
Chapter 1681: Win in the end

But at this time, Xue Ren, vomiting blood in his mouth turned pale, and his heart was extremely depressed. He originally wanted to give full play to his expertise and consume Chen Fei to death, but he didn't expect this Chinese kid to be so powerful, but instead forced himself to such a situation.

However, for Xue Ren, this situation is far from a desperate situation. As a blood forbearance trained in death and blood all year round, he will not give up easily until the last moment.

Thinking of this, Xue Ren's eyes showed a sharp light, and he no longer blindly dodged, but turned and confronted Chen Fei.

He is not as powerful as Chen Fei, and direct confrontation can almost be said to be undoubtedly defeated. But Xue Ren did this at the moment, which made many viewers very puzzled.

After colliding with Chen Fei several times, Xue Ren vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood. The whole body was half-red by the blood, looking very miserable.

But under this circumstance, Xue Ren, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile. "

"Puff" is another head-to-head, Xue Ren was hit by Chen Fei and spouted a mouthful of blood, his face turned paler. But.

At this moment, Xue couldn't bear to retreat, and his figure was under the cover of blood, and he suddenly rushed towards Chen Fei. At the same time, on his right arm, a layer of bright red blood lingered on his forearm, and a small blood-colored dagger was added to his hand for unknown time, and it stabs Chen Fei concealedly and quickly.

This action was completely beyond everyone's expectation. After receiving a blow, he did not retreat but instead moved forward, launching such a fierce blow. Moreover, the speed at this time is faster than the speed before the blood ninja, and many viewers can't capture the blood ninja's movements at all.

The audience in the audience, Uchida Narumi could not help but change his face when he saw this scene, and exclaimed, "No, Xue Ren launched a bloodthirsty blow."

"Bloodthirsty blow!" When Uchida Jun and others heard this term, their expressions became gloomy and their expressions darkened.

The so-called bloodthirsty blow is the unique stunt of the legendary Xue Ren, using the burst of blood power to explode a fierce blow that surpasses its own power in a short time.

It is with a blow from the middle that the blood ninja can leapfrog and kill the opponent. This is also one of the core knack for Xue Ren.

It's just that this bloodthirsty blow is piled up on the blood of living people. The methods are too cruel, so blood tolerance is said to be intolerable.

Now, Xue Ren issued a bloodthirsty blow, which can be said to be his last and most powerful trick. If you can't avoid it, Chen Fei's previous advantage is meaningless. Korea

When Sha heard the comments from the people around her, she couldn't help showing a worried look on her face.

As for the Akao family, there was a look of excitement, waiting for Xue Ren to kill Chen Fei with one blow.

However, just when Xue Ren thought that his unique move would win, Chen Fei looked at his offensive, shook his head, and said faintly, "Is this the so-called Xue Ren special move? But that's it. I still want to lose it. After some insights, it turned out to disappoint me too much."

"You—something to die!" Seeing that Chen Fei dared to disdain his tricks, Xue Ren couldn't help being furious. The blood on his right hand became stronger and his killing intent became stronger. "

Die! "Xue Ren sternly shouted, the offensive was fierce.

Engraved Chen Fei, facing this move, poked out his right hand, and directly grabbed the dagger of Xue Ren's right hand.

"I don't know what is good or bad." Xue Ren sneered.

But then, when he felt a pause in his right hand, his face immediately changed. because

Because he thought he could pierce the dagger in Chen Fei's right hand, he pierced Chen Fei's palm at this moment, unable to advance, as if piercing an alloy wall.

"This—" Not waiting for Xue Ren's astonishment to react, Chen Fei buckled his right hand, and saw that Xue Ren's wrist was clasped, and then pulled hard, Xue Ren's whole body turned upside down towards him. Chen

Fei then kicked out, hitting the blood-tolerant lower abdomen Dantian. instant

Suddenly, there was a cracking sound, the blood-tolerant dantian shattered, and his cultivation was completely abolished. The whole person was kicked into the air by Juli at the same time, and finally fell to the ground with a slap, blood splashing, completely silent.

The blood-tolerant of the dignified earth-level pinnacle realm was actually destroyed by Chen Fei's dantian, and then fell from a high altitude and fell to his death.

Such a scene really shocked everyone, and was so shocked that they were speechless for a while. straight

When Chen Fei stood with his back, looked at Akao Kento, and said loudly, the audience came back to their senses, "I won, Akao family, from now on, it belongs to Lisa."

Upon hearing this, there was an uproar at the scene. "

The blood endured, Chen Fei won. ""

Lisa and the Uchida family won, and Yaqi will be theirs. ""

Chen Fei was too fierce, and kicked Xue Ren to death with the last kick. ""

The competition this time was really ups and downs! "


In the discussion, the faces of the Akao family were as deep as water, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

Akao Xian couldn't help standing up, his eyes full of anger, "Father, I'm going to—" Chi

O Kento held Akao Ken, shook his head, and said, "You are not his opponent. If you go up, you will only have to die."

"But, did we just give in. Our Akao family's many years of planning, but now—" Akao Ken was dissatisfied, "Father, you are a heavenly master, or you—"

Akao Kento shook his head and said, "If I leave, I can defeat that Chen Fei. But Uchida Narumi will not let me take it. Heaven-ranked master, martial arts master, can't leave it casually."

"Then, we really want to give up the Akao family, this—" Akao Xian was very upset.

Akao Kento's face changed for a while, he didn't say much, just patted Akao Ken on the shoulder, and said, "Don't say more, I will arrange it."

Immediately, Akao Kento got up and said, "This time, my Akao family lost."

After that, Akao Kento was going to take people away. Inside

When Tian Minghai saw this, he said loudly: "The Akao family don't forget the bet you just made. You have lost. The Akao family belongs to Miss Lisa now. Tomorrow, we will come to accept it. Please also Akao Kento be prepared."

"That's not enough for you to worry about. My Akao family will honor their promise." Akao Kento's face was very ugly, and after speaking, he immediately walked away. red

People from the Oo family immediately followed, and some people from the Yakikai who followed the Akao family also left. Of course, there are also some people with a change of expression on their faces at this moment. Obviously, they wanted to turn to Lisa and the Uchida family. Such as

If these people who follow the Akao clan still have concerns, then neutral people and people from other underground forces will not have so many concerns.

When the Akao family announced their surrender, they immediately surrounded Lisa and Uchida Narumi one by one, all showing their favor and support.

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