
Chapter 1605: Valley Hidden Gate

Chen Fei was silent for a while, and then said, "Is it just letting them go?" Xing

Rui narrowed his eyes and said: "Of course not. Chen Fei, for the election meeting, our Xing family will also return to the hidden family. Are you with us?"

Without any hesitation, Chen Fei nodded and said, "Of course."

"Well, two days later, we will leave together. In these two days, you will arrange things in the capital." Xing Rui said.

Chen Fei nodded and finally calmed down.

In the next two days, Chen Fei arranged everything around him, then came to Xing's house and left the capital together. Big

After flying for about three hours, Chen Fei and the others landed in a provincial city in the northwest. After getting off the plane, the three of them took the train for another three hours and finally came to a small town.

In no hurry to continue on the road, the three of them settled down in the small town that night.

Chen Feipan sat on the bed of the hotel, breathing steady, his true vitality surging, running over and over again, and finally he completely refined the Xuanshuang Chimei fruit. This

The Xuanshuang Chimei Fruit was originally obtained by Chen Fei while exploring the Dragon Tomb. Afterwards, he encountered various things, but he had no chance to settle down and thoroughly refine the Xuanshuang Chimei Fruit.

Leaving the city this time, on the way to the hidden family family. Chen Fei's heart sank, and the whole person calmed down a lot, and he completed the refining of the Xuanshuang Chimei Fruit that had not been refined. mysterious

The frost red plum fruit is used as a medicine with the cold attribute of the same level as Jiuyou Ice Lotus and Jiuye Bingluo Flower. After Chen Fei's refining, he felt a lot more comfortable in his body, and the true vitality aura in his body seemed to be slightly strengthened in the faint. and

Moreover, unlike the two cherished medicinal materials before refining, Chen Fei has practiced in addition to the two great skills of Chi Yan Huo Pu and Ice Lotus You Huo. This time, Chen Fei also practiced a new stunt called Xuanshuang Meiyin in refining Xuanshuang Chimei Fruit.

Condensed the true vitality, condensed a faint plum blossom mark, which fell on the opponent like a snowflake. Then, the plum blossom mark can be left on the opponent silently, which is equivalent to a mark, marking the position, so that Chen Fei can feel it at any time. when

Of course, as long as Chen Fei is willing, after inspiring his true vitality. The mark of plum blossoms can also produce an icy breath, attacking the enemy. "

This Xuanshuangmei seal is a good way of tracking and marking. "Chen Fei was still very satisfied with this trick, nodded, and started to rest.

Early in the morning, the three of them got up early, found a car, and drove out of the town.

As the car drove farther and farther, Chen Fei also gradually noticed that the concentration of true vitality in the surrounding air seemed to gradually become richer.

Moreover, although the position is getting more and more biased. But along the way, I met many people on the road. It seems that the location of the hidden family is not far away.

After driving for about three hours in the mountain forest, the car that was almost falling apart, spraying hot white gas, stopped at the entrance of a valley.

Before getting off the car, Chen Fei saw from a distance a tower with two tables high at the entrance, and above the tower, patrolling personnel could be seen. Between the two towers, there is an extremely thick wall with a small iron gate open on the wall, and people come in and out one after another. "

Chen Fei, here it is, this is the location of the hidden family. "Xing Rui and Xing Hongqi got out of the car and greeted Chen Feida.

Chen Fei nodded, got out of the car together, and then walked towards the iron gate with Xing Rui and Xing Hongqi. This

The distance is not long, but there are obviously more people on the road. Xing Rui and Xing Hongqi also met many acquaintances, either enthusiastic or perfunctory greetings.

As for the other party, his gaze also kept glancing at Chen Fei's body, without concealing his gaze. Chen

After talking with Xing Rui, Fei realized that the election of the president of the Hidden Family Patriarchal Conference was definitely an opportunity for the big families of the Hidden Family to show off. So

Therefore, not only did the members of their respective families return, but they also invited back a lot of warriors. They wanted to help in this election meeting and make a name for themselves.

Therefore, Chen Fei walked all the way and felt the people walking around. Almost ninety-nine percent of them are cultivating martial artists, and 80% of these people's strength realm exceeds the prefecture-level realm.

So many masters gathered here, it is almost impossible in other places, but here, it seems very common. Come

When they arrived at the iron gate, Chen Fei and the others lined up for inspection, and then smoothly entered the valley.

As soon as he entered the valley, Chen Fei's first feeling was that the true vitality in the valley was very rich, more than three times stronger than outside. For a martial artist, this is definitely a paradise for practicing martial arts. Xing

Rui saw Chen Fei’s doubts and curiosity, and explained aloud: “There are a lot of magic arrays for gathering spiritual energy everywhere in the valley. There are ninety-nine and eighty-one. Moreover, these eighty-one gathers. On a large level, the spiritual circle is integrated into a larger circle, which has the function of gathering spiritual energy, defense and protection, and can be said to be the foundation of the hidden family for many years." Chen

Fei nodded, expressing understanding.

At this time, they had already jumped over the narrow gorge at the entrance and formally walked into the valley. mountain

The valley area is so large that Chen Fei couldn't see the end of the opposite side at first glance. The valley is also very prosperous. At first glance, Chen Fei found that there were many antique manors built everywhere.

These manor houses are hung with their own signs, which should be the residences of the various families of the hidden family. and

Moreover, if you pay close attention to it, you can find that the arrangement of houses in the entire valley is also very regular. a few

Almost all the houses are centered on the central dot of the valley, and then spread out in circles, finally forming a huge circle of circles. If

If you look down from the air at this time, you can find that the buildings in the valley look like a mosquito coil.

Xing Rui and Xing Hongqi led Chen Fei over the surrounding buildings and walked inside. Xing

Rui explained to Chen Fei at the same time, "Our Xing family can only be regarded as a third-rate hidden family in the hidden family. The family strength is not too strong, but can only be regarded as medium. According to the rules, the more powerful the hidden family, The closer the position is to the center dot."

"Our Xing family's location is about six circles away from the center dot." While talking, a few people came to a manor built of blue brick and white tiles. The manor was decorated very delicately, like a garden in the south style.

Seeing this, Xing Rui couldn't help but smiled and introduced Chen Fei: "This is the manor of our Xing family."

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