
Chapter 1697: Defeat and inquiry

The blonde foreigner gritted his teeth and said: "This guy is pretending to be dizzy, and your mental attacks are useless at all."

"How is it possible? My mental attacks will be affected by the previous Tian-level late martial artists and will not be ineffective. This is definitely an accident." Daojing monk said. gold

The foreigner gritted his teeth and said: "This is not the time to talk about this, this guy is powerful, we joined hands and killed him."

Monk Jing also recovered from his surprise, immediately made a decision, and sternly shouted: "Attack together, kill this kid, I want to avenge Daokong Junior Brother."

Suddenly, the golden-haired foreigner and the Taoist monk, two warriors of the mid-celestial realm, plus four warriors of the early-celestial realm, besieged Chen Fei with eyes on them.

This kind of lineup, if thrown into the outside world, is considered a huge force. At this moment, the six did not leave their hands, and launched a siege on Chen Fei.

The vitality aura flew around in the cave, beams of light that looked like death's sickle, almost flying past Chen Fei's body.

However, Chen Fei seemed to be able to deal with these fierce offensives. His figure was as flexible as a fish swimming in the water, and he easily shuttled under the siege of six people. The offensive they launched, no matter how fierce it was, it could not hit Chen Fei at all. anti-

It was on Chen Fei's side that he first aimed at the two brown-haired foreigners who had injured him just now, fiercely shot out a few real vitality, and shot out mercilessly.

These two were injured by Chen Fei’s offensive just now, and now they are unable to handle it under Chen Fei’s deliberate "care". In less than a minute, the two screamed one after another, and Chen Fei used it for real The vitality penetrated the pubic field, shattered the heart, fell to the ground and died suddenly. gold

When the foreigner saw his subordinates dead, he couldn't help being furious. foam

The three monks in the Cao Temple were also sad at the moment. They were terrified and gritted their teeth and attacked fiercely.

Suddenly, the extremely fierce vitality aura smashed the specially-made cave into the air at any time, and many equipment and staff were hit by the escaping vitality aura and was instantly scrapped.

Even the whole cave shook slightly at this moment, and rubble was falling from the top of the head continuously, and the cave seemed to collapse at any time. Look

In such a situation, the blonde foreigner's teeth were crushed. You know, in order to build this experimental base, they can spend tens of billions of dollars in investment.

This is only the expenditure in terms of equipment cost, not counting the top scientific researchers specially invited, any one is invaluable. But now, they are all buried here, which is really unacceptable to the blonde foreigner.

For a moment, the blond foreigner became violent, and he almost did not hesitate to bombard with the real yuan, every blow was extremely fierce, as if he was in a posture of death. One

The mid-level martial arts of the famous sky level must die together. This posture, even if the fighters of the late sky level parry, are a bit difficult. But at this moment, Chen Fei only slightly frowned.

Then, Chen Fei let out a cold snort, and his body lightly for a while, the movement of the vitality aura in the meridians speeded up a bit. In an instant, the hand shot out with qi, shook a few times, and directly cut off all the qi that the blonde foreigner had exploded. Then, with vigour like a knife, he swiped across the blond foreigner’s limbs and directly cut off his limbs. . gold

The foreigner fell on the ground and became a stick directly, unable to move anymore.

Daojing monk and the three of them felt more and more pressure. As a result, now that the blond foreigner broke out, he was still defeated, and it was such a terrible defeat. three

People suddenly stretched out a sense of fear in their hearts, and the attacking movements of their hands also slowed down. But at this slowness, how could Chen Fei let go of this opportunity and flew in, swish a few times, and directly killed the two early-stage monks.

Seeing this, the Daojing monk couldn't hold it anymore, turned around and fled out of the cave frantically.

He was extremely fast, almost in an instant, he opened a distance of more than 20 meters and was about to rush out of the cave. but

Just when he saw the light from the exit of the cave, a strong wind suddenly came from behind him, and then before the Dao Jing monk looked back to see what was going on, a hand was placed on Dao Jing's shoulder, and then a huge force struck. Here, his body was pulled back involuntarily, and the whole person fell directly back into the cave, and fell beside the blond foreigner who was like a stick, vomiting blood, and his body couldn't move at all.

After controlling the two of them, Chen Fei ignored them. First, he came to Academician Song and injected a few touches of true vitality into his body, allowing him to stabilize his emotions. Of course

Later, Chen Fei asked Academician Song what happened. Song

The academician narrated his own experience. From his point of view, things are actually very simple.

At that time, Academician Song developed a sample of the gene-enhanced liquid by waste of sleep and food. The test results were very good, so he reported the situation to his superiors. The superiors were also very pleased and gave Academician Song a vacation to let him rest for a while.

Academician Song then packed up his things, and then went home to reunite with his daughter.

But when he was going to the mall to buy a gift for his daughter, he ran into someone, and then he felt confused, as if he didn't remember anything. Of course

Later, when he woke up, he had already arrived in Hancheng and was controlled by the island nation. Pick up

After coming down, he was sent to this cave laboratory in Mocao Temple. The blonde foreigner and the black robe monk appeared, forcing him to tell the formula of the gene fortification liquid. but

Academician Song knew that the formula was of great importance and was a state secret, so he resolutely did not speak. Things have been dragged on till now.

After listening to what happened, Chen Fei didn't feel surprised. It's just that there is a place in it that makes him feel a little puzzled. Song

Experts at the academician level, even if they go home on holiday, they must be protected in secret. As a result, the person who protected him easily lost Academician Song. and

Another suspicious point is that Academician Song was brought to the island country without knowing it. He didn't even realize what was going on. This

The point can also be confirmed by the video that Chen Fei saw in the surveillance before. Academician Song boarded the plane with the Chinese island nation, and was not knocked out or held hostage to leave.

This can't help but make people feel puzzling. Academician Song is not a three-year-old kid who can be fooled out by being confused.

"How did you do it?" Chen Fei was puzzled. He glanced at the Daojing monk, suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but moved in his heart. "The red Buddha statue in the main hall of Mocao Temple still has a mental attack. "

"If you guessed correctly, it should be that the other party used mental means to attack Academician Song, making him unconscious, and he was taken to the island country in a daze."

"As for the other party did not use mental attacks to force Academician Song to come up with the formula, it must be that their mental attacks also have certain restrictions."

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's eyes fell on the Daojing monk and asked about Academician Song.

Daojing monk was still reluctant to speak at first, but after Chen Fei used some methods, the monk rolled on the ground in pain, screaming again and again, and felt that life is better than death. He didn't dare to hide anything anymore, and told all the things after the first five to ten.

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