
Chapter 1660: Manor battle

The four of them could only use the rockery and stones in the garden to block the fire snake that spouted from the muzzle. Although he could hold it for a while, Chen Fei still keenly caught that the weakest followers of Huang Qian and Zhao Zhenfei were already dyed red and suffered minor injuries.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei suddenly moved. The figure was like electricity, he broke in from behind and rushed into the circle of bodyguards. This

These bodyguards did not expect an enemy to be killed from behind, and the lineup was chaotic for a while, shouting and attacking Chen Fei.

However, their movements were not as fast as Chen Fei. Coupled with Chen Fei's constant shuttle among their crowd, they did not dare to shoot easily. Therefore, he could only watch Chen Fei launch an attack and put the bodyguards down one by one. a few

In less than ten seconds, the bodyguards that fell in Chen Fei's hands were already more than ten people. and

At this time, Huang Qian and the others who noticed Chen Fei's movement also launched an attack immediately. He rushed out quickly, joined the battle group, and fought with the bodyguards. want

Said that these bodyguards of the Hancheng Yakikai are actually masters, and they are basically martial artists, at least with the strength of the mysterious realm. But in front of the five warriors at the prefecture level and even higher levels, they became a group of little sheep, without any resistance at all. number

The siege of ten people, under the attack of five people, was reduced by half in an instant. Leftover

Upon seeing this, all of them were terrified, and ran back wildly.

At this time, a group of men wearing island-country warrior uniforms rushed out. There were about seven or eight of these people. They exuded a strong atmosphere, and they were obviously real masters. a little

As soon as they fought, Chen Fei found out their strengths, and they were all in the mid-level realm. Moreover, these people obviously cooperated very well. After joining the battle group, they immediately stabilized the situation and repelled Huang Qian and Hu Yu. again

Coupled with the bodyguards who kept shooting on both sides, Hu Yu and the others' situation suddenly became critical again. short

In just a few tens of seconds, Huang Qian, Hu Yu and Zhao Zhenfei's attendants have had several blood stains on their bodies.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei screamed at them, "You three back away, and I and Captain Zhao come in!"

He and Zhao Zhenfei are heavenly masters, and they can cope with the situation in front of them. Therefore, Chen Fei took the lead and rushed out to face the enemy. Zhao

Zhenfei choked slightly and moved a little slower, but still rushed out after Chen Fei. surface

Chen Fei was not afraid of the siege of seven or eight men in samurai suits. He was in the shape of electricity and rushed in. In a blink of an eye, he injured two people, reducing the opponent's offensive. Correct

Fang also noticed Chen Fei's strength, and the leading samurai shouted, and then said: "Finalize and deal with that kid with all your strength."

Suddenly, the targets of the several people's attacks were all transferred to Chen Fei, dancing the samurai sword, like a torrential rain of cheats, and attacking Chen Fei. For a while, Chen Fei was really blocked by this intensive offensive. Do not

However, this is only a momentary matter. When Chen Fei's eyes fell, he suddenly exerted force. This group of skillful warriors, under Chen Fei's powerful offensive, also revealed their flaws, and the formation was directly opened by Chen Fei. it is good

It seemed to be a fierce tiger, and he threw in directly, tearing everything that was in front of him to pieces.

In a blink of an eye, four of this group of warriors died in Chen Fei's hands. collar

Seeing this, the samurai at the head was surprised and hurriedly greeted his companions to retreat.

Chen Fei was red eyes at this moment, how could he let them leave. The body leaped, chasing them and rushed over.

During the retreat, Chen Feiyou killed two warriors. There were only two people left, including the samurai leader.

When the two saw this, their eyes were full of fear, and they fled even more hurriedly.

But no matter how hard they tried, they could only watch Chen Fei get closer to them, feeling the breath of death coming.

With a "suck", Chen Fei raised a burst of energy and directly pulled out a semicircle in the air, cutting the samurai who was a little behind in half, and raising a rain of blood.

The remaining samurai leader was suddenly shocked, almost gritted his teeth and used the strength of suckling, and fled frantically. "

Where to escape, die! "Chen Fei's speed increased again, and he chased it out. No

After a few seconds of work, Chen Fei had already chased behind the chief warrior, raised a fierce energy blade, and was about to attack.

But at this moment, suddenly, Chen Fei felt a tingling pain in his eyebrows, and an inexplicable sense of danger came. The skin on the body seemed to feel a tingling sensation suddenly.

Perceiving something wrong, Chen Fei instantly changed his direction and did not continue chasing. Instead, he jumped, deviated from the original direction, and jumped to the side. and

The moment he jumped, he caught it from the corner of his eye. A slender and hot bullet, with the sound of howling wind, shot towards its original position.

In the end, the bullet rubbed Chen Fei's clothes, ripped it apart, and shot it on a wooden pillar in the house, bursting into pieces in an instant, blasting the wooden pillar to pieces.

And that position, if Chen Fei hadn't avoided it, would be Chen Fei's chest. This

It is a specially made bursting sniper bomb, even if Chen Fei is a powerhouse in the pinnacle realm of heaven. If such a bullet hits the heart, I am afraid it would be more ill-advised.

Even if he could survive, he would definitely suffer serious injuries. It can be said that this is almost a slaying game against Chen Fei. It was only relying on Chen Fei's keen perception that he escaped this blow. Celebrate

Fortunately at the same time, Chen Fei looked towards the direction where the bullet was shot. It was a few hundred meters away from the manor. Hidden behind a stone, the sniper launched this sneak attack on Chen Fei.

However, after the inevitable shot missed, the sniper didn't intend to stop and fire the second shot. He immediately got up and left, and his figure quickly disappeared among the tea trees on the hillside.

The distance is too far, and there are still enemies in front of him that have not been resolved, Chen Fei can only ignore the sniper. With a burst of true vitality, he chased after the samurai leader. that

The samurai leader was about to turn his head to watch the wonderful scene of Chen Fei being killed, but the scene he turned to see was the scene of Chen Fei avoiding the sniper shell at the moment of his death.

Suddenly, the samurai leader's eyelids jumped fiercely, and he was shocked and ran wildly. Do not

However, when he looked back, it was too late. Chen Fei's fingertip burst from a sharp sword, slashing down in the air. This samurai leader of the late stage realm also has no room for resistance. Ling

He chopped it down with a fierce anger, and easily cut the samurai leader in half, separated in the air, raised a rain of blood, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Chen Fei didn't look back at all, then turned around and returned to the garden.

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