
Chapter 1647: Old woman new direction

At the banquet, there were Wei Ling, Zhang Qiuyue, Yu Qingmei, whom Lin Qiuhan also knew and knew, and friends whom Chen Fei met after coming to Beijing. For example, Chen Ziling, Chen Mochi and his daughter; Chen Ziling's dormitory friend, Meng Yu, who is also the secretary of the Beijing branch of the Autumn Group; Chen Fei's martial arts apprentice Zhuo Qingyu, and others.

They are all friends, and everyone will get acquainted quickly. Immediately, while eating and drinking, he chatted about various things about Chen Fei's stay in Beijing during Lin Qiuhan's absence.

Everyone talked about Chen Fei's various "great achievements", and Chen Fei suddenly laughed from ear to ear.

After eating this meal for more than three hours, everyone finally said goodbye. rice

Later, Chen Fei wanted to chat with Lin Qiuhan for a while. As a result, I did not expect that my wife went directly to the Beijing Branch of Autumn Group with Wei Ling and Meng Yu.

At this time, Chen Fei had to sigh that his wife, a workaholic character, remained unchanged. After disappearing for more than half a year, when I came back, I still thought about work. Chen

Feidou also tried to stop it. After all, this was his wife's own hobby. She was so happy, and Chen Fei naturally supported it. in

Yes, Chen Fei drove over and waited for his wife to come downstairs in the company. Big

About two hours later, Lin Qiuhan came out of the company. Upon seeing this, Chen Fei drove the car over and greeted, "My wife, I'm done, let's get in the car!"

Why are you here? "Lin Qiuhan was a little surprised, "Don't you have been waiting below, right?" "Chen

Fei took the initiative to get out of the car, opened the door for his wife, and said with a smile: "Wait for my wife, this is what I should do. My wife, the chairman, get in the car." Lin

Qiu Han felt warm, and then went into the car. Chen

Fei drove immediately, and chatted with his wife at the same time, "My wife, you started working as soon as you came back. In fact, I can understand it, and I have no objection. It's just that you still have to pay attention to your own body. You can't do it like before. , I forgot to eat and rest as soon as I started working. That would be too harmful to my body."

Well, I see, it won't. "Lin Qiuhan nodded. Chen

Fei was a little surprised that his wife would be so obedient, and couldn't help but froze, but then he worried that his wife would be perfunctory. After all, when she had persuaded her before, she didn't know how many times she had promised her.

So, Chen Fei continued: "My wife, I'm serious. Now that the company's business has grown and expanded, many things can be left to the people under you. You can't be as busy as before. From now on, I will Those who look at you seriously, if you don't leave work on time, I will come to the company and take you away forcibly."

Lin Qiuhan turned to look at Chen Fei's serious expression, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, she nodded seriously and said: "Don't worry, I really won't be like that."

"Really?" Chen Fei also turned to look at Lin Qiuhan. forest

Qiu Han solemnly said: "It's absolutely true. Moreover, I will not only stop working like that in the future, and even I will not plan to join the company again in the future."

what! "Now, Chen Fei was surprised, "Not joining the company, wife, what do you mean?" "forest

Qiu Han said, "I mean, I'm not going to be the chairman of the Autumn Group. You should continue to sit in this position."

"When I left before, I was worried that the company would have problems without me. But now when I come back, I see that you have done a lot better than I thought. Not only did you expand your business and enter the overseas market, you also set up The new autumn shipping group has set foot in new fields, which is very good."

As Chen Fei listened, he still felt unreal, "Wife, you know. I am the chairman of the board of directors, which is of no use. You have to be the chairman of the board. I can't do it!"

Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but glance at Chen Fei in vain, "You just let me have a good rest. Now you are forced to do it for me. What does it mean?" Chen

Fei quickly explained: "My wife, of course I am not afraid that you will take a break. It's just that I don't understand why you are not the chairman. You have not always liked business matters before. Moreover, you are not the chairman. What are you going to do next?"

Hearing this, Lin Qiuhan's expression became serious, and he was silent for a while, then said: "I am going to practice martial arts next."

"Ah!" Chen Fei made a sudden stop when he heard the words, and almost didn't let himself hit the windshield. "Wife, what are you talking about, I didn't hear clearly."

"Drive well!" Lin Qiuhan glared at Chen Fei fiercely, and then repeated what he said earlier, "I said, I want to start martial arts."

"Practice martial arts! Wife, what you mean is that you want to practice martial arts, embark on the martial arts path, and become a martial artist." Chen Fei turned his head to look at Lin Qiuhan in surprise. forest

Qiu Han nodded seriously and said: "Yes, I just want to be a warrior."

This, this--" For a while, Chen Fei really didn't know what to say. He had a lot of psychological preparations, but he never thought that Lin Qiuhan wanted to be a warrior, "Wife, are you serious?" ""

I am absolutely true. Lin Qiuhan confirmed here, then glared at Chen Fei, "Why, I can't practice martial arts?" "

"No, no. Of course I didn't mean that. It's just that I don't understand why you suddenly wanted to practice martial arts, wife. You were not interested in these things before." Chen Fei asked. forest

Qiu Han sighed slightly and said: "Indeed, when I was in business, I had no interest in these killings. I think that modern society is a civilized and orderly society with detailed and civilized rules. Do things according to the rules, no matter what you do, you can achieve something. Those fighting and killing are just the legacy of barbaric civilization, and sooner or later they will be eliminated by civilized society."

However, since I went to the Hidden Gate Lin's house, I gradually started to come into contact with the martial artist. During that time, I saw a lot of warriors fighting, and I also learned about the various disputes and their reasons. ""

Gradually, I found out that these fights and slays that I didn't like before. The influence is so huge, even in what I think is a civilized society, it has a huge influence. ""

And the previous rules of civilized society, under the crush of these powerful forces, are as fragile as a piece of paper, which is not worth mentioning. ""

Only then did I know that these killings were not the legacy of barbaric civilization, but the foundation of this jungle world. Everything depends on strength. The strong survive and the weak are eliminated. This is the real rule. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help being silent for a while. Indeed, the wife gradually began to touch the original rules of this world.

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