
Chapter 1694: Mental attack

After all, things that are hard for even old men to get are even harder for others. In other words, there are very few people who practice mental attacks, and it is difficult to attack Chen Fei. Naturally, Chen Fei didn't have to worry about this. and

Since Chen Fei went down the mountain, from weak to strong, he has encountered many warriors, many of whom are strong. But I have never met a warrior in spiritual cultivation, so I have never cared about it. straight

Until now, Chen Fei's head was dizzy, and then he suddenly remembered the mental attack.

He was not poisoned, and the Daojing monk on the opposite side did not take action. Advance

Entering this hall, Chen Fei was dizzy when he first saw the Buddha statue. Dao Jing deliberately arranged to talk to Chen Fei in front of the Buddha statue in the main hall. And the few burning sandalwood, and the fragrant tea. Or, these are aids to mental attacks.

The Dao realm monk saw his great strength, and knew that he was in the middle of the heavenly realm. If he resisted hard, he would not be Chen Fei's opponent. So after seeing Chen Fei, there was no hatred at all, and even his junior and younger brothers didn't care about it. Instead, they warmly treated Chen Fei. fear

Fear, he just wanted to take this opportunity to unknowingly launch a mental attack on Chen Fei and weaken Chen Fei's strength. Such as

If he continued unconsciously like this, Chen Fei's spirit would be affected, and it would be possible for Chen Fei to faint in the end. At that time, the Daojing monk would naturally be able to shoot at will, controlling Chen Fei and even beheading it would be a breeze. miss you

At this point, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and the look in his eyes at the opposite Dao realm monk also went cold. deficit

He was still thinking just now, this Daojing monk is so indifferent and hospitable. Unexpectedly, this guy is very sinister behind his back.

However, it is normal to think about it again. Chen Fei injured his junior and also involved Academician Song. How could the other party be really hospitable?

Thinking of this, Chen Fei immediately thought about what he would do next.

He directly blasted his hands and defeated the Taoist monk before he was further affected. also

It is to continue, pretending to be mentally attacked, and finally test the other party's conspiracy. You know, there is no way of spiritual cultivation and attack, even the old man kind of person. If

If Chen Fei took the opportunity to get related things, it would have made a fortune. miss you

At this point, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel a little moved.

However, if I want to return to the plan, the primary goal of the plan is to find a way to withstand this mental attack.

Otherwise, instead of pretending to be fainted, but really fainted. To

Chen Fei didn't have much experience in how to resist mental attacks, so he could only try with his own conjecture at this moment. Wu

The practitioner cultivates qi and blood, and the true vitality circulates through the channels in the body, and finally gathers in the pubic area of ​​the lower abdomen. If

The spirit can also be practiced, and perhaps there should be a place to gather. And this place must be in the head. heart

Thinking about it, Chen Fei immediately moved silently. he

Converging his mind, he began to follow the dizzy feeling and searched in his head.

After all, if it is really a mental attack, just like a warrior attacking the opponent's Dantian, this mental power will also attack the place where one's mental power is stored. Shun

After following this train of thought, it didn't take long for Chen Fei to find a place in his mind.

The dizzy sensation I felt in my head seemed to hit this place. In my imagination, it was a solid like a peach pit, and all those invisible dizziness rushed towards this small solid silently.

This kind of offensive power is not strong. If you are attacked once or twice under normal conditions, you will not notice it at all. Even if you notice it, you will not care about it, and it will not cause much impact.

But now, Chen Fei has been staying next to the Buddha statue for a long time, and the accumulation of these weak mental attacks has some effect. "

The small solid core should be the place where the human body’s spirit is stored, similar to the dantian that stores the vitality of the body. The opponent's spirit is attacking my little core, and the next step is to defend it. "Chen Fei pondered, but didn't know what defense could be.

Engraved, he can only try a little bit based on guesses. If

It was Dantian being attacked by the real vitality from the outside, and the warrior's most instinctive reaction was probably to stimulate his own vitality and confront the opponent. To

By analogy, if the small core is mentally attacked, it should also be able to stimulate his mental power to resist external mental attacks. only

Yes, Chen Fei had not practiced spiritual power, nor did he know how to practice. At this moment, I don't know if there is any mental power in that little core, which can be used to resist external attacks. Do not

Regardless of whether or not, Chen Fei will try it. he

Concentrate, meditate on the mental nucleus in my mind, and concentrate very much. It seemed to be real and turned into a visible breath, stretched into my mind, and lightly touched my mental nucleus. and

Following his touch, the little nucleus of his spirit trembled slightly, and then a ripple like a water wave appeared.

As the ripples spread, those small and faint mental attacks were instantly crushed and dissipated, leaving no trace. and

At this moment, Chen Fei could also clearly feel it. The feeling of being dizzy and dizzy at this moment has improved a lot, and his whole person has become sober. "

It really works! "Chen Fei was overjoyed.

However, he didn't show it. Instead, he glanced at the Taoist monk who was still smiling, and made up his mind. Now that there is a way to defend against mental attacks, the plan that I just pretended to be stunned can be implemented. miss you

At this point, the Qingming in Chen Fei's eyes flashed by, and he pretended to feel dizzy, and continued to chat with the Daojing monk on the opposite side.

During the chat, Chen Fei had no scruples at all, sipping tea and absorbing the smoke of sandalwood. also

After about a quarter of an hour, Chen Fei patted his head and looked at the Daojing monk and said, "What's going on? Daojing Master's hospitality was so enthusiastic, but it made me relax and feel a little sleepy." Tao

Jing heard this, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he stabilized the expression on his face and smiled: "If Mr. Chen is sleepy, you might as well rest in my Mocao Temple."

"That would be troublesome Daojing master." Chen Fei smiled and stood up, shaking his body, almost not falling to the ground. Tao

Jing quickly got up and held Chen Fei, "Mr. Chen, be careful." Chen

Fei's eyes turned white at the moment, with a sleepy expression, even leaning on the Dao realm, and fell asleep directly, and even softly snoring sounded.

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