
Chapter 1630: Tension

The content of the document is very official and straightforward, that is, it approved Chen Fei as the president of the Presbyterian Church. Finally, with the official bright red and huge steel seal, announcing the official benefits of this document.

Chen Fei showed the document to everyone, then patted it on the table, looked at Chairman Wang Ning and the elders who were opposed to him, and said coldly, "Did you see? I am now the chairman of the Hidden Family Parents’ Association. .""

I said there is no need to hold this meeting, this is an order. "Chen Fei said directly.

The people who were right didn't expect Chen Fei to come such a hand, and their expressions sank. Immediately, Lin Yu took the lead and said: "You are arrogant and dictatorial. We oppose someone like you to be the president."

invalid objection! "Chen Fei looked at Lin Yu directly, and said coldly, "If you don't want to, you can not be this elder." I will naturally re-select people. "

Lin Yu's face sank, and then he said in a deep voice: "Improper or inappropriate, my Lin family officially announced that I will withdraw from the Hidden Family Parents’ Association. After that, Lin Yu tore off the logo of the Presbyterian Church and threw it on the table with a proud look. ."its

He opposed Chen Fei's elders, and he immediately followed suit and started to act one after another. "

I don't deserve it, my Jiang family, withdraw from the Presbyterian Church. "

"If such a dictator is our president, my Lei family refuses to accept it, and we quit."

Add me and we also quit. "


Over time, the major elders almost withdrew more than half. The situation seems to be out of control. After all, with so many people quitting at once, even if Chen Fei becomes the president, he might be dead in name.

However, Chen Fei didn't change his face, glanced at the people who quit, and then nodded and said: "You all quit. Okay, very good. Write them down."

"Just remember it, haha!" Lin Yu sneered and turned to leave. "

The tricks of elementary school students are also used for registering. "The Jiang family will also leave. The others turned around and were about to leave. But

At this moment, Chen Fei shouted sharply, "Stop, who told you to leave!" Lin

Yu turned around, looked at Chen Fei, and said coldly: "President Chen, what do you mean! Could it be that we have withdrawn from the presbytery and can't leave?" Chen

Fei sneered and stepped out, "Leave? Your account hasn't been cleared yet, do you want to leave?"

What's the bill? "Lin Yu and others couldn't help but frown. Chen

Fei Leng said: "Jiang Family, before you sent people to viciously attack the worldly people to assassinate innocent people. Do you really think I am not going to pursue it?"

According to the rules of the Presbyterian Church, the Jiang family behaved like this, acted viciously, and had a bad influence. The main person in charge of the Jiang family has to bear the corresponding responsibilities, abolish the first-level repair, and impose a fine of one billion yuan at the same time. ""

If you want to leave, do this first! "Chen Fei looked at the elder in the Jiang family.

At this time, the face of the elder Jiang changed instantly, "You want to punish my Jiang family, you are not qualified yet. If you dare—"

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Chen Fei moved and slapped it out. The elder Jiang was caught off guard, and Chen Fei slapped his dantian in the lower abdomen with the palm of his hand. With a snap, the dantian shattered, and the elder Jiang fell to the ground in pain, "You, you abolished my dantian, you--"

"Resist law enforcement and deal with it seriously." Chen Fei said coldly, "It is still light to abolish you. If you dare to resist law enforcement, your life will be gone next time."

After finishing speaking, Chen Fei continued: "Except for the Jiang family, all of your major clans’ violations of law and discipline over the years are recorded here. Accept the punishment yourself!"

During the conversation, Chen Fei threw out a document and displayed it directly in front of everyone. Text

The records are all the bad things that these families have done over the years, such as the forcible robbing of secular merchants, and the crippling of people who oppose them.

This kind of thing, for the Lin family, almost all of them exist. It's just that everyone was accustomed to these things before. Although they knew something was wrong, neither the official nor the presbytery itself would pursue such matters. So

So, they didn't take it seriously. Just be careful every time you do something, don't make things too serious, no one cares about these "little things" in their eyes. but

Now, Chen Fei turned out these trivial matters one by one, in a posture that they must be handled in strict accordance with the regulations. Such as

If it is dealt with according to the standards listed by Chen Fei, these families will probably be bleeding heavily, and the fine will not be less than 100 million yuan, plus various penalties for abolishing the repair. It can be said that all major families are going to be hurt.

Especially the Lin family, as the leader of the previous first-class hidden gates. All sorts of bullying, forcing and plundering things are naturally indispensable.

In the document, the Lin family's guilt was listed on two pages. The subsequent penalties add up to more than 10 billion yuan. This does not count other penalties.

Seeing this, you don't need to think too much about how Lin Yu would not agree to this kind of punishment. he

He threw the file down and said coldly: "It's nonsense, ridiculous. These things have no meaning. My Lin family will not accept malicious slander."

Other families have also spoken out. "

The fake ones are all fake. This is framed. "

"Even if you are the president, you can't frame us like this."

"Our Lei family will never get caught with one's hands."


Seeing the appearance of opposition from all the families, Chen Fei did not change his face and continued to insist: "It seems that you are not going to confess and punish yourself. If this is the case, then I can only resort to violence."

During the conversation, Chen Fei's true vitality burst into the air, and a strong breath rose into the sky, directly enveloping everyone, feeling a huge pressure. This

The screaming elders suddenly changed their complexions, and immediately started to use their true vitality aura to resist Chen Fei's coercion. At the same time, gesturing constantly, obviously calling someone. to

People on the periphery were full of seriousness at the moment, and there was a lot of discussion.

"It's going to be like this, this can't be done for good!""

This new president is still too tender and too reckless to do things. It is definitely impossible to directly use this kind of hard-line method. ""

That is, he came like this. Most of the people are against him, how can he get it going. Maybe, this is going to be a fight! ""

If he really fights, he will undoubtedly lose! With so many families working together, he was defeated. "...


In such an extremely tense, explosive atmosphere of war. Chen

Faced with the coercion of the true vitality aura that broke out from various major families, Fei did not fear in the slightest, and directly attacked with a rumble.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound, and then there was a burst of screams. Under Chen Fei's offensive, three or four people fell to the ground in just a few seconds, howling in pain.

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