
Chapter 1615: Successive victories

Amidst the discussion, the Pei family at this moment looked so gloomy as if the sky was over before a rainstorm.

They never expected that Pei Wei would be defeated by Chen Fei so easily, and the defeat was so tragic.

The current situation is that Pei Wei is not only defeated, but also stunned by Chen Fei. In this way, although Pei Wei still has another chance to enter the loser group and fight again. But in this state, it is obviously impossible for him to play again. Therefore, it is a foregone conclusion that Pei Wei will lose another battle in the loser group.

Calculating this way, the two young juniors sent by the Pei family to participate in the ring battle actually scored only one point in total, which is far lower than the Pei family's expectations. Such as

If the profit share is allocated according to this score, the interests of the Pei family will be greatly affected. This is definitely bad news for the Pei family. So

Therefore, everyone in the Pei family at this moment looked at Chen Fei with gloomy eyes, and they couldn't hate him to kill him directly. But in full view, the Pei family obviously couldn't do it. and

On Chen Fei's side, he completely ignored the attitude of Pei's family, returned to his seat, sat down and chatted while watching the next test of other personnel. ratio

The trial continued, and the number of people on the scene was once again lost, and the remaining people were getting fewer and fewer. Zhu Ling was drawn to the address of a third-rate hidden door. Although she tried her best to fight, she was still a bit inferior in the end, and she was defeated and completely eliminated.

After two rounds, Zhu's current score is also fixed at three points, which is a very good score. After all, there are only two rounds of competition now, and each family can only send two players, and even if they all win, the highest is four points.

And the families that can get four points are basically first- and second-rate hidden families. It is normal for the Zhu family to line up behind them.

At noon, the competition was temporarily stopped. Everyone went to have lunch and rest to recharge their energy and prepare for the afternoon competition. Zhu

The unexpectedly outstanding performance of the family has attracted a lot of attention. When they left, many people looked over. However, the people who came up to greet each other did not. because

It is clear to everyone that the game in the morning is just an appetizer. The real highlight is still in the afternoon. After all, talented players from major families have hardly met before. In the afternoon, these talented players will definitely come across as the elimination round progresses, and that is the focus of everyone's attention.

The Zhu family has now clearly offended the Xing family and the Jiang family. Therefore, even if the Zhu family performed well in the morning, no one would take the risk to come over and make friends with the Zhu family.

Chen Fei was so happy, just because he could be quieter. After lunch, I took a break, and at half past one in the afternoon, the ring battle continued.

It was a new round of lottery. This time Chen Fei did not continue to draw acquaintances, and he got a third-rate hidden disciple that he had never seen before. Correct

The hand also came up with two consecutive victories, and his strength should not be underestimated. Moreover, he obviously also learned the lesson of Pei Wei's failure. As soon as the ring battle began, he immediately rushed out, trying to preemptively strike Chen Fei by surprise. but

This player's strength is actually about the same as Pei Yong, even a little bit weaker than Pei Wei, how could it be Chen Fei's opponent. most

In the end, after Chen Fei practiced more than ten moves against the opponent, he shot him out of the ring with one palm and won the competition. Zhu

Home scored another point, and Chen Fei also scored three consecutive victories and reached the next round. Present

The atmosphere of the competition is getting more and more tense and fierce. One

Hours later, the third round of the game was over, and the fourth round of draws began immediately. To

After this round, there were not many people left on the scene, and Chen Fei drew another familiar person this time. The opponent is not someone else, but Xing Jian of the Xing family. Xing

After the sword was drawn to Chen Fei, his gaze immediately looked over, but did not fall on Chen Fei. Instead, he looked at Xing Rui next to Chen Fei and said: "Xing Rui, I will defeat him in the ring. Then let you know what a foolish decision you chose to leave the Xing family and follow him Chen Fei."

Xing Rui raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Xing Jian, my choice does not require you to teach you a lesson. But what I can tell you is that you cannot defeat Chen Fei."

"Really?" Xing Jian snorted coldly, his face was full of disdain, and he looked very confident, "Then wait and see." Very

Soon, the fourth round of competition begins.

In this round, the players with the lowest level of cultivation are all in the late prefecture level, and each of them has rich combat experience, all kinds of exercises and martial arts are very familiar, and the fighting is fierce, and it takes a lot longer than before. It takes at least a quarter of an hour to half an hour to tell the winner. Do not

Fortunately, the number of people is much smaller, and the overall time used has not changed much. No

Before long, it was Chen Fei's turn to play.

His opponent Xing Jian had long been standing in the middle of the ring, looking at Chen Fei gloomily, and said: "The surname is Chen, you don't know what's good or bad, I don't want to take care of you when you come here to find death. But you hurt my Xing family. That's your fault.""

Now, if you are to make it clear to Xing Rui and Xing Hongqi. I can consider not to abolish you. Xing Jian stared at Chen Fei and said in a loud voice.

Chen Fei looked indifferent, looked at Xing Jian, and said lightly: "Are you talking so much nonsense? Just fight if you want, I don't want to waste too much time."

You-looking for dead things. Since you don't know what is good or bad, then go to death! "Xing Jian screamed, and his true vitality exploded violently, condensing into sharp swords in front of him, like raindrops all over the sky, rushing down, making Chen Fei inevitable. Xing.

With this shot of the sword, he showed impressive strength, which was shocking, and he sent out waves of emotion.

"Xing Jian's hand is very beautiful!"

"This kind of strength should not be far from the Xing family, the Xing family's future is boundless!"

However, it is a pity that Xing Hongqi, Xing Rui and the Xing family fell out! "


Amidst the discussion, the sky full of Qi swords whizzed, and they had already reached Chen Fei and wanted to pierce him. surface

Facing such an offensive, Chen Fei squinted slightly, then screamed, and slapped it forward with a rumbling palm.


In an instant, everyone heard a whistling sound, and then a strong wind hit. He even directly blew all the Qi swords all over the sky to pieces, and finally dissipated in the air.

"This is--"

When the audience and Xing Jian were still in a daze, Chen Fei waved his hand and shot an angry glow, hitting Xing Jian in the chest and knocking him to the ground. Follow

That is, Chen Fei stepped forward, looking at Xing Jian condescendingly, and said coldly: "Are you to admit defeat?"

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