
Chapter 1690: Insider

"You, you--" Hu Yu was so angry that he spouted a mouthful of blood, his face paler.

"Lao Hu, you and I can be regarded as acquaintance, and I will give you a good time later." Zhao Zhenfei smiled, and shot Huang Qian with vigor in his hands. but

At this moment, the Daejeon tortoise friend on the side stopped him, "Zhao, wait a minute."

what's happenin? "Zhao Zhenfei frowned and looked at Friends Datian.

Friends Tian Gui licked his tongue, his eyes fell on Huang Qian, and smiled: "This chick is good, but it's a pity to kill it now. It's better to play with me and kill again."

Said, Zhao Zhenfei frowned, and said, "My Daejeon Tortoise, it's important, this news must not be revealed. For a woman, there is no need to take risks. I'll find it for you when I look back."

"This kind of top quality, I am afraid it will be difficult to find again." Da Tian Guiyou is a bit regretful, but he also knows that the matter is important, he did not continue to entangle him, waved his hand, "I want four Chinese women back, you will arrange it." Zhao

Zhenfei frowned slightly, but still nodded and said, "Don't worry, you will be indispensable."

That is, Zhao Zhenfei once again condensed his true vitality, ready to kill Huang Qian.

But at the critical moment, a burst of energy came over, directly smashing the true vitality aura shot by Zhao Zhenfei and saving Huang Qian. "

Who! "When Zhao Zhenfei saw this, he couldn't help but screamed, the expression on his face became vigilant.

At that moment, a figure flickered beside Huang Qian. Zhao

Zhenfei took a closer look, "Chen Fei, it's you!"

Immediately, he thought of something and wanted to explain, "Chen Fei, Hu Yu and Huang Qian have rebelled, come and help—" But

At this moment, Chen Fei looked at Zhao Zhenfei like a fool, and said coldly, "Captain Zhao, who is the betrayer, you know it in your heart!"

At this moment, Huang Qian and Hu Yu, who had just been pale and wounded, stood up as usual, with anger on their faces.

"You're all right, how could you—" Zhao Zhenfei couldn't help being shocked by such a situation. Soon, he reacted with a gloomy face, "You are acting together!"

"Zhao Zhenfei, immediately grab it with his hands, and go back with me obediently, and accept the organization's investigation." Hu Yu shouted sharply. Zhao

Zhenfei sneered and said: "The organized investigation! It's ridiculous, do you really think that you will win? This is the island country, the Akao family, do you think you can get there?"

Chen Fei said coldly: "If you can't walk, you will know soon."

As he spoke, Chen Fei let out a few vigorous vigor, and knocked down all the samurai who had been besieging him. Such as

This strength immediately surprised Datian Guiyou, with a strange color on his face, "So amazing!"

Zhao Zhenfei gritted his teeth and said, "Patriarch Akao still has a hole card. As long as we hold it for a while, we will be fine."

While they were talking, the two started to attack. Do not

Needless to say, Zhao Zhenfei and Datian Guiyou, at the beginning of a heavenly level, a pinnacle of an earth level, the power of the two bursting out together is extraordinary.

But it was a pity that they were facing Chen Fei. In Chen Fei's eyes, this fierce offensive was not enough.

However, in just over ten seconds, the two were pressed back by Chen Fei, and they could only passively resist Chen Fei's attack. Moreover, the pressure he felt was getting greater and greater, and the blood was constantly spurting out of his mouth, and it seemed that he couldn't hold it anymore. on

At a critical moment, there was a loud "bang" and a wooden wall in the manor room was smashed to pieces. Inside

Tian Minghai took Lisa and rushed out under the protection of a group of guards.

And behind them, Akao took a group of people to chase and kill him.

This situation made Chen Fei a little surprised and couldn't help shouting; "Mr. Uchida, what happened?" Gang

Only in the hall, Chen Fei solved more than 20 warriors alone, releasing a lot of pressure on that side, and then came here to relieve Huang Qian and the others.

But depending on the current situation, Narumi Uchida and others were chased and killed, as if they were at a disadvantage.

While protecting Lisa and resisting the opponent's offensive, Narumi Uchida explained to Chen Fei: "Akao Taketo has invited a helper, in the early stage of the heavenly realm."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but his eyes sank and looked at Akao Taketo's side. It was an island monk wearing a black monk costume. He looked kind and good-looking, but when he moved his hand, he was unambiguous. He slapped it with a palm, and bombarded Uchida Narumi's chest, causing him to squirt a mouthful of blood.

The monk's realm is the same as that of Uchida Narumi, but depending on his strength, he is even better than Uchida Narumi. surface

It is no wonder that Narumi Uchida couldn't bear the siege of the two heavenly masters, and began to flee with Lisa.

And Zhao Zhenfei and Ota Kameyou, who were under great pressure just now, were full of joy when they saw this situation, and they quickly retreated in the direction of Akao Kento.

For a time, the two sides stood on their own feet and were confronted with each other.

Needless to say the number of people, Chen Fei and the others only have three members of the investigation team, plus Uchida Narumi, Lisa and the remaining seven or eight elite guards. There are less than fifteen people in total.

On the Akao family's side, the surrounding people were already full, and with a casual glance, there were definitely more than a hundred people. high

In terms of combat power, Chen Fei's side is mainly Chen Fei and Uchida Narumi, plus a wounded Hu Yu who is at the pinnacle of the prefecture-level realm.

On the Akao family's side, only the heavenly masters, Akao Kento, Zhao Zhenfei, and the black-robed monk. At the prefecture-level pinnacle realm, there are five or six people including Daejeon Guiyou. war

How do you look at it, the Akao family is almost crushing, and Chen Fei and the others seem to be defeated.

Akao also thinks so at the moment, smiling and saying: "Uchida Narumi, now, you have no retreat. If you surrender, I might consider letting you live."

Tian Minghai gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "It is absolutely impossible for me to surrender."

"Really, that would be a shame. I can only kill you and let you go down and be company with your son." Akao said with a smile. listen

When he reached his son, Narumi Uchida couldn't help but his expression changed, "Atsushi Uchida, you--" Chi

Seeing this, Ou Kento laughed loudly: "Do you think I don’t know about your stupid son standing on his own? That’s because I sent someone to punish him. Otherwise, you think your stupid son can be so deep. The city? Haha!"

you! Akao Kento, I played with you. "Uchida Narumi was furious, and gritted his teeth and was about to rush forward and fight Akao Kento. However, before he rushed out, he was pulled back by Chen Fei by his side. Chen

Fei looked at the people on the opposite side, and said coldly, "Since you are all in the same group, it means that the affairs of Academician Song Ganlin are inseparable from you."

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