
Chapter 1656: Black industry

Thinking of this, the cross-cutting man changed his face and looked at Huang Qian with a smile, "Beauty, I am a film and television company. I don't know if you are interested in coming to our company to make movies, our company—"

Although the conversation between the two was not loud, Huang Qian is a warrior in the Earth-level realm, how could she not hear their words. listen

When these two guys even thought of pulling themselves to make an adult movie, Huang Qian suddenly became angry. Relentlessly, shoot directly.

In an instant, a thumping punch hit the cross-cutting man's face. The cheeks of the gluttonous man suddenly exploded, and blood splashed.

When Guo Hang saw this, he couldn't help being shocked. He didn't expect that the little cutie he talked up with on the plane was a fierce female tyrannosaurus. he

While retreating, he shouted to the bodyguard to do it, "Quickly, stop her, quickly." No

However, these bodyguards had no resistance at all in front of Huang Qian. After a burst of crackling noise, more than a dozen bodyguards all fell to the ground.

On the other side, Guo Hang and the cross-cutting man who wanted to take advantage of the chaos were also held in their hands by Chen Fei, unable to move. "

Find a quiet room. "Chen Fei was worried about making the movement louder, and said to the cross-cutting man.

The meat man quickly took the initiative to show the way and came to a quiet private room.

Close the door, and immediately thrown the meaty man and Guo Hang on the ground. Chen Fei sat on the sofa, looked at them coldly, and said, "Let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

While speaking, Chen Fei glanced at Qin Xiaowan who followed. Qin

Xiaowan looked angry at the moment and stared at Guo Hang fiercely. Guo

Hang took a look at Chen Fei and said, "This gentleman, I don't think you are an ordinary tourist. Everyone has their own business. This time we are planted and we surrender. We are willing to lose money. You take the money and leave. Everyone does not offend the river water.""

Snapped! "

With a crisp sound, Chen Fei slapped Guo Hang's face, directly squeezing his cheeks into red and swollen, he turned around in the air a few times, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

"I asked you to tell the truth, I didn't let you talk nonsense with me! Don't tell me any more, then go to death!"

Affected by the terrifying chill radiating from Chen Fei, Guo Hang immediately did not dare to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly explained the whole story.

It turns out that he and the cross meat man are both under Lu Ming, a local underground boss in Hancheng. This custom shop is, on the surface, Lu Ming's biggest business. But in fact, Lu Ming's industry is much more than that. He also involves the island country adult film industry, custom tourism, high-end **** and other underground industries. when

Of course, as an ethnic Chinese, Lu Ming naturally sold his business to the Chinese. In the beginning, with the help of part-time job opportunities, I went to various universities to attract Chinese female students, and then deceived and threatened them to pull the other party into the water, either staying in the store to accompany the guests, or filming various small movies. near

Over the years, as more and more Chinese people travel to the island countries to study and study, Lu Ming's business has gradually grown. The waiters they need are not enough, and the Chinese students in major universities are also wary of them and they are not so easy to cheat.

As a result, Lu Ming had the idea of ​​a young woman in China. With the help of various free tours or opportunities to help with photo shoots, these young women from China who yearn for the island country are tricked over, and then forced to submit.

Guo Hang is specifically responsible for recruiting young girls who are not yet popular on the Internet, but have a certain beauty, and deceived them to the island country under the pretext of freely taking pictures of them. want

I know that many of these online girls want to be online celebrities. Under the coaxing of Guo Hang's old fried dough sticks, coupled with some so-called previous popular cases, they easily took the bait and believed Guo Hang's words, Qin Xiaowan was like this. and

After arriving in the island country, it was left to Guo Hang and the others. After all, a weak woman from a foreign country could not resist anything.

As long as you get involved in this industry at the beginning, the fall will come naturally. Some people have directly become adult film actresses in the island country, and some have become professional companions in Lu Ming's custom shop. and

Most of the money they made with their young and beautiful bodies fell into the hands of Lu Ming and the others. In the end, after their old age and decay, they were kicked away, who had no use value, and lived on the island country and fell to the bottom, no one cares about them.

If Qin Xiaowan hadn't met Chen Fei and Huang Qian, I am afraid that she would fall into this ending soon.

Thinking of these terrible endings, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help feeling cold all over, and she was terrified. He almost fell to this point.

At this time, Qin Xiaowan looked at Guo Hang with hatred, her teeth creaking, and she wanted to swallow Guo Hangsheng alive. Chen

After Fei listened, his eyes fell cold, with murderous intent in his eyes.

This Lu Ming and the others are in the underground world, Chen Fei doesn't think there is anything, after all, there is a dark side behind the bright side in any place. As long as there are rules and not too much, everyone can accept it.

But this Lu Ming, relying on his identity of Chinese descent, not only does not help the Chinese in the island country, but also specifically entraps them. Chen Fei's hatred for this kind of cruelty to his compatriots grew a little bit more. endure

With the killing intent in his heart, Chen Fei gave some money and then let Qin Xiaowan leave. Qin

Xiaowan was so grateful that she rushed to the airport directly with the money, bought a flight ticket for her recent return home, and went back immediately.

In the private room, Chen Fei and Huang Qian looked at the gentle man and Guo Hang, ready to get into the topic, "Where is your boss Lu Ming?"

This—" After a pause, Guo Hangdao, "I don't know. Boss Lu is usually not in the store. "

"Then you contact him and let him come over." Chen Fei said.

"My level is too low, I don't have Boss Lu's mobile phone number." Guo Hangdao.

Chen Fei frowned and said coldly: "There is no mobile phone number, you always have his work number in your store. Just call and say that someone said in his store, and he won't be able to come for an hour, so just send his The point is burned.""

This, this—" Guo Hang looked terrified. Chen

Upon seeing this, Fei directly swung out his vigor and cut off Guo Hang's left arm. It hurt so much that he yelled, "If you don't call, then you will be useless, then go to death!"

Guo Hang was really afraid of the situation, and even ignored the pain in his arm, he hurriedly said: "I'll fight, I'll fight, I'll fight right away."

After the phone call, Guo Hang conveyed Chen Fei's words, and then said to Chen Fei: "The phone call, Boss Lu will be back soon."

"That's good!" Chen Fei nodded, and then said to the cross-cutting man, "Let the customers leave the store and close the store!"

The meat man didn't dare to say a word at this time and acted quickly.

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