
Chapter 1752: March into the forest

"What do we know?"

I think you are a relationship householder who is here to reap your merits! ""

You come up, we are not convinced! "...


Hearing this, Fei snorted directly, and cursed unceremoniously: "I don't accept it? What's wrong with you bunch of trash?"

"You have taken over the investigation for more than half a month. What have you found? What measures have been taken? What results have been achieved? Have the casualties of the villagers been reduced, and the panic situation, have they been comforted?"

Facing Chen Fei's questioning, the scene couldn't help but had a meal, and everyone's expressions were a little unsightly. Do not

After that, all kinds of dissatisfaction voices arose.

"This incident is very weird at first, and we are slowly investigating it, which is also normal."

That is, you said it nicely. You have the patience, you can solve this problem alone! ""

Nobody knows how to say nothing. It's another dude who can only brag. "


Fei said: "It's just a ridiculous excuse. Since you all said that this matter is difficult to solve, then I will issue a military order here to resolve the matter within three days. If it is not successful, I stand here, Chen Fei, and leave it to your disposal. "this

As soon as the words came out, everyone on the scene was really shocked. "

What are you saying, are you serious? ""

No proof for nothing, set up a note! "

"Captain Huang, all of us are listening to his promise!"


Fei immediately set up the note, handed it to Captain Huang, then looked at the crowd, and said: "I signed the note, and I have also issued the military order."

"But for the next three days of action, you all have to listen to my command. If there is any disobedience, then military law will deal with it. Do you have any objections?"

No objection, we will follow your instructions for these three days. I see what you can achieve. "

"I want to see, what we can't do for half a month, how can you solve it for us in three days."

"Young people, it's good to have passion, but if it's just bragging, then it's boring."...


"At that time, you just watch it." Chen Fei didn't say much, then turned around and went back to the barracks.

In the barracks, Captain Huang showed a bitter expression and looked at Chen Fei and said, "Mr. Chen, why bother--" Chen

Knowing what Huang said, Fei waved his hand and said, "Now, solving the threats of the villagers is the first priority. I don't have time to subdue them one by one and make them obedient. That would be a waste of time, and now I have to make dangerous moves. ""

However, if it fails for three days, I'm afraid by then--" Captain Huang worried.

Chen Fei said: "If I can't succeed in three days, then longer time is meaningless. Besides, didn't Wei Tian say that after finding clues, it's just difficult to break through now? This is not a big problem for me." Huang

The company commander wanted to say something, but he knew that this was the end of the matter and could only move on. Follow

That is, in the barracks, he told Chen Fei the details. After learning the situation, Chen Fei decided directly and set off the next day to go to the location of the clues to investigate. Times

On the day, the barracks were pulled out and set off. Chen

Take the lead, and walk arrogantly at the forefront.

Although there were yesterday's written evidence, many people in the team expressed doubts about Chen Fei and kept talking about them all the way, as if they wanted to see Chen Fei's jokes.

Chen Fei didn't explain anything, just kept on rushing.

After walking on the mountain road for about three or four hours, Chen Fei kept going all the way, leading the team at the forefront of the team, with almost no drop in speed.

With this effort, some careful people in the team couldn't help but mumble secretly.

"This Mr. Chen doesn't seem to be weak. He doesn't blush or breathes after walking so long in the mountains. He has some strength."

"What kind of strength is this point, any warrior who comes to the middle of the yellow rank can walk these mountain roads, it is not worth mentioning."

"Look again to see what else he hides."...


After walking for another two hours, a group of people came to the foot of a mountain, and Chen Fei finally stopped.

At this time, Wei Tian pointed to the lush mountain forest and explained to Chen Fei: "The clues I have investigated before are here. The blood stains and related suspects we found disappeared after entering the mountain forest. No trace.""

Originally, we wanted to chase in and investigate further. But this forest is very weird and looks very ordinary, but after entering, he is dizzy and can't find the direction. "

"Moreover, some of the animals in the forest are also fierce. They attacked when they saw people, especially the wild boars and black bears, and they went crazy and attacked, and none of our mid-Xuan-level warriors could stop them." Chen

After Fei listened, he nodded, and then said: "You guys wait here, I'll go see." said

After that, Chen Fei jumped and rushed directly towards the forest. body

Seeing this, the people behind could not help being shocked. "

What was that guy doing, he rushed in alone. ""

Are you looking for death? The woods are very strange, and it is not always safe for the martial artists of the late Xuan rank to enter. ""

I heard that someone saw a monster covered in blood in it, which was terrifying. ""

Three of our people have been folded in this forest, and they are all middle-class Xuan-level martial artists. It must be dangerous. "


When everyone was talking about it, a strong wind suddenly stirred up in the mountains and forests. Then, a figure rushed out, it was Chen Fei. he

Looking at everyone, he said: "The forest is easy to get lost. Someone has arranged the magic circle. If you don't break the magic circle, you will easily get lost in it. I just broke the magic circle, and now we can go in."

People can't help but doubt Chen Fei's righteous appearance.

"This guy, is it true? What kind of magic circle, is there such a fantasy?"

Even if there was a magic circle, how long did he go in, and it would break open. Is it so easy? "

"I think he brags himself. He wants to show his greatness so that he can take credit when the time comes."

………Do not

The few people expressed doubts about Chen Fei's words, but Company Commander Huang trusted Chen Fei very much, and then ordered to start marching towards the mountains and forests.

When they first entered, everyone still felt nothing, but after a certain distance, the surrounding environment seemed to become strangely quiet, and the whole forest was faintly filled with a smell of blood.

"Feeling the atmosphere, something is wrong!" A casual martial artist did not feel a little uncomfortable, and could not help but say.

But when he first made a sound, in the dense forest next to him, a violent wind suddenly rushed out and grabbed the warrior.

The warrior sensed the strong wind, turned his head and looked over, and then found a wild cat with scarlet eyes, with extremely sharp claws, and grabbed it towards his throat.

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