
Chapter 1645: Night wind and drizzle

Immediately, Lin Qiuhan lay in Chen Fei’s arms and asked about the incident, "Chen Fei, why are you here? I never thought that you would come here. I thought we would never see you again. ."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei grasped Lin Qiuhan's slender hands, looked at her eyes, and said with firm eyes: "You are my wife, you will be for the rest of your life. We will never fail to meet each other."

That is, Chen Fei explained how he found the news, how to come to the hidden family family, and how to rescue her from Wushuanglou. although

However, Chen Fei spoke very lightly, and when he said it, he deliberately passed the fighting process in one sentence. But Lin Qiuhan could still imagine the hardships and dangers Chen Fei would encounter in this way. miss you

At this, she couldn't help but darken, with a touch of guilt on her face, and whispered: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, which put you in danger."

"You are my wife. I'm sorry if you have anything to say." Chen Fei put a finger on Lin Qiuhan's lips, and then changed the subject, "Yes, wife. You tell me what happened back then, you Why did you leave suddenly?"

At this, Lin Qiuhan's complexion darkened slightly, and then slowly began to speak.

In fact, since Lin Qiuhan's father died when she was 16, and her mother disappeared, she has never given up on her parents. It’s just that there has been no clue.

Later, with the arrival of Chen Fei, the company's business grew stronger, and Lin Qiuhan put more energy on business. but

During that time, Chen Feigang cured Lin Qiuhan's illness in Xiangjiang. She returned to Longjiang City, only to receive news from a person who claimed to be her uncle.

At the beginning, Lin Qiuhan naturally didn't believe it, thinking that the other party was some kind of cyber scammer. But then, the other party revealed more and more information and more and more evidence. Lin Qiuhan also had to believe that this person named Lin Zhongyue on the other side of the Internet was really his uncle.

After determining the identity of the other party, Lin Zhongyue immediately asked Lin Qiuhan to return to the hidden Lin family. Lin Qiuhan didn't want to give up his life, and refused the other party's request. this

He thought it would stop there, but what Lin Qiuhan didn't expect was. After being unable to persuade him, Berlin Zhongyue used force to force Lin Qiuhan to return. with

At that time, in the process, Lin Qiuhan also gradually understood the powerful strength of the hidden family, and also understood the final status of the Lin family in the hidden family. So

Therefore, when Lin Zhongyue finally threatened Chen Fei's life, Lin Qiuhan had to give in. Promised to leave and return to the Lin family. After all, in her view at the time, Chen Fei's martial arts strength was good, but compared with the hidden family, it was still far behind.

In order to prevent Chen Fei from falling into danger, Lin Qiuhan left a letter on the Thirtieth Eve of the New Year, saying goodbye to Chen Fei, leaving Longjiang City, heading to the capital, and then to the house of the Yinmen Lin. Come

After arriving at the Lin's house, Lin Qiuhan's life was dull, almost staying in the Lin's house, unable to do anything. She wanted to know something about her parents, but the members of the Lin family kept it secret and didn't want to talk more about it. One

Until recently, people from Wushuang Building arrived and negotiated with the Lin family. Lin Qiuhan learned that he was treated as a bargain by the Lin family and sent to Wushuang Building to exchange benefits. this

Lin Qiuhan, who thought that he could find his family, couldn't help but feel very sad, and almost thought of suicide. But in the end, they stopped him and forced him to Wushuang Building. Pick up

What happened after Chen Fei came to the hidden family. listen

After passing, Chen Fei could not help but frowned and sighed, then shook Lin Qiuhan's hand, and said: "My wife, your husband and my martial arts are unparalleled in the world, no one can hurt me, no one can threaten me. Do this stupid thing again."

Lin Qiuhan nodded, then thought of something, and asked aloud: "Wushuanglou wants me, is it related to my mother?"

When asked about this, Chen Fei couldn't help being stunned.

Originally, he didn't want to tell Lin Qiuhan about Xie Ningshuang so early. After all, the levels involved in these things have far exceeded the lives of ordinary people. The people involved are almost at the top of the martial arts world in China and even the world. Chen Fei was worried that it would bring danger to his wife.

But after another thought, these things must be told to Lin Qiuhan sooner or later. After all, it was her parents' business, and concealment was not the best protection. in

Yes, after sighing for a while, Chen Fei told Xie Ningshuang all the events of his father-in-law and his mother-in-law over the past two decades.

Xie Ningshuang was also more frightened as he listened, and his complexion became heavier as he listened. most

Later, when she listened, she was silent for a while, and the muscles on her face trembled slightly, changing various emotions. There was shock, anger, sigh, and emotion. Chen

Upon seeing this, Fei gently hugged Lin Qiuhan, softly but firmly said: "My wife, you believe me. I will definitely avenge my father-in-law, and I will find my mother-in-law, the dark dragon and the organization behind him." forest

Qiu Han nodded, looked at Chen Fei, and said firmly: "I believe you."

At this time, a gust of night wind blew, and then the patter of rain fell down, and a chill pounced in from the window.

Chen Fei raised his head and looked at the dark night outside. He waved his hand gently to close the wooden window, then gently put Lin Qiuhan down, and said softly, "My wife, it's late at night, it's time to rest." Lin

Qiu Han nodded, and immediately noticed that Chen Fei had also fallen down, and he was about to squeeze beside him to sleep. pause

At that time, Lin Qiuhan's pretty big eyes glared at Chen Fei, "What are you doing!"

Chen Fei pretended not to understand, pulled the quilt, and continued to slide in, "Sleep! Wife, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed."

"You must not mess around." Lin Qiuhan tightly covered himself with the quilt, and looked at Chen Fei with a slightly nervous look.

"If you don't mess up, I'll sleep, don't mess up!" Chen Fei smiled, got into the bed, and said quickly.

But it didn't take long for Chen Fei's big hand, which he couldn't help, leaned towards Lin Qiuhan's body.

"What are you doing?" Lin Qiuhan stared at Chen Fei. Chen

Fei said with a cheeky, "Wife, you have suffered during this period of time. I will check your body to see if there is any injury."

"Didn't you check it just now?" Lin Qiuhan said.

Chen Fei continued to dig deeper, "I just checked the pulse, but it was not accurate. Now I have to feel it personally and have a thorough and comprehensive examination."

While speaking, Chen Fei's big hands had already come into close and comprehensive contact with Lin Qiuhan's body.

At this moment, Lin Qiuhan, with his face flushed, was speechless, with only a whimper, passing through the house, gently floating in the night breeze and drizzle.

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