
Chapter 1687: Tomorrow's battle

Originally, according to Uchida Jun's plan, at this commemorative meeting, Lisa's power can be said to be undoubtedly defeated. At that time, the Akao family has grown and Lisa has declined.

Atsushi Uchida will take the opportunity to rise up and take his own power to become independent. It will never belong to the Akao family. Knot

Guo did not expect him at all, Lisa, relying on Chen Fei invited from China, would defeat the Akao family and win the final victory. This

This result made Uchida Jun feel a little difficult. Lisa did not defeat, but won the support and strengthened her power. If

It was Lisa who was really strong and incomparable, and eventually gathered the power of the Akao family, and Uchida Narumi might endure it and continue to be her own doggie son. Look for opportunities to seize power again. but

He knew that even though the Akao family was defeated, they also agreed to the gambling game in the competition arena, allowing Lisa to subdue the Akao family. However, the fundamental strength of the Akao family has not suffered much.

To receive the Akao family tomorrow will definitely not go so smoothly. In the end, it is more likely that the two sides will go to war.

Under this circumstance, Uchida Jun naturally couldn't sit still, and planned to secretly kill Lisa, and become the boss himself, and then prepare the power here to fight against the Akao family.

Then, there was something that he would lure Lisa out and prepare to assassinate him. In the end, I ran into Chen Fei by accident, and Chen Fei destroyed the whole thing. Censor

After asking for these information, even Lisa did not feel soft this time, and sent someone to execute Uchida Jun. Of course, this news was temporarily suppressed. force

Recently, I will take someone to take over the Akao family tomorrow. At that time, conflicts will inevitably occur. If Uchida Jun was killed at this time, it might affect internal unity. Korea

Sha settled down here, and it was late at night.

However, Chen Fei was still not idle and continued to go out and came to the investigation team. Tune

The people in Team Cha stayed in the villa all day and didn't know what was happening outside, but looking at the movement, they knew it was not a trivial matter.

When Chen Fei arrived and talked about the battle between the Akao family and Lisa, a group of people couldn't help but sigh, with different expressions. and

At this time, Chen Fei looked at Zhao Zhenfei and others, and said: "Captain Zhao, there is something, I want to discuss with you."

Zhao Zhenfei said with a solemn face: "Say it!" Chen

Feida: "It's like this. Didn't we find out that Academician Song's matter is related to Ota Kameyou? And Ota Kameyou has already decided to take refuge in the Akao family."

Tomorrow, President Lisa of the Yakikai will bring his own power to take over the Akao family. This is a good opportunity. My thought is that, by taking this opportunity, we will go over tomorrow together to find Friends of Datian Guiyou and find out the whereabouts of Academician Song. "

Huang Qian heard the words and nodded immediately: "This is a good way. The Akao family is heavily guarded. We can't break in by ourselves. This time, with the help of the Yakikai Lisa, we can take advantage of the situation." Hu

Yu also nodded at this time and said: "It is indeed a good way. Now that the Akao family is retreating, we must act quickly. Otherwise, when the Akao family leaves, it will be difficult to find out about Ota Kameyou. I. Agree with Mr. Chen's proposal."

When Chen Fei heard the words, he nodded, then looked at Zhao Zhenfei and said, "How about Captain Zhao?"

The expression on Zhao Zhenfei's face changed for a while. After hesitating, he said, "Is it really okay? The Akao family is more powerful than we thought. And Captain Hu and I are both injured now, I'm afraid by then—" Chen

Feida: "Please rest assured, Captain Zhao, I'm still confident in my own strength. Moreover, the Baqihui Lisa defeated the Akao family today. Their strength is even better. Then they will be restrained. With most of the strong people living in the Akao family, our chances are even greater."

When talking about the battle of martial arts just now, Chen Fei deliberately did not mention the matter of his own shot. They owe Lisa's victory entirely to themselves. smell

In other words, Zhao Zhenfei seemed to be a little moved, but he still hesitated, "This, but, I am still worried about safety—" Hu

Upon seeing this, Yu said: "Lao Zhao, it's about this time, don't hesitate. The matter of Academician Song is related to state secrets and security and cannot be delayed any longer."

Besides, we are soldiers, and our task is to contribute to the country. Even if you die here, as long as you can complete the task, it is worth it. "

When it comes to this, Zhao Zhenfei is naturally unwilling to say more, saying loudly: "Old Hu, I understand what you mean, Zhao Zhenfei is not a person who is greedy of life and fear of death. I am just worried about your safety."

"However, since everyone has decided, then I agree with everyone's decision. I am the strongest, and I will enter the Akao family tomorrow. I will take the lead, and you will all follow me."

Hu Yu heard the words and smiled: "Lao Zhao, you are so injured, you may not necessarily be stronger than me! Who will lead the battle tomorrow, is not necessarily?"

No matter how injured I am, I will be stronger than your old Hu! "

The two inside the house started to fight. and

At this moment, Chen Fei gestured to Huang Qian, Huang Qian got up a little twisted, and then went out with Chen Fei. Zhao

Upon seeing this, Zhenfei glanced at the two of them, and said: "Old Hu, Huang Qian, has she been very close to Xiao Chen recently? I went out alone several times." Hu

Yu smiled and said: "Old Zhao, they are all young people. Xiao Chen is strong, and Xiao Huang is also very beautiful. So there are some things, you know. As long as we don't delay our mission, young people will be affectionate. Nothing at all.""

That is natural, I just said casually. "Zhao Zhenfei laughed. This

At that time, Huang Qian, who was twisting and walking out, and Chen Fei went to a room in the corner of the villa, checked the room, and then both of them became serious.

Huang Qian immediately asked, "Mr. Chen, the matter of Captain Zhao, what the **** is--" Chen

Fei Shen said: "I'm almost certain that Zhao Zhenfei definitely has a problem. In the competition field today, I discovered that someone from the Akao family had taken the gene fortification liquid."

"What? Doesn't that mean that Academician Song is really in the Akao family. Captain Zhao is really treasonous, this—" Although he was mentally prepared, Huang Qian was still surprised when he heard the news.

Chen Fei said: "What's the matter, I can confirm tomorrow. By the way, how about Hu Yu?"

Huang Qian said: "I vaguely mentioned about Captain Zhao to Captain Hu in private. Captain Hu stated that he was very cautious and did not want to doubt his own people easily. However, he still had reservations."

"This is enough. I have a plan. Tomorrow, Zhao Zhenfei will definitely expose himself." Chen Fei said.

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