
Chapter 162: Defeat is set

.., Rejuvenation

Chapter 162

Wei Jinlong was resisting Wan Yunfei's attack at this moment, but his expression became more and more ugly, because he felt that Wan Yunfei's offensive was getting more and more fierce, and he was somewhat unable to resist it.

"It must be the red pill." Wei Jinlong said secretly, and at the same time he shouted to Wei Tian, ​​"Go away."

Upon hearing this, Wei Tian's expression suddenly sank, and he heard the anxious meaning of the second uncle's words. After gritting their teeth, Wei Tian and the Four Heavenly Kings glanced at each other, forming a circle, protecting Wei Ling and Lin Qiuhan in the middle, and then began to break through in one direction.

But the other party obviously wouldn't watch them move. In an instant, twice the number of them rushed over, and the two sides immediately fought together.

For a while, the top floor of the entire hotel fell into chaos. The fierce battle between the two big brothers was magnificent, and the team battle on the side was also extremely fierce.

But the fierce zhong, even people who don't understand martial arts, gradually see it. Both Long Shu and Wei Tian gradually fell into a disadvantage, and the people of Wanjia gradually suppressed them.

Wan Yun flew more and more proud, looked at Wei Jinlong with a gloomy expression, and smiled: "Brother Wei, if you continue to fight, you will hurt your martial arts foundation. Is it worth it for such a small thing?"

Wei Jinlong's heart clicked, thinking of these things. If he was the previous one, in order to consolidate and maintain his position in Long'an City, perhaps he would stop immediately after hearing this. After all, this would be considered a step for him by Wan Yunfei.

But now, the situation is different. Chen Fei asked him to help in this matter. Chen Fei could be said to be the savior of their family. He first protected Wei Ling, killed the killer, then healed his wife, and later killed Huang Xiaobiao. Such kindness, how could Wei Jinlong not do his best to repay his kindness.

Secondly, since the battle with Huang Xiaobiao, Wei Jinlong has been shocked. His vision has also broadened a lot. He has decided to go out and explore the world. Therefore, he no longer values ​​the industry in Long'an City as much as before.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, Wei Jinlong immediately reduced his mind, and fought intently, exploding with all his strength, and greeted Wan Yunfei's offensive with one move.

And Wan Yunfei, with a smile on his face at this moment, continued: "Brother Wei, it is not easy for everyone to practice. Why don't you stop here, let me give you a trick, what do you think?"

Wei Jinlong turned a deaf ear and continued to gritted his teeth and attacked.

Wan Yunfei laughed and continued: "Brother Wei, are you really unwilling to stop here? You don't think about yourself, but also your nephew and daughter!"

Zhang Yuanhao and others, who hid aside, couldn't help but smile when they saw Wan Yunfei's offensive dominance. Hearing these words from Wan Yunfei, Zhang Yuanhao couldn’t help but said: “Why is Uncle Wan so polite? It’s obvious that he has the upper hand, so why should I give Wei Jinlong a way to survive? If I were to take this opportunity, he Cut the weeds and roots."

Next to Zhang Yuanhao, Zhu Yong and Xie Lingfei nodded after hearing this. Obviously, they all agree with this view.

But at this moment, Wan Hui shook his head and smiled faintly: "My father didn't want Wei Jinlong. These words are just a strategy."

"Strategy?" Zhang Yuanhao was puzzled.

Wanhui explained triumphantly: "Look, although my father said verbally that he would stop, but his moves didn't mean keeping his hands at all. Instead, he used these words to conduct psychological warfare against Wei Jinlong, as long as he felt in his mind. With strange thoughts, there must be changes in his hands. At that time, my father will seize the opportunity and he will be able to hit one of them."

Hearing this, Zhang Yuanhao couldn't help but suddenly realized, "So, I didn't expect the martial arts competition to have psychological warfare elements in it."

Wanhui smiled and explained in the manner of teaching: "On the way of martial arts, you have reached a certain level. It is not a purely physical test, but a test involving all aspects of psychology, spirit, and will."

"It turns out that Uncle Wan has reached such a high level, it is really admirable!" Zhang Yuanhao took the opportunity to compliment, and as expected, Wanhui smiled more brilliantly.

At this time, Wan Yunfei's advantages have become more and more obvious.

In addition, Wei Tian's breakthrough was very unsatisfactory, and the four heavenly kings were all injured. Wei Jinlong had to be distracted to take care of that side, so the situation became more passive. Two bites of blood were beaten by Wan Yunfei.

You know, as long as the gap between this level of master is not big, it is difficult to tell the winner in a short time, let alone hurt one person.

Seeing Wei Jinlong vomiting blood, Zhang Yuanhao and his party were so excited that they almost jumped up and cheered.

Wan Yunfei didn't give Wei Jinlong a chance. He fought more and more fiercely, completely suppressing Wei Jinlong. Wei Jinlong made seven or eight moves one after another, and then sprayed out several mouthfuls of blood, and his face had begun to turn pale.

"Brother Wei, you are defeated!"

Wan Yunfei laughed, slapped Wei Jinlong's chest with a palm, and slapped Wei Jinlong away directly. Then, with a triumphant smile on his face, he walked towards the fallen Wei Jinlong, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

At the same time, Wei Tian let out a scream, the whole person was knocked to the ground, and the four heavenly kings also fell to the ground. Wan Jia's men immediately surrounded Lin Qiuhan and Wei Ling. They held Lin Qiuhan and were about to bring her over.

When many guests saw this, they couldn't help sighing, and Wei's defeat was set. Secretly sighed that after the first war, there was only one of the two big bosses in Long'an City.

For a while, everyone looked at Wan Yunfei's gaze, and they were full of admiration, fear, and flattery. The smile on Wanhui's face became more intense, and the young guests around showed congratulations and flattery.

With a smile on his face, Wanhui took Lin Qiuhan over, pushed him to Zhang Yuanhao's side, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhang, you belong to you, so lucky tonight."

"Thanks to Wan Shao's great help." Zhang Yuanhao nodded repeatedly, then rolled his eyes, glanced at Lin Qiuhan, who was bloodless, and whispered to Wan Hui, "If Wan Shao is interested, my position tonight Give it to Wan Shao."

Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but paled when he said this. He didn't expect that Yuan Hao was not only shameless, but also so weak and shameless. Seeing that Wanjia defeated Weijia and became the dominant family in Long'an City, he immediately said to please him, even willing to send himself out.

Wan Hui looked at Lin Qiuhan, his eyes lit up, and his heart became hot. However, he shook his head and said, "The women don't need to be, it's just from the Autumn Group--"

"That's natural, Wan Shao don't have to worry. When I have the full power to take the Autumn Group, the shares will definitely be given to Wan Shao's hands." Zhang Yuanhao's eyes lightly lit up and he immediately spoke to Wanhui. 【】

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