
Chapter 175: Scenic advertising

.., Rejuvenation

Chapter 175

Lin Qiuyuan colluded with Zhang Yuanhao before and deceived Lin Qiuhan to sign an engagement agreement. After he was driven away by Chen Fei, he stayed with Zhang Yuanhao. But on the night of the wedding, Lin Qiuyuan was nowhere to be seen. And so many days have passed, and he has no news at all, as if the world has just evaporated.

Although because of the forced marriage, Lin Qiuhan was extremely disappointed with Lin Qiuyuan and no longer had any hope. But after all, it is his brother, Lin Qiuhan still hopes to know his whereabouts.

So Lin Qiuhan sent someone to investigate, but the result surprised him.

Lin Qiuyuan, who had been with Zhang Yuanhao, had disappeared one week before the wedding.

At that time, Lin Qiuyuan, because he could not bring benefits to Zhang Yuanhao, and because Zhang Yuanhao was already in a relationship with Zhu Yong and Wanhui, he naturally had no interest in Lin Qiuyuan, a useless dude, so he dried him up. Aside.

Lin Qiuyuan called Zhang Yuanhao and the others several times because of lack of money, but after being sent impatiently by Zhang Yuanhao, he didn't show up.

Zhang Yuanhao didn't think of him until the night of the wedding, and planned to call him over to attend the wedding. After all, he was also Lin Qiuhan's brother.

But after getting in touch, it was discovered that Lin Qiuyuan had long since disappeared. Zhang Yuanhao then searched the circle again, but he didn't find any news, so he left him behind.

After learning the news, Lin Qiuhan was a little bit disappointed, but he didn't care too much, just arranged for someone to pay attention to Lin Qiuyuan's news, and then continue to devote himself to the hot work.

His wife has become a workaholic, but Chen Fei is free.

At the company's medical room, he no longer needs to clock in and out of get off work every day. He only needs to go once in a while. Qi Jian, as the main person in charge of the health-preserving wine factory under preparation, made overall plans, but only asked Chen Fei when he encountered a problem.

On the Longteng Group's side, Uncle Long had already left Long'an City after some preparations. Wei Tian took over the Longteng Group in an all-round way, and his usual days were much busier, and he could no longer play around as he did before.

A few days after Chen Fei's boring life, he quickly found something to do.

It turned out that it was the winter vacation time, and Long'an University was closed. The two little beauties, Su Momo and Zhang Qiuyue, were free, but they did not go home directly. Instead, they took a rest for two days at Lin Qiuhan Villa. Then they made arrangements and invited Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan together. Peer.

Chen Fei asked about it and learned that Zhang Qiuyue's company had picked up a promotional advertisement for a scenic spot, and asked Zhang Qiuyue to take advantage of her free time during the winter vacation to shoot the advertisement.

Advertising Zhong Scenic Area is located in the neighboring city of Hanjiang City. It is a hot spring scenic area. It is quite distinctive and suitable for newcomers like Zhang Qiuyue to receive advertisements.

Zhang Qiuyue went to work and Su Momo accompanied him at the same time. First, she wanted to get warm and relaxed. Secondly, she happened to have a senior sister from Hanjiang City, and she always let her go to Hanjiang City to play, so I took this opportunity, Su Momo plans to wait for Qiuyue to finish shooting the commercial, and then go to her senior sister and spend some time in Hanjiang City.

When the two girls went out to play, they were inevitably worried about safety issues, so naturally they thought of Chen Fei, a master nicknamed "Crazy Chen", and asked Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan together.

Lin Qiuhan was busy with business affairs during this time, and after hearing the invitation, he declined.

As a result, it naturally became a warm journey for two little beauties, Chen Fei, Su Momo, and Zhang Qiuyue.

In this way, the three of them simply packed up, and after taking some carry-on luggage, they rushed to the scenic spot.

The scenic spot is located in the suburbs bordering Long'an City. The distance is not too far. It takes less than four hours to get there.

The three of them came to the scenic spot and were planning to take a day off. But the commercial director invited by the scenic spot has already arrived, so after a brief lunch, Zhang Qiuyue was taken to shoot the commercial.

Chen Fei and Su Momo were curious, and followed them all the way.

Because it is a promotional advertisement for a scenic spot, the basic scenes are all Zhang Qiuyue filming some scenes in well-known and characteristic scenic spots in the scenic spot. After the shooting, he immediately moves to the next spot.

I didn't think it was when I watched the commercials before, but now that I watched the filming, Chen Fei realized the difficulty of filming commercials. A simple action of standing on the top of the mountain and opening his arms in the wind, I took more than ten shots in a row, but it didn't work out.

The wind direction was wrong for a while, the angle was not good for a while, and the light was blocked again for a while.

After this tossing for more than three hours, Zhang Qiuyue only took two spots. She dedicated herself to her work, and didn't feel anything, but made Su Momo who was following her all the way so tired that her legs became weak.

After watching for more than an hour, I finally took the third spot. Originally, Su Momo was going to take Zhang Qiuyue off work and take a break in the hot springs.

As a result, the director said that there is a scenic spot here that needs to be filmed at night. Today's weather conditions are good, so I wanted to rush to shoot it, so as to avoid bad weather tomorrow and wait again.

Zhang Qiuyue is mild-tempered and very dedicated to her work. Now that the director said, she agreed.

Su Momo and Chen Fei wanted to follow along, but Zhang Qiuyue looked at Su Momo's tired appearance and knew that she was very tired. So let Su Momo and Chen Fei stay and rest in the scenic hotel.

The two followed all afternoon, and found no problems, and the director team was more professional. So I didn't worry much, so I didn't follow the past and stayed in the hotel to rest.

After having dinner at the hotel, the two will naturally not miss the most famous hot spring in the scenic spot. So brought a change of clothes to the hot spring zhong behind the hotel.

As the scenic spot was closed to shoot commercials, there were no other people in the hotel center, so there were only two customers, Su Momo and Chen Fei, in the huge hot spring center behind.

The two entered the men's and women's areas respectively, and then stripped themselves naked and immersed in the spring water naked.

The warm spring water with the scent of sulfur soaked his skin. Even Chen Fei, who did not feel very tired, felt refreshed at this moment. The whole person was soaked in the warm spring water, letting the spring water make the body a little tired. eliminate.

As a result, it didn't take long for Chen Fei to just close his eyes and rest his mind. Suddenly, he heard Su Momo's exclamation. Suddenly, Chen Fei opened his eyes abruptly, with a vigilant expression on his face, and looked in the direction of Ms. Hot Spring, "Momo, what's the matter?"

There was a slight silence for a while, and then Su Momo's somewhat shy voice came, "Brother-in-law, I, my clothes have fallen out. Can you help me pick them up?" []

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