise, and the bodyguard accurately slammed on the roof of the car. The huge force directly smashed the roof of the car into deformation, and the bodyguard sprayed a mouthful of blood directly on Ding Haiyang's face. Such as

In this scene, Ding Haiyang couldn't help being frightened. He stood still and didn't dare to move anymore.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fei knocked out the last three bodyguards, facing Ding Haiyang, and stepped over. Ding

The ocean watched Chen Fei approaching step by step, his heart beating faster and faster, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"Can you escape?" Chen Fei said coldly, looking at Ding Haiyang.

Ding Haiyang looked at Chen Fei who was less than five meters away in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying, "Chen, Mr. Chen, I, I don't want to escape."

"I didn't want to escape! Then what are you doing?" Chen Fei said coldly. Ding

Haidao: "I, I have business to go out to talk about, so, that's why-I don't know if Mr. Chen is here, is there anything wrong?" Ding

With the last glimmer of hope, Ocean wanted to negotiate with Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked at him and said coldly: "I came naturally to be okay.""

Wh, what's the matter? As long as Ding Haiyang can do it, Mr. Chen, you can speak, I must--" Ding Haiyang seems to have caught hope, so he hurriedly said. Chen

Fei's cold words directly broke Ding Haiyang's hope, "I'm here to kill you."

In an instant, Ding Haiyang's expression turned cold, his whole body stiffened, and he froze in place. A few seconds later, he barely squeezed a smile and said: "Mr. Chen, this, this kind of thing, you can't be kidding!"

"I didn't joking with you!" Chen Fei took a step and waved an angry light forward with his right hand. gas

Mang Xiao broke through the air and directly cut off Ding Haiyang's left leg. Ding

The ocean suddenly fell to the ground with a snap, clutching his broken left leg, blood pouring out, and howling in pain, "Ah, ah--" and

At this time, Chen Fei's qi glow condensed again, and he was about to attack Ding Haiyang again. Ding

Upon seeing this, the ocean was terrified and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Mr. Chen, I was wrong, please, forgive me."

"Spare you?" Chen Fei sneered, "Business matters are solved by commercial means, and I won't move you. But you have crossed the line. If you send someone to kill me privately, you have to pay the price. ."

"This, this—Mr. Chen, that’s from the island country, not mine—" Ding Haidao said. "

Still quibbling. Do you unite with the Akao family members of the Yaki Association of the island nation, do you think I don’t know about it? "Chen Fei said coldly, and then swung another air blade, cutting off Ding Haiyang's other leg. Xian

With blood splashing, Ding Haiyang's screams became even worse.

"I warned you before, but you don't know what's good or bad. If that's the case, then you will bear the consequences." Chen Fei's voice was cold, and the breath in his palm surged again. see

Ding Haiyang showed a look of terrified horror on his face, and the whole person panicked and frightened, "No, don't kill me. I can give you what you want, please, don't kill me, don't—"

Facing Ding Haiyang's pleading, Chen Fei was unmoved, and approached. but

Just when Chen Fei was about to kill Ding Haiyang, he screamed, "Stop!"

With this thunderous scream, a dash of footsteps rang out, and a group of people came to the backyard of Ding's villa.

The leader of this team is impressively the captain of the Operation Storm Brigade, Zhao Zhenhong, a member of the Zhao family.

Ding Haiyang saw Zhao Zhenhong's arrival, as if the drowning person had caught the last straw, and shouted desperately, "Captain Zhao, save me, save me quickly. Chen Fei wants to kill me, you save me."

Zhao Zhenhong saw Ding Haiyang's legs be cut, and saw the sloppy bodyguards of the Ding family around him. He couldn't help but looked at Chen Fei with a gloomy expression and waved his hand: "Grab it for me."

Chen Fei's face sank, and he coldly shouted, "Dare you guys!" Qiang

The big breath spread with Chen Fei's cold drink, and unexpectedly shocked the members of these torrential rain operation brigade members, and for a moment he didn't dare to move at all.

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