
Chapter 1704: Unusual Interrogation

This posture does not seem to cooperate with the investigation, but rather to interrogate the prisoner.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei's eyes grew cold, and he said coldly, "What do you mean?"

The leading man said: "Mr. Chen, we have no interest. It's just a matter of great importance, so we have to be careful. Please also Mr. Chen to understand."

Chen Fei held back his anger and sat down and said, "Let's start!"

However, the leading man did not interrogate himself, but went out to signal, and then a middle-aged man in his fifties walked in with a serious face.

The man reached the opposite side of Chen Fei, staring at him with heavy eyes, his expression looked a little gloomy.

The leading man said to Chen Fei at this time: "This is Director Huang Yonghuang of our Beijing Guard. What is Director Huang asking you, what is your best answer, don't have any concealment. You know?"

This tone and attitude made Chen Fei frown, but he nodded and said coldly: "Let's get started."

Let’s talk about it, what happened in the case of Song Ganlin’s treason? "Huang Yong asked.

Chen Fei then told the whole story again. whole

During the process, the other party didn't say a word. After listening, there was a moment of silence. After a while, he asked Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen, you said that Academician Song was held hostage and was wronged. And the culprit is Mi Guo Baitou. Eagle Pharmaceutical Company, the people who cooperated with the island country Mocao Temple and the traitor Zhao Zhenfei."

"Indeed!" Chen Fei nodded. yellow

Yong said with a calm face: "Zhao Zhenfei is the captain of the investigation team, and now you call him a rape. Mr. Chen, can you be responsible for your own words?"

"I can!" Chen Fei said, "Zhao Zhenfei is an internal traitor. Not only me, but Hu Yu and Huang Qian who were present at the time knew about it."

Huang Yong ignored Chen Fei's words and continued: "You said Zhao Zhenfei is a traitor, but I received another statement."

What do you mean? Chen Fei faintly felt something was wrong, and asked aloud. Huang

Bravely said: "Someone confessed to me another truth about this case. He said that the **** is not Zhao Zhenfei. It is you, Mr. Chen."

"What!" Chen Fei's eyes fell cold when he heard the words, and looked at Huang Yong, "Director Huang, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I just want to hear your opinion from Mr. Chen." Huang Yong continued, "Someone said, Mr. Chen, after you arrived in Hancheng, you separated from the investigation team and acted alone. And the source of the information is very suspicious. As a result, the personnel of the investigation team encountered two attacks and were in a dangerous situation."

Moreover, your investigation team has a total of five people. Only Zhao Zhenfei and his henchmen died in the end, and all three of you survived. Don’t you think this is a coincidence? ""

Do you suspect that I killed Zhao Zhenfei and his confidant? "Chen Fei said coldly.

Huang Yong said: "I have enough reasons to doubt you. I even said that you are the biggest suspect now, and you are the biggest gangster in this case."

Chen Fei smiled directly when he heard the words, staring at Huang Yong, and said coldly: "I don't know where you heard this ridiculous news, or if you have another purpose. But I can tell you that no one in the investigation team It may be a rape, except me."

"Except for you! Mr. Chen's words are too absolute!" Director Huang knocked on the table, questioning Chen Fei. Chen

Fei sneered: "You said it was too absolute, then I want to ask you, why should I betray, why should I be a rape!"

This is hard to say, money, status, martial arts—" Huang Yong looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "Director Huang, before you interrogate me, don't you know that you want to investigate my information?"

"Money? My company under the name of Chen Fei has tens of billions of assets and is developing rapidly. You think I will be short of money."

"Status? That's even more ridiculous. I, Chen Fei, is the chairman of several large companies, the winner of the National Special Contribution Award, the sacred hand of Chinese medicine, and the special instructor of the Linglong Army. I lack status?"

"As for martial arts, that's the most ridiculous thing. I, Chen Fei, is less than 30 years old, and my strength has reached the heavenly level, and I am called the young master. I will betray by martial arts, that is simply the biggest lie."

Huang Yong was stalked back, his expression was a bit ugly, he couldn't help but patted the table fiercely, and said coldly: "What you said does not mean that you will not betray. Maybe the other party has what you need."

Besides, according to our investigation. When you were in Longjiang City and Xiangjiang, you had contact with people from the Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical Company. Later, in the island countries, it was even more closely related to the people of the Baqi Society. "

"For these, I have to doubt your motives." Huang Yong looked at Chen Fei. Chen

Hearing the words, Fei smiled and said: "My so-called contact with Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals was a conflict with the other party, and I defeated them. As for the contact with the Yaqi Association, it was just me helping a personal friend."

"Personal friend, that's just what you said. Perhaps, you are a traitor. You helped the people of the Akao Family of the Yaqi Society to take away Academician Song and wanted to steal the formula of the gene fortification liquid." Huang Yong stared at Chen Fei fiercely. , Shouted sharply.

"Haha, haha!" Chen Fei laughed directly after hearing this, looked at Huang Yong and shook his head, "It seems that you really don't know anything!"

"If you knew a little bit about me, wouldn't you give such an absurd and ridiculous reason?" Chen Fei said.

"Don't change the subject, you haven't responded to my question?" Huang Yong shouted sharply.

Chen Fei sneered and said, "Question? Did you know that I was the original formula provider for the gene fortification liquid developed by Academician Song."

"If I want to steal the formula, I would spend such a great effort to take away Academician Song, and then conduct a test. I can write the formula by myself."

Are you a recipe participant? How is this possible? Hearing this, Huang Yong was really shocked. He had no idea that Chen Fei would still be a participant in such a confidential drug, "You are lying, you want to avoid punishment. "

"Lying?" Chen Fei sneered. "Are I lying? You will find out if you go to General Xu for verification. My participation was personally invited by General Xu at the time."

General Xu! "Hearing this term, Huang Yong's expression couldn't help being shocked. He couldn't sit still, and he felt a little panicked. But

He still stabilized himself and said: "General Xu is not in the capital now, he has gone out to perform the task. You deliberately said this, so that I can not verify."

Chen Fei said: "General Xu is not here, the person in charge of the R&D department must be there. There were at least dozens of scientific researchers present at the time. Just ask someone and you will know if I lied."

This, I will naturally ask someone to ask. But your suspicion still cannot be cleared. "Huang Yong said, then got up and went out in a panic.

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