
Chapter 1638: Accountability hands-on

"It's just skin wounds!" Sun Qi was full of anger, staring at Lin Zhentian and questioning, "Lin Zhentian, I will leave my grandson at your Lin's house. This is the result you let me see. It seems that you won't take me to Sun Qi. Don't put my Wushuang Building in your eyes!"

Lin Zhentian was shocked when he heard this, and quickly waved his hand to explain: "Elder Sun, I was wronged. I definitely did not look down on you, let alone the Wushuang Building, I just--"

At this moment, Chen Fei, who couldn't wait to exchange Lin Qiuhan back, snorted directly: "I hurt Sun Yujie, and he is responsible for it. If you still want to exchange for your grandson, start now, otherwise I If you change your mind, it will be too late."

"You--" Sun Qi couldn't help being furious when he heard the words, but seeing that the grandson was still in the other's hands, he had to swallow the breath, gritted his teeth and nodded, "Substitute." Chen

Hearing this, Fei also nodded. in

Yes, Sun Qi and Chen Fei's emotions enveloped the scene and confronted each other. Teacher Han and the Lin family led Lin Qiuhan and Sun Yujie, and walked towards each other at the same time.

The atmosphere is tense and depressing, both sides are preventing each other's tricks, and the whole body is violent. and

In this tense atmosphere, Lin Zhentian was the most uncomfortable, praying in his heart, hoping that the two sides would not fight. Finally, after he spent more than ten seconds, Lin Qiuhan and Sun Yujie were finally sent back to their respective hands. Sun

Qi leaned down immediately and checked Sun Yujie's physical condition. After confirming that the grandson was really only skin wounded, he was relieved. and

At this moment, Sun Yujie, who was lying on the stretcher and had not dared to speak, returned to his grandfather and finally dared to speak. At this moment, he was full of grief and resentment, "Grandpa, it was Chen Fei who injured me. I want you to avenge me, and I want you to kill him!"

Sun Qi held Sun Yujie's hand and said in a low tone of comfort: "Yujie, don't get excited, don't worry, grandpa will definitely seek justice for you, sure!"

That is, Sun Qi winked and asked the teacher Han beside him to take Sun Yujie away.

At this time, Chen Fei hugged the sleeping Lin Qiuhan. I also checked her pulse, and after confirming that she was asleep because of sleeping pills, he was relieved and turned around to take Lin Qiuhan away. but

Just when Chen Fei was about to leave, Sun Qi below took a step forward, and the real vitality aura on his body exploded over, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want to leave like this?"

Chen Fei stopped, looked at Sun Qi, and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Humph, what are you doing! "Sun Qi snorted coldly, his eyes darkened, "You hurt my grandson, and you have bad things in my Wushuang Building." Do you think you can leave so easily? "

Hearing this, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Sun Qi with a cold expression, "You want to do it with me!"

The arrogant kid, I would like to see, what are you capable of, dare to be so arrogant. Sun Qi screamed, his breath exploded, and he launched an offensive against Chen Fei.

Seeing this, Lin Zhentian was very anxious, and hurriedly shouted and persuaded, "Elder Sun, don't do it. Mr. Chen, he--"

But at this moment, Sun Qi is dedicated to avenging his grandson, so there is no way to hear Lin Zhentian's words. Before he could finish shouting, the violent aura of true vitality had already screamed, with a violent killing intent, in a posture of smashing Chen Fei's body into pieces.

Feeling this murderous intent, Chen Fei was not polite at once, snorted heavily, hugged Lin Qiuhan with his right hand, and slapped it out with a palm of his left hand. instant

Suddenly, a wave of air rushed out and hit Sun Qi's violent aura head-on. original

Sun Qi, who was in such a fierce momentum, was back shocked in an instant, his feet staggered back, coughed, and a thin bloodshot ooze from the corner of his mouth. One

Lin Zhentian was actually injured under the impact.

Such a result, but Sun Qi never expected. Suddenly, he squinted his eyes, and his gaze at Chen Fei couldn't help but become serious. this

At this moment, Lin Zhentian hurriedly persuaded: "Elder Sun, Mr. Chen is strong, and I am not his opponent. If you have anything, let's talk about it!"

The words are equivalent to warning Sun Qi.

But after hearing this, Sun Qi's face sank, and his expression became more and more ugly. He glanced at Lin Zhentian, then his gaze fell on Chen Fei, gritted his teeth and said coldly: "The person who hurts my grandson, I have to make him pay."

After that, Sun Qi stepped out and attacked Chen Fei again, "I still don't believe it, how strong a dunyal cultivator can be. I will now let you see the strength of my heavenly sect."

Following Sun Qi's words, the true vitality aura on his body skyrocketed again, and his aura was a bit stronger than before. Chen

When Fei saw this, his eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "Since you are looking for death by yourself, then I will fulfill you."

Suddenly, the true vitality aura on Chen Fei's body also surged. One

At the time, the living room of Lin's family was filled with two majestic breaths. The violent and powerful breath continued to collide and impact, shaking the entire house, constantly shaking, looking like it was about to collapse at any time. "

Boy, go to hell! "Sun Qi screamed, his body leaping, and his true vitality enveloping his body, like a keen cheetah, with sharp fangs, he rushed towards Chen Fei fiercely.

Li's true vitality aura cut through the air, made a sizzling noise, and killed Chen Fei fiercely. This

The fierce killing intent was more powerful than Lin Zhen's Angel's sword Ling Tian. I have to say that the strength of the Heavenly Sect was indeed powerful. Sun Qi was one level lower than Lin Zhentian's realm, but the fighting power that broke out was even higher than him. Do not

However, for Chen Fei, there is not much difference. early

Chen Fei, who was at the pinnacle of the heavenly rank, faced the violent aura without any fear, and rushed straight out like the wind. Rush

Under the attack, Chen Fei turned into a spear and stab Sun Qi directly. "

Under the impact of "Boom", Chen Fei's long spear instantly pierced Sun Qi's true vitality, and made a patter of cracking. Strong

In the impact of the fierce aura, Lin Zhentian could only see the constant collision of two phantoms, and could hardly catch them.

After only a few seconds, a black shadow flew out, hit the wall of the living room fiercely, with a loud noise, and then slid to the ground, pale, but his chest was bright red.

Taking a closer look, Lin Zhentian found that this person was Sun Qi. In an instant, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Elder Sun." Although

However, he himself had personally experienced Chen Fei's power, and he also thought that Chen Fei could defeat Sun Qi. But when all this happened before his eyes, Lin Zhentian was still shocked.

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