
Chapter 1641: Things back then

Chen Fei’s attitude made Xu Guinian’s heart angry, "Mr. Chen, you have to keep an inch. Do you really think I’m afraid of you? I have been in the martial arts world for decades. Haven't you been afraid of anyone?""

Do you want to do it? "Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, not afraid, even took a step, "If you have to do it before you are willing to speak, I don't mind playing with you." ""

You--too arrogant--" Xu Guinian was really angry. At this time, he didn't care about the commander's instructions. When his true vitality broke out, he had to start with Chen Fei.

Chen Fei was not polite, and greeted him head-on, his breath surged, and he was about to fight Xu Guinian. forest

Upon seeing the shaking, the whole person was stupid. He did not expect that Chen Fei was not even afraid of Xu Guinian and wanted to fight. on

When the battle between the two was about to start, a ringing of cell phones broke the tranquility of the scene.

Xu Guinian, who was full of anger, couldn't help but stunned, then he took out his mobile phone and looked at the number, his face changed accordingly, ignoring Chen Fei, and directly connected to the phone, "Master, I—"

On the other end of the phone, Zou Dukong, the head of Zou, said in a steady voice, "Old Xu, don't conflict with Chen Fei. If he has any requirements, please satisfy him."

Xu Guinian didn't expect the head to call, saying this kind of thing. He couldn't help but feel a little bit aggrieved and angry, "Head, I have done what you said. But Chen Fei deceived people too much, he was in front of him. I killed Sun Qi in my face, and now I have to ask me about Xie Ningshuang." Listen

At this point, there was a silence on the other end of the phone.

Xu Guinian thought that the head was also angry, and then continued: "Head, we can’t retreat to this kind of arrogant person. Otherwise, my Wushuang Building will be completely bullied by him on the head. If this is spread out, My reputation as Wushuanglou is over! The head of—"

But what Xu Guinian didn't expect was that Zou Dukong on the other end of the phone didn't mean to be angry at all, but calmly said: "He wants to know about Xie Ningshuang, you can tell him."

"Head, that is the secret of our sect. How could it—" Xu Guinian was shocked. Zou

Dukong said: "Secrets are secrets, but they are not big secrets. Besides, after so many years, it's not that important anymore."

"But-the head, I still can't understand. Why do you want to give in so, even if that kid is strong, I will not lose to him. We are a magnificent Heavenly Sect Unparalleled Building, how can we -" Xu Gui Years full of anger and puzzlement. Electricity

Zou Dukong on the other end of the conversation was silent for a while, then lowered his voice, and said: "Old Xu, there are some things that I didn't want to tell you. But now, I can only let you know."

"What's the matter?" Xu Guinian asked. Zou

Dukong said: "This Mr. Chen is the disciple of that expert."

Who? Which one? "Xu Guinian didn't recover for a while. Zou

Dukong said: "The one in the legend." Listen

At this point, Xu Guinian couldn't help but his expression changed, "That person, the number one on the Shenlong list, the one who has already broken through the heavenly realm in the legend. How could it—"

"That's the truth. Now, you know why I am doing this!" Zou Dukong said, "Now, you can tell him the matter, don't hide anything, and don't conflict."

After that, Zou Dukong hung up the phone, and Xu Guinian quietly put away his cell phone. Immediately after the eruption of the true vitality aura dissipated, the whole person seemed to slumped down, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "I can tell you what you want to know."

Chen Fei nodded, and also put away his true vitality. Then he looked at Lin Zhentian and said, "Old Lin, please prepare a reception room." Lin

Zhentian was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, I'll go to prepare right away."

In the faintness just now, Lin Zhentian seemed to have heard something No. 1 in the Shenlong list, something that had broken through the realm of heaven. For him, these words are absolutely shocking. he

Unexpectedly, Chen Fei would have something to do with this top-level existence. At this time, his heart was cold, and he was extremely afraid. At the same time, fortunately, I didn't fight Chen Fei to the end, otherwise, my Lin family might have been in ruins now. very

Hurry, the reception room is ready, and Chen Fei and Xu Guinian enter it. Xu

Returning year, he glanced at Chen Fei, his eyes were a bit complicated, and then he slowly began to speak, "Xie Ningshuang you said is indeed a disciple of my Wushuang Building. Back then..."

Following Xu Guinian's narrative, the events of the year were slowly laid out in front of Chen Fei. thank

Ningshuang is an orphan. When he was young, he was picked up by a teacher in Wushuang Building, brought back to the sect, and was raised since childhood. Later, it was discovered that she had a good martial arts talent, so the instructor carefully cultivated Xie Ningshuang. in

When she was twenty years old, Xie Ningshuang had already become a well-known talented disciple in Wushuanglou, with good strength, and was cultivated as the hope of the sect in the future.

But in the next few years, Xie Ningshuang traveled out and met Lin Zhidong. The two of them were playing around and quickly fell in love, and they soon reached the point of discussing marriage. Get

Knowing this, Wushuanglou, after learning about Lin Zhidong's situation, naturally opposed their marriage. After all, even though Lin Zhidong came from the hidden Lin family, his family was pretty good. but

He himself has no talent in martial arts, and he is not the top genius in the Lin family. Xie Ningshuang is a genius disciple of Wushuanglou, and the gap between Lin Family and Wushuanglou is even greater. So

Therefore, Wushuanglou resolutely opposed the marriage of the two and asked Xie Ningshuang to terminate the marriage contract and return to the sect. But Xie Ningshuang refused and vowed to be with Lin Zhidong. Zong

The door was furious and almost sent someone to forcibly capture Xie Ningshuang back.

Perhaps it was the news that Xie Ningshuang went out alone, and the sect had disappeared for a while, and things could only be delayed.

Two months later, when Xie Ningshuang returned and reappeared, he was a great advancement in his cultivation, breaking through from the earth-level realm, entering the heaven-level realm, and officially becoming a martial arts master.

At that time, Xie Ningshuang was only 23 years old. At such an age, reaching the realm of heaven was naturally eye-catching. Wushuanglou was even more opposed to her and Lin Zhidong's wedding and wanted to quickly bring her back to the sect.

But when the Zongmen was preparing to act, someone suddenly broke into the Wushuang Building and strongly demanded that Wushuang Building not be allowed to take in Xie Ningshuang, and at the same time asked to inform Xie Ningshuang of clues.

Such a rude request was naturally opposed by Wushuanglou. The two sides fought a battle, but the opponent's strength was unexpectedly strong, defeating more than ten masters in Wushuanglou one after another. most

In the end, the head Zou Dukong came forward to fight with the incoming people. The two fought fiercely for a day and a night, and finally returned wounded. Subsequently, the other party left, and Zou Dukong announced that Xie Ningshuang was expelled from the Wushuang Building, and he would no longer manage Xie Ningshuang's affairs.

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